running from \"the man\"

No, then again I'm not stupid enough to go 150+ when cops are around. I do it in the middle of nowhere. That's also the differece between intelligence levels of those who think they need to run, and those of us who don't. You guys will always put yourselves in positions where you have to run, while the rest of us won't...because there are no cops around to catch us. Learn a little self-constraint. :)

[This message has been edited by Thradar (edited 17 July 2000).]
Thradar - Why would you buy I bike that goes 200mph if you never plan on using it?? Or if you do use it pull over and get arrested...I'm not following the logic here...
GSXRBoy: Did I ever say I didn't use all the speed? No. I just use it where I KNOW I won't get busted. Very simple logic, don't you think?
Thradar - "middle of nowhere" Hmm that's were a lot of my cop buddies sit and wait for people just like you who think there in the clear! "intelligence levels" we won't even go there, unless of course your in a high six figure salary!

Anyhow if your out in the middle of nowhere and a cop flips on the lights what are you going to do? Mind you that your running about 160-180mph down this road....
(yawn) Dude, since when does income have anything to do with intelligence level? I'm not EVEN going to debate that silly sentence with you. And C'mon, PLEASE tell me you've been riding for more than a year. You can't tell me you don't know backroads in your state that are pretty much abandoned and devoid of traffic, unless you live back east. I haunt the roads of WA and ID...there are PLENTY of oppotunities to excercise the Busa with no worries. Now, if you are unlucky to live in the more congested areas of the country, your mileage (and scent of bacon) may vary.
Ahh now I understand the logic here, you live were there are abandon roads to use. See like c_rod2000 I live in the Detroit Metro area were there is no such thing as a road that isn't used. Around here the roads that are used "less" are were the cops hide! Of course there are certain areas were I know I need to go slow because there are a ton of cops such as I275. Then there are areas you think you can hammer it then all of a sudden a damn cop flips his lights on and you either go bye bye or go to jail. Not a touch decision for me to make.

By the way I've been riding for about 6-7 years now.
Hehe, I forget about other people and where they live. There are stretches in eastern WA where you can see the road ahead for miles. Once you get away from the Puget Sound area (greater Seattle), you don't see many cops.
ROLF, LMAO as I watch Thradar wip his d i c k out and step all over it! :)

So let me get this straight, you have this 6th imaginary sense that lets you know where cops are at all times?!?! :wink: Very interesting. :)

Bottom line is that cops will hang out in the oddest of places. I was out in the boonies one day riding and seen more state troopers on the roadside hiding than I do when I am in the city.

I do agree that there is a place to "try" out the speed of our babies, but that place is no more safe than anywhere else when it comes to cops.

So answer me this Thradar, if you were in your magical little fantasy area where you do speed and you did by chance see the blues go on and you were 140 or above...would you "take it like a man" and stop??

You're a fool if you answer yes because you would never see your 'Busa again.

I am not condoning or advocating running from the law, even tho' I have done it a few times myself. But when it comes to losing out on over $12K worth of crotch rocket and facing jailtime, then the do-goody, boyscout, "take it like a man" s h i t takes a back seat everytime. :)
I'll have to make a trip out there so I can top out the Busa! The fastest I usually get around here is 160-180mph indicated on the speedo. So I know it has a lot more I just don't have the room to try it around here. At least without getting killed that is.
Thradar you still see Judge Dred in BFE.
Most of the time I'm just to chicken to run, but if I see the man in front of me I turn around and run away really really fast.
Fast_Eddie: Well, I guess I do have a sixth sense then. 18 years riding, been pulled over once, yes, ONCE...for going 35 in a 25 on my ZX-7 about 5 years ago. WTF?!!! I was pissed. my above post, just went through that, the thing that sucked was that traffic was generally going faster than me.

The kicker was the gloating the b a s t a r d trooper was doing at getting his "trophy" ticket of the day.

Bet it made for good conversation with his butt buddy troopers at Dunkin Donuts (Trooper Headquarters).!! :)
hey GSXRBOY, you live in dearborn right? are you familiar with the trenton , woodhaven area? i live by fort st. where sea way hospital is. any way if you keep going past sea way on fort you will hit gibraltar rd. and then it merges on to i-75. thats where i went 180mph. past gibraltar before 75! off topic: hopefully i get my painted undetail back, and recieve motorheads counter support. i want to see your bike. it has all the mods i wanted to do to mine. I especially want to see the polish job. if it is good i will prob. go to reflections also.
Here's my beef against some cops/officers. Real story, riding to work early morning from Hwy 237 to off ramp Lawerance Expressway doing the speed limit on my Cruz bike and not the Suzuki,See Sunnyvale motorcycle cop RADARing drivers going into work,a truck and car goes by me at 55mph+ and speed limit is 45mph,cop puts down the radar gun in hoster and I'm thinking his going after the two speeders doing 55 in a 45,lights on and siren going I move over on my motorcycle giving the cop room to go after the two jerks speeding and he is motion to me to pull over,I'm thinking what the F&*k, tells me get off my bike and take off my helmet and I asking him why and why didn't he go after those two speeding drivers and he said you have a illegal helmet on. Oh ya,long story short went to court and won that case against the MC cop. Waste of money for the city,yes Officer Davis from Sunnyvale,Congrats you made rank and got off your cop bike.
Rhinoracin- I don't know if you were under the mistaken impression that I was Falconsecurityguard or if you were simply insulting me. I hope it is the latter. That guy is a moron.
Mr. Fool- Yes there are butt heads in any line of work. I happen to think that there are fewer in law enforcement than in most other jobs.
Here's another dumbass cop story from the 80s. Lived in Idaho, no helmet law back then, but I almost always wore a helmet. Jump on the v45 Saber to run to the store real quick (down the street), didn't grab my helmet. Got pulled over like a block from my apartment by a county sheriff. "You're not wearing a helmet son." "Ummm, only passengers under 18 have to wear helmets occifer." "Can I see your license?" (Hand him my EXPIRED license). Goes to car, several minutes later...hands license back..."Have a nice day." Idiot didn't even know the laws of the state he worked for, he totally ignored the fact I had an expired license, didn't even tell me to get it renewed, just drove off. Fuggin' moron.
OK now for the icing on the cake! I have several buddies who are local and state cops here in Michigan that I ride with. Now let's see when we go riding do you think we would ever dream of going under 120-140mph??? HELL NO! Those guys are crazier then I am! If the cops pull out we just stop and all my buddies show their badges, then we BS for a few minutes and kick it back down. Want to talk about double standards, Jeesh!
Here in Detroit & the local suburbs the police are pissed off as a result of so many bikes fleeing & alluding. The end result, when a normal rider pulls over - the cops stick it to them. Then they go to court & get rail roaded by the judge. A few weeks ago on I96 a pack of 30+ bikes were entering the freeway @ Evergreen with the State Trooper positioned on the freeway near the entrance ramp. A few riders got on the freeway wheeling and all were running the revs(who wants to be last). Sure enough there was a new rider in the back who was in the process of pulling over when the angry State Trooper runs into the back of the bike. Luckily the rider didn't fall but that goes to show you how they feel about us.

3 weeks into having my new bike my buddy(Blackbird) & I were cruising at 75-80mph on 96. The speedlimit is 65mph with light traffic. I look in my mirror and see red lights on our bumper - immediate downshift to 4th for me. My buddy had to get out of 6th but I was long gone. The main thing for me was not to PANIC. Adrenaline will get you 6ft under real quick. I don't like doing that because if you do anything too much it may come back & haunt you. However I feel bikers are getting a bad wrap. I don't have $ to give to a judge/lawyer in addition to taking off a days work. The latest plot involves impounding bikes for the silliest reasons - you get to the city pound and guess what? NO Bike or an outrageous fine. Be careful!!