running from \"the man\"

hapo - FYI One of the guys I ride with is a K9 officer! (He has a bad a** dog)

sjbusa - Do you have a Blue/Silver Busa? You live in the same area as me and I take 96 to I75 to work in the mornings. I've seen another Blue/Silver Busa running around in this area but I always have my truck when I see it.
Kirk no insult intended. Just think it is realy bad when anybody dies. Cop or rider. Sorry for the mix up.

[This message has been edited by Rhinoracin (edited 18 July 2000).]
FTP, I can't stand this mumble crap. I have friends that are cops, lawyers, etc and the local boys say if your not blatently breaking the law just pull over but if you are over 20 here in FL they can pull your license. I mean FTP for the ones that think their s**T don't stink and think they can catch you...about a month or so ago I had a staty all most run me over trying to turn around and he did it from a distance...I was doing 80-100 or so in a remote area and that just pissed on my wheaties so I wheelied past him after I slowed down and made sure I had the room to pass by him and then proceeded to make his lights quickly dissapear....I took the long route home that night to avoid further contact....most of them flip their lights on at this speed as a warning and you slow down and your fine...but I do use some sense in the location I speed at...I do not like to put others in danger as some of the squids I ride with once in a while do and I have seen them pulled over, go to jail, get harrassed etc.....but there is no doubt I will run and one day I know that yes I may die or get caught but that just adds to my life or death. hell with it, you only live once...right or wrong? Prior to that on my last bike they had a road block set up, but it's ashame I didn't go that way.....they did have a weeder trying to find me and he did but I made quick disposal of him and was toying with him around corners straights you name it and he could not come close to my ability and cops in general can drive ok but I see a lot of them that suck and wreck around here.....making stupid cage the rest of the cagers. another prime example same cop different time....friend just going over speed by about 15.....he didn't see them and he pulled over and they gave him a lessor ticket pretty nice, but they could have let him go. next time he was coming over to my house and was going 75 in 55 and didn't see them at all in his mirrors and the 2 cops were on bikes and they stated he was eluding them and what not, what prick f**k' friend 35 told the both of them if I was trying to elude you that I wouldn't be pulled over now because I would have been so far gone you wouldn't have seen me and the a***hole gave him a somewhat hard time but the other cop not the same one was going to give a warning but the other cop stated you will give him at least a speeding ticket....rank, you know he thinks he was the S***T, NOT!!!!!!It is those prick F**K's you have to worry about and you don't have a clue as to the police off. who is chasing you and if he had a bad day so smoke his A**.....later...sorry for the long post and no disrespect for the MEN IN BLUE....they do help us believe it or not.
Witnessed my first cycle chase from inside my nice big 2 ton suburban, safe and sound :). Driving in the fast lane at 80mph, 3 lane hwy. Hear a bike on the right, see an older ninja(maybe a 7R)with bungee straps(?!!!) passing on the right shoulder doing probably 120 by my estimate. Shoots over all 3 lanes onto the left shoulder and hauls. 5 seconds later, state police following. He is maybe 1/4 mile behind the bike by now. About 2 miles up ahead, things are coming to a slowdown. On the shoulder, I see the cop car behind a lady who's front end is smashed, her hands over her eyes, crying on the shoulder. I didn't see the bike but he obviously caused the crash. Her front was really smashed so I don't think she hit him but no sign of him. Bottom line is that running endangers other drivers. He could have killed her. If you're not good, don't run. And don't run with your piece of Sh** commuter Ninja that will be recognized everywhere in a small town with GD Bungee straps.
Oklahoma Bob - Where did all this happen - I-40?! I need to avoid this area. Was it OKC PD or OK HP? You ARE lucky. If it had been the cop that screwed us over you would have been cited not only for what you had really done but also some made up offenses you didn't commit. I told your friend (and mine) that he should consider riding alone for a while until our 6 month probationary period had ended.

I'm very glad he slipped away - would have been the old 4 points PLUS the new infraction points if he had stopped - we should have taken off the first time instead of waiting to be screwed over. Yeah we stopped to "take it like men" and found out the cop was a criminal. I guess he told you what happened to us?

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 18 July 2000).]
This post is the main reason I use a valentine one radar detector!
I've read a bunch of posts about you guys going past cops who are doing radar and not even knowing it. This is where a detector saves your butt! Even if you get zapped with instant on radar you still have time to react. At the moment you hear your detector go off you look down and see just how fast he probably got you at. Then you decide if you need to run.
5 mph over? No need to run.
10 mph or higher? I'd be running.
Any ticket is to expensive especially when you factor in how your insurance rates are going to go up for the next 40 months or more.

Never ride without a radar detector and never admit guilt if you do stop!!!!!

[This message has been edited by Mabusa (edited 18 July 2000).]
This is a pretty fierce topic!! I am glad I decided to read it. I agree that speed kills. Whether its in your vains or on the road. I also believe that skill saves lives. I know that no one really gives a s hit what I think but I'll post it anyway.

I assume the risk of injury for myself and take responsibility for my actions when I ride. I have sped on public roads and don't believe its putting others at unnecessary risk. When I encounter other vehicles on the road I give them a wide berth. Especially when I'm over 120 - 130. I agree with the post earlier that stated know your roads and scout out their patterns to the best extent possible.

As far as outrunning the police go I would rather not have to, but.....

Com on, anything 20 to 25mph over the posted speed limit is more than just speeding. It is endangerment. I don't believe it to be reckless because I am sure that most riders don't go out to kill themselves on their bikes. More so they usually have the skill along with the ability to speed and want to stay alive to do it again. It is just endangerment because there are too many cagers whom panic and get in our way or else an unforseen live or dead animal suddenly appears in the road.

If you're in a bend or straightaway hitting 90+ and you go by a stopped state employee or constable on patrol whose vocation it is to enforce the governments laws, chances are they are going to want to document this transgression and impound you and/or you're vehicle for a long, long, long, long time. Not to mention impose a significant fine to finance their quarterly boozefest courtesy of the backbroken taxpayer. Hopefully you're familiar with the terrain and you crank the throttle up a notch. You've just entered street superbike competition and the Copposition is unmerciful.

Pros: You're on the fastest production motorcycle the earth has ever experienced.
OEM tires, brakes, ground clearance, suspension settings, while they may still be at standard, are still quite tops for gunning and running.
If you're sufficiently skilled and possessed of elephant cojones composed of steel construction.

Cons: Murphy's Law - this is one of those unwritten laws of physics theories that even an elementary student can understand.
Weather conditions, road conditions, traffic conditions(either pro or con) ...i.e envirioment.
Killing yourself and/or (worse) others in the attempt.
Making the attempt and getting caught anyway.

From what I consider a common sense standpoint once you break the law why incriminate yourself by pulling over right away. The burden of proof is on the state and until evasion can be established by the authorities on film or witness and, this is a big and, until you get caught, its your word against someone else's word. Isn't that what the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, teaches us? He's such a great role model isn't he?

Hopefully no one puts themselves and/or others at danger unnecissarily due to speeding. I hope everyone has a good summer and stays in one piece.

Later. :wink:
Yea, they were too busy. Getting your stuff back did not or would not have paid the state, county, or city anything. Traffic violations pay!! Ain't that what its all about? Money!

They (the goverment) are not worried about traffic safety, they are worried about making money. It go so bad here at one time, when the locals pulled you over they would ask where you worked. I was going to tell them.. unemployed and I am on my way to the food stamp office.
...hey, Kirk is our new, improved FalconCop161, ok, even if he is not SWAT certified and active....he is just telling it like it is, bros....I'd rather deal with an FC type in my most likly venue of offence, as he dosn't hate speedy motercyclists....but the Kirks are out there too, and some will kill to get their traffic bust, if that how it shakes out....
Kirk... I have nothing against law enforcement. But chasing down speeders is a waste of taxpayer dollars, it endangers the public, the chaser and chasee...

I think our tax dollars and officers time can be spent investigating more serious offences, such as theft, rape, dwi, etc:

I can give a perfect example of speed chasing bullshit.

Last year I had my car broken into, they stole a bunch of computer equipment. I phone the police, they arrived after an hour, asked me a few questions. Did not look for prints or anything like that.

They then told me to go around to my neighbours and ask them if they had seen or heard anything. I told him that was his job, he is the law not me...

His responce was that they are too busy to investigate small theft crimes.

Not more than 15 minutes later, I saw the same officer pull over a car on the freeway doing 10k over the speed limit. Too busy, My A.S.S. Too much work he should have said.
Someday, someone like you will kill me for nothing...perhaps out on rt30, whith no one else but us around for miles....because he thinks I'm a "biker"...but I am a motorcylist, and will run you if and when I Hafta or Think I you will be able to tell your self(s) it was my fault, and you done yer duty....see, it was very simple, and we both understand...
Thank goodness for racial profiling( or lack thereof).Ever since Houston Police Dept.had to keep track of the race of the persons that they issue tickets to,the officers have cut back on citations.This has caused a budget shortfall for the city of millions of dollars(according to the Mayor).You cannot dismiss the effect on revenues from traffic citations on governing bodies.It was not intended for this,but that is what it has become.
I personally would not run from an officer for speeding( no matter how fast).I have in the past with success(in teens and early 20's).Age mellows you.Think about the outcome BEFORE you act.C_rod may live long enough to learn something valuable from his F*** ups.It's part of the process.Plenty of blame to go around,and all other kinds of euphemisms will apply here.If it affects other people and and you didn't "Think about that" then that could be called selfish or a host of other negative descriptives.
Police officers have a duty ,but they also have discretion(freedom of action or judgement).Some use it ,some do not.They darned sure aren't goin to if you run from them.
O.K. I've said my $.02
For me,after 30 sec.if I haven't disappeared safely,the risk/reward ratio is out of balance on running.
If you can find a behavioral anthropology paper back"The Naked Ape"chapter on territorial agression,specifically traffic tickets,the book details proper/improper behavior in these situations[your behavior,according to the text,literally makes the difference between no ticket,and straight to jail].Your behavior,the book goes on to say,sets the stage,even before you make any contact with the police.And the text,in detail, explains that it's almost ENTIRELY UP TO YOU,not the police!
I have also learned to mediate these offenses with the local magistrates and prosecutors ,requesting,"deferred adjudication",def.driving,or whatever is necessary legally to keep my record clean.AS a last resort this process includes hiring a lawyer;last resort,but usually not any more expensive than the fine.
The laws do seem to be growing stricter,harder to negotiate,and fines are growing,but running still is not a managable risk for me.
These threads are always interesting. Seeing the pros and cons from the experience people have had from running from john law is always a good read. What do i think about running? Well i'm neither for it or against it.I've had a few stints with the law boys. Pulled over a few times when they caught me not checking my mirrors (worst being a 89 in a 45, which my lawyer is fighting now) and some outrunning them. I'm not to found of outrunning the police now as due to a chase i had about 2 years ago on my XX with 3 buds of mine. I won't go into the whole story just the major details. Started on a country road, outran the 1st cop, kept cruising, another cop pops up, we nail it, don't know where the hell we're at, dust one cop and two more come up the road, two of our buds break off after we pass them (they hid out in the woods somewhere till coast was clear)still don't know where we're at so we keep going straight (big mistake) right into the city where theres nothing but shopping plazas left and right(which at 5pm on a saturday afternoon is quite busy mind you),end up zipping around cars, i go into the ONCOMING lanes because they're clear doing atleast 140mph, finally we turn off to less traffic areas, take a back road that literally becomes a maze out through the middle of nowhere to my buddy's house where my bike sat for a week. The chase had to last atleast 30 minutes and cover almost 40miles. I can't remember ..things happened to fast..literally. All i can say is God was with us that day. I cannot begin to count how many times my friend or I shoulda DIED with the way we were blasting through traffic. Oh, and that whole thing about cops having to break off the chase if it exceeds 100mph or starts going through red lights?.. Thats Bullsh-t. One thing i do remember (besides counting 27 cops oncoming to us or waiting beside the road,yes thats right 27) clearly after stopping, then going through a red light, is looking in astonishment as a cop went through the red at full gun. He didn't even try slowing Down!. I know that there is indeed a God. Because there is no way we shoulda made it out of that alive. Now i'm sure your asking if i still run? No and yes. I'm alot more careful in what i do and where i do it. I check my mirrors every 4 seconds. Its not that hard to do after you practice it enough (or go through what i just told you).But they are sneaky and I been pulled over a few times after that chase, been let off except for the one i'm fighting now. From my own experience i came up with a few principles that have been working for me so far. If i'm somewhere that i don't know to well, I DON"T RUN. Which sux on trips with friends when they want to fly. As long as i know where our destination is it's cool though. Which brings up another point. Running with friends. Most of My riding buds only know me by my first name and my bike. They don't know my last name, or even where i live. so if one gets caught, i'm a Ghost. An entity. They can't spill no beans on me. That and we agree that if one decides to stop or gets caught, nobody knows nobody, we just met on the street, and decided to ride together. But that depends on how much you trust your buds and well..i don't trust nobody. i also ride alone alot more too. But when it comes down to it, no matter how careful you are, if you have a radar (a good weapon) or not, cops can be like roaches. They can hide and come out of nowhere anytime. Anyplace. Wether it be by their own insight or the Cell phone of a "good citizen" who can't mind their own frigging business. So if i drag race a car or bike, i make it a point to turn off somewhere and start zigzagging. If i'm breaking the sound barrior on the highway, i make sure its a place i know with lots of escape routes i can hit either now or later and of course, i don't slow down till i'm off the expressway and zigzagging for home. Bottom line is , just don't stick around. Disappear. I follow what i said above with one more principle. When i'm deciding to "play" i do it going by Murphys law with the notion that cops are watching and ask myself "Am I willing to run if i have to?". Sometimes its yes, sometimes its no. I've outran one cop on the bus so far. It wasn't even fair. He was on the opposite side of the highway with a guardrail blocking him from crossing over. He saw me, which i was doing about 100 through a easy left hand sweeper, took a quick look, saw him hit his brakes (like hes actually gonna do anything) and just floored it for about a mile, took the exit and zig zagged home before his Radio could alert friends. As of now i'm gonna be a good citizen. With the 2000 models having their cam chains go and now the subframes being of question, a breakdown would be my worst nightmare. So until i'm sure my bike is "perfect", I'll be keeping a low profile. In running theres alot of risks involved. Its not like a Video game where you can hit restart. You either get away, get caught, or die. It always ends in one of those 3ways. The first and the last being most likely. Which brings up the most important question i ask myself and alot of people should ask themselves when engaging in something like this..

Is it really worth it?

Here in Detroit & the local suburbs the local departments are outraged that crotch rockets refuse to stop. When a rider does stop they will most likely get railroaded since others don't stop. Then you go to court and the judge side with the officer. As a result many refuse to deal with the drama.
A few weeks ago a pack of 30 riders or so were entering I-96 from Evergreen heading downtown. Naturally a state trooper was parked on the shoulder watching the bikes entering(wheelies,speeding,etc) - no one wanted to be last. Sure enough the new rider in the back got pulled over - the troopers ran into the back of his bike as he was coming to a complete stop. He wasn't trying to allude or flee and that's his reward - luckily he didn't fall or get hurt.
As for me - 3 weeks into owning this bike on 96 my buddy(Blackbird) and I are cruising home at 75-80mph when I see red lights on our bumper. For me it was a quick downshift, my friend had to get out of 6th. I can't afford to waste $ on court costs,ticket, insurance increase, let alone on missing a days work for politics. The main thing involves staying calm and not panicing. I figure most Crown Vic's top out at 125 - 130mph anyway so all you need is a quick blast to 160mph or so. Lastly, I don't want to get chased every week - Murphy's Law. Be careful.