running from \"the man\"

Stupid is as stupid does. Remember that? You tell us Kirk.

Decisions are made every day in fractions of a second. Whom better to understand this than motorcycle riders dealing with 2ton traffic or more every time they go out. Kirk himself admits to receiving traffic citations and hopes that all citizens would not endanger themselves futher or others by not outrunning the authorities. Yet this sends mixed messages.

Whose the dumbass? The guy or gal whom enjoys a short speed jaunt down their favourite road that would last no longer than 2 to 3 minutes and not put anyone at risk. Or an officer whose sworn to obey and uphold the laws of the land and breaks them anyway and freely admits to being caught at it?

I think you miss the point. Kirk did not run from the police. Not to mention that if he only wrote one ticket in 3 years, he gave an a lot of warnings. Everyone, and I mean everyone violates traffic laws. Both intentionally and accidently. If you doubt this, try to drive perfectly. You can't always do it.

Do you think police officers are perfect? Or is it that you think police officers should lie? Interesting.
My final piece of advice? Do whatever the phuck you want...just don't crash your squidly *** into me, my wife (especially!), or my car. If you crash and end up phucked up, blame no one but yourself. End up in jail? Don't drop the soap. Kill someone? Live with what you wrought. As for me, I'll use my head, and not my wrist, and ride fast where I know there are no cops and little traffic...safer all around. Not too worried about squids wadding their bikes while running causing my insurance to go up, since they won't cover your *** anyway. This subject is stale, I'm out.
Todd, It was OKC. A grey unmarked. And the person were talking about was the same person who was ridering with you when the boys got you. Hey, when are you going up to the norman area. Need to hook for a normal ride with no crazy crap! Can't get another ticket. Later, Okla Bob
If its not obvious let me try, and I do mean try, and clarify. If we all tried to think alike there wouldn't be anybody around much longer after that.

No one is perfect. Whether one tries to be or not. Presumably 99% of those whom post own a Hayabusa or at least a motorcycle of some type. Someone is going to get on this board and infer that they never take their 'busa over 85 or 90mph. They are going to infer that they never have need to avoid incarceration due to speeding on their Hayabusa because of their concern for the safety of others. They are going to try and convince others, or at the least tell them, that it is better to pull over and go to jail than to try and get away and avoid jail on a machine that is perfectly suited for escape on the highway even though they have the skill to do it successfully without harming themselves or anyone? Come on now, don't insult the whole board like that.

Realistically speaking, if you stop you go to jail and if you flee and you get caught, you go to jail. That's how most of us look at it. I doubt either party wants someone to die in the process though either or both parties may be at fault. If you're on death row and you know you're guilty you're going to die, and if you get the chance to, and actually kill someone after that you're still going to die. Where's the upside and what does the perpetraitor have to look foward to and/or fear?

Since most of us on the boards show respect, I do not fault anyone for having a conflicting opion to my own. I try and respect all comments and I do not believe I have shown any disrespect. Most of us on the board are civilians wanting to have some fun and exercise an adrenalyne rush every once in a while. Afterwards we can go back to the other things in our lives, like taking care of families, or pets, or Hayabusa maintenance, or whatever else floats someone's boat. You can't get a hall pass from a jail cell. At least most of us can't.

I hope everyone out there gets to enjoy the thrill of riding their 'busa to the fullest and safest extent possible. See you on the open road.
I never claimed to be perfect. There is only one Jesus Christ and I'm not him. And RAW is right. It usually takes between 0 and 30 seconds for someone to give a reason to be pulled over. I even blew a stop sign once in a police car on duty in uniform. I just about croaked. I thought my partner was going to write me a ticket for a minute there.
While we're on this topic, riders anywhere near MD ought to know that MD has started a program called "Operation Rocket Roundup." It targets motorcycles (especially "crotch rockets") for aggressive driving behavior. That includes anything from speeding to multiple lane changes to wheelies. The MD troopers have two high performance BMW bikes and a helicopter all in full battle dress to help in this "enforcement" of the law.
Just because you are speeding, even if you are really speeding, you don't automatically go to jail. If you are speeding in a place and a manner that is relatively safe, I doubt many police officers are going to take you to jail. If you run and get caught, no definately will go to jail. So the question is do you take the chance of stopping and just getting a speeding ticket, which is not that big a deal compared to going to jail, or do you take a chance at running and getting caught and going to jail. Since I have a busa, this is a question that had crossed my mind. I will not run from the police. But, I use common sense in choosing both the time and the place I exceed the speed limit. (suiciderider, I hope you are not taken-a-back by the fact that once in a while I speed) Long, straight (sometimes not so straight) back country roads. Next to no traffic and no people and no intersections. Many of these roads have cleared shoulders up to 60' on each side. It is my hope that if I get stopped for speeding on one of these roads, that the officer will not want to take me to jail for wreckless driving. I wouldn't put someone in jail for that, under those circumstances, but I am biased, I own A Hayabusa. :)
adowell, traffic stops are one of the two most dangerous things that a police officer can do (the other being domestics) and it puts no money in the officer's pocket. There is no incentive to write tickets other than the sworn duty to do the job (the whole job). The first rule in police work is to go home at the end of your shift, so I don't think that anybody really wants to do dangerous work for no money that may conflict with the first rule of police work, especially if it involves paperwork and maybe court time on your day off. I think that a lot of you form your opinion about police officers by watching fictional cop TV shows and movies, combined with not accepting responsibility for what YOU did. I have done more traffic stops than I could count, and went three years writing a single citation. I actually recieved as many as I wrote. You would be amazed at the stuff that comes out of traffic stops, especially chippy traffic stops. One of the worst serial rapist/murderers in history was taken down out of a chippy stop. I took a drunk driver off the road once after pulling him over for honking his horn. He killed no one that day. I have recovered stolen cars, stolen stuff, drugs, guns, and people with warrants out of some really chippy traffic stops (at great personal risk to myself). The ones that are not interesting (dope/guns/warrants) I just told them to fix your license plate light or whatever and told them to have a nice evening. I don't have to write ANY tickets. I have a feeling that some people just fail "the test".

[This message has been edited by Kirk (edited 19 July 2000).]
There is no profit in tickets. No one in the whole criminal justice system profits from you being an idiot. It is a punitive measure used to get your attention. Do you really think that a speeding ticket is profitable after you deduct the cost of the patrol car (including fuel, tires, maintenance, repairs, and self-insurance), the officer's complete compensation package (including retirement, medical, disability, sick pay, vacation,etc), the officer's training time, all the equipment (radar/lidar unit, vest, uniforms, long gun, office supplys, cell phones, mobile data terminals, radios, etc), the cost of the police precinct (lease, power, water, garbage, janitorial, administrative staff, comand staff, records staff, training staff, evidence staff, computers, office furniture,etc), the cost of the radio facility (ditto), the cost of the jail facility (ditto), court facility (ditto)- It goes on forever. Don't flatter yourself- You are just a pain in the ascend, not a profit.
cops are cool! i wish i could be a cop. bust innocent people, give mip's to all underage drinkers, get blows from chicks to not give them a ticket, bust bikes for fun, occasionally get drunk and drive my cop car around............

THE GOOD LIFE only a pipe dream but hey,maybe one day!!!
BS is right Hapo. The local news crews have been keeping tabs on the latest Gestapo tactics in Norman which isn't a huge burb and the revenues are public record - broadcast on the evening news and news cameras in the squadcars hassling mothers etc. Now they are taking more money from motorists in a month than they used to take in 6 months.

The town I live in has increased their practice of highway robbery in order to pay the extra cops hired from Clinton's plan to add additional manpower. Feds paid the salaries for the extra manpower at first then left the cities to fend for themselves. Only way to pay existing overstaffed force was to increase the financial rape and pillage of motorists.

Used to not be like this at all. Not to say their was lawlessness - but a few years ago you didn't have to worry about being cited for an infraction you didn't commit. Now you do.
I've been making an occasional trip up to Norman since Borders has the UK bike mags I can't find here but I don't think you would want to ride with me until our 6 month period ends. I'm totally castrated right now since a ticket before Dec 1 would probably mean suspension after adding the points we got out west of town. If I make it through the 6 months - that ticket out west is expunged and I also lose 2 points from existing record for the traffic school we went to.

It's strange but I can end up with a suspended license or 1 whole point on my record depending on the next 4 months + a week or so.

Now there are only a couple of spots in my area I open it up these days. Even then I'm paranoid and spend more time looking in my mirrors instead of watching the road/traffic.
Not very enjoyable at all having to worry instead of just riding.

Norman is now infested with ticket writing cops these days since the new "campaign" went into effect. Have you seen the reports on how much money they have been raking in? It's incredible.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 20 July 2000).]

Lets do a little math...

Lets see, if you can right 10 tickets a day at an average $100 ea. Times 5 days in a work week, thats $5000 per week. and let say for 50 weeks (2-weeks vaction of course!).
We have a a nice cool quarter million dollars ($250,000), Lets see with benifits you probably make $50,000 a year.
Hmmm, that leaves $200,000 a year for all the "other" expense's.
Please don't insult our intelligence, law enforcement is big business. How is your "profit" sharing plan going.....
Kirk - Which would you like to know about? The legitimate ones I actually committed or the crooked ones that were manufactured?
This post is in Reply to the post made by Kirk, it's like post 38 on this thread.
Car corners better than bike? Tell that to the police officer that just got killed in pursuit of a rider on Staten Island. He was an idiot for pursuing a Suzuki.
Also in my area. I drive a 2000 Trans Am. And I can out run any car around pretty much, but NO police vehicle can hang with me. And The Camaro police car at our local state patrol station, top ends at 161mph. Much slower than ANY Busa.
Raven- It sounds like you have a fatal misunderstanding of the physics involved in cornering relative to cars and bikes. Have you ever driven an RPO 9C1 Caprice or a B4C Camaro? Yes a Bus has better acceleration and top speed, but take a look at the lap times at your local road race course for cars and bikes. They are not even close.