OK I've held my tongue as long as I can.
Raw please forgive Hapo and I for not accepting your rehearsed police propaganda.
My opinion of police has grown from respect to outright contempt. Police double standards are huge. How many of us have had a police car blitz past us at 85+ in a 55 zone? The correct propaganda response is, "he was probably on his way to a call."
Yeah right or a doughnut shop.
Police can do no wrong and when they do, they will manipulate the facts or just flat out lie to make it someone else's fault.
Here in Pa a cop went over the yellow lines on a two lane road and killed a motorcyclist. It wasn't his fault though, he was chasing someone with an expired inspection sticker. His punishment, days off with pay.
I have had my house broken into and I have known women who've been raped. What did the police do to help? They filled out a report. THANKS!
Police preach their, "we're the only thing between normal living and Armageddon." That's just their way of hyping their job. I can't tell you how many times I've had some rural, country bumpkin cop tell me he puts his life on the line everyday. They actually believe it to, that's the funny part. The double standard is, when one of them dies we're all supposed to feel sorry. "Oh stop the world so we can remember some ego tripping asswhipe, who got his A.ss killed learning the hard way that he's not the immortal god he thought he was." I'm here to say I don't feel sorry. I like when cops die, yeah, I do. I'd like to turn on the local news every night and hear about another one dying. That'd be great, then they could honestly preach that they put their life on the line everyday. Roll the dice.
If cops can't honestly prove you did something wrong they will lie to the Judge and Jury to get their conviction. Cops make up their mind, in the first 30 seconds of talking to someone, whether that guy is guilty or not. Then once their decision is made, they bull headedly stick to it, even when they know they are wrong. A few years back I had a cop lie over and over again trying to "prove" that I did something wrong when, in fact, I was the victim. The district attorney knew I wasn't guilty when the cop's victim kept calling in to see how the case was going and wanted to know how much time I'd get. He offered plea-bargain after plea-bargain and I wouldn't accept. When my attorney called to tell the DA that I wouldn't accept the DA would say, "we'll that's good because the cop wouldn't agree to a bargain, he want's your guy to do time."
I'm happy to report that after a two day trial and a couple of thousand spent on my attorney, that I was found not guilty. The cop was shown for what he really was, a lying, raciest (he'd asked me if I was Hispanic and when I said I was about 1/4 Italian he said, "Oh, so now you're in the Mafia?") And the "victim" was shown the be the attacker.
One thing I learned and I want to pass along to all the noncops out there is something my attorney told me. He said, "If a cop wants to talk to you its because he's collecting evidence, that he'll use against you later, you're better off telling him to talk to your attorney. The only time you should talk to a cop is, if your house is on fire and you want him to risk his life to save someone inside."