The ONLY reason Russia invaded was because the US was there protecting Hunter Biden's investments, and they were talking about Ukraine about joining NATO. Ukraine was a NO GO zone for Nato, and the US should have never been there PERIOD. We had years of peace between East and West during Trumps last-term, and what do democrats do within weeks of taking office??????? - We're back at war again.I can’t imagine someone wanting endless war. The land occupied by Russia since the invasion needs to go back to Ukraine. I say anybody that disagrees wants the war to go on, as it’s the same thing visa versa.
Putin gave Ukraine and the US multiple warnings to leave Ukraine immediately and back off this was the buffer zone between East and West..........................But, like typical democrats they wanted a war with Russia, like they always have. War is the ONLY way Democrats make money. They are the largest weapons dealers in the world.
Don't worry, under Zielinski Ukraine will fall and hopefully his citizens hold him personally accountable for it...............This tyrant, needs to have elections in Ukraine and let his people have their say. Zielinski may not like the truth, it's often a hard pill to swallow. This is NOT about winning and loosing.............This is about stop the murder of innocent people for the sake of politicians pushing ego's an pens to make them feel better.