Russia and Ukraine

I can’t imagine someone wanting endless war. The land occupied by Russia since the invasion needs to go back to Ukraine. I say anybody that disagrees wants the war to go on, as it’s the same thing visa versa.
The ONLY reason Russia invaded was because the US was there protecting Hunter Biden's investments, and they were talking about Ukraine about joining NATO. Ukraine was a NO GO zone for Nato, and the US should have never been there PERIOD. We had years of peace between East and West during Trumps last-term, and what do democrats do within weeks of taking office??????? - We're back at war again.

Putin gave Ukraine and the US multiple warnings to leave Ukraine immediately and back off this was the buffer zone between East and West..........................But, like typical democrats they wanted a war with Russia, like they always have. War is the ONLY way Democrats make money. They are the largest weapons dealers in the world.

Don't worry, under Zielinski Ukraine will fall and hopefully his citizens hold him personally accountable for it...............This tyrant, needs to have elections in Ukraine and let his people have their say. Zielinski may not like the truth, it's often a hard pill to swallow. This is NOT about winning and loosing.............This is about stop the murder of innocent people for the sake of politicians pushing ego's an pens to make them feel better.

I don’t find Russia to be a semi to NATO and the U.S. I don’t think Putin should get away with the invasion. At least take away what he took. Make him compromise as well.
So you think NATO should join the war in totality, rather than being only a proxy?

I meant the Tuono as being Ukraine.

A Busa would have a better chance, BTW, but still have no chance against a semi.
Here’s a closer example than the semi. A guy you know has threatened to steal your Busa. One day, he comes over and steals it. You go to his house and the two of you start arguing on the front lawn. A neighbor comes over and negotiates peace, telling both of you to calm down and go home. The thief keeps your Busa, but you both have peace, right?
Yes, I realize that.
If Trump and NATO would try to convince Putin to compromise, I believe he’d do it. Instead Trump “negotiated” a surrender which is not a negotiation at all.
Both the US and Nato need to simply back out and leave this whole conflict alone...................................Neither of them should be there in the first place, but useless and short sighted Democrats brought this war to the US to make them money, and it's up to Trump to walk away and stay away like the US should have from the start.

You may see this as a "surrender", when in reality it is the best Zielinski is going to get, and he just blew it completely.

Let Russia take it over now, throw Zielinski and his Neo-Nazi's to the gulags..................they deserve nothing more.

Maybe Democrats will think longer next time before sticking their noses where they don't belong, they F^(Ked around, now Ukraine is going to find out for sure.

Both the US and Nato need to simply back out and leave this whole conflict alone...................................Neither of them should be there in the first place, but useless and short sighted Democrats brought this war to the US to make them money, and it's up to Trump to walk away and stay away like the US should have from the start.

You may see this as a "surrender", when in reality it is the best Zielinski is going to get, and he just blew it completely.

Let Russia take it over now, throw Zielinski and his Neo-Nazi's to the gulags..................they deserve nothing more.

Maybe Democrats will think longer next time before sticking their noses where they don't belong, they F^(Ked around, now Ukraine is going to find out for sure.

Putin needs get out of Ukraine and worry about his own borders. You and others here try to make this a partisan thing. What it is, is an ally of the U.S. (that's everyone in the United States' U.S.) has been attacked and encroached upon, with an occupation still occurring. By the way, the spelling is Zelenskyy.
One interesting aspect of this is the multipolar world doctrine. Advocates have been saying for the longest time that having stability on the Planet rather than these endless Empire wars, would be if all the major powers got together and shared the pie. What Trump has done in going to Russia is a big step in this direction, bypassing the drug addled comedian, basically dismissing the ukraine as irrelevant, and concentrating on the real issue. The nuclear threat from the Russians.

It's pretty obvious if this attitude had been in play 5 years ago the war there would never have occurred in the first place! The Powers would have sorted it out among themselves and basically told the ukraine what it had to do. That's what happened to a greater degree 60 years ago when the US was top dog with unrivaled superiority. Now that it hasn't a clear advantage it can either form a multipolar arrangement with Russia and China or go the way of the British Empire. As for the feckless Europeans, all they have in mind is carving up Russia for it's oil and Gas. They are dreaming.
Here’s a closer example than the semi. A guy you know has threatened to steal your Busa. One day, he comes over and steals it. You go to his house and the two of you start arguing on the front lawn. A neighbor comes over and negotiates peace, telling both of you to calm down and go home. The thief keeps your Busa, but you both have peace, right?
Depends. If the thief is the Godfather’s son, I would accept the fact that life is unfair and move on, save me and my family’s life.
Disappointing to see where some stand on the self preservation vs helping those in need thing, and it's definitely a choice, not one and THEN the other. The sentiment that Putin should get away with this invasion and land grab without consequence is also difficult to understand.
Disappointing to see where some stand on the self preservation vs helping those in need thing, and it's definitely a choice, not one and THEN the other. The sentiment that Putin should get away with this invasion and land grab without consequence is also difficult to understand.
As I mentioned in a couple of posts, life is not fair. If life treated you fairly all your living years, you are a very fortunate individual. I for one, did not have that luxury.

Let’s look at this a different way. If you get confronted by an armed robber with a gun in your face. Will you hand over your wallet, or will you allow your pride to risk the consequences?

Problem is the police chief is also corrupt. So when you report it, he is not going to help.
As I mentioned in a couple of posts, life is not fair.
Obviously life is not fair, but to let things go without doing something is cowardly and traitorous. That's my take and I'm not applying to you personally. I will remember to steal your Busa when the opportunity arises though.

The lying criminal in charge has already aligned the US with two communist countries (against) our Ukraine ally. Both of those dictators have soldiers on the ground in Ukraine. We are just about as powerless as the citizens of those countries are. What are we to do next? What else are we going to allow?
Hi. Well OK lets go in and help them. The EU and the USA should put boots on the ground that would help the win or start WW3. I do not think that they can win with out our boots on the ground. So lets keep helping and may be Ukraine will all look like this with a few more 1,000,000 dead. Or both saides give up somethings and have peace



Obviously life is not fair, but to let things go without doing something is cowardly and traitorous. That's my take and I'm not applying to you personally. I will remember to steal your Busa when the opportunity arises though.

LOL, someone tried that with me before. He thought I was going to kill him. Once he pooped his pants, I let him go. True story, I just left out a lot of detail.

Back to the thread, Putin is bad news, but unfortunately he has four Aces in his hand.
That's the trouble with steel reinforced concrete, it leaves such an impossible mess to clean up afterwards. Berlin was made of bricks and was cleaned up easily by the efforts of a few tens of thousands of workers. Tokyo was even easier, there was nothing left there but ash.
LOL, someone tried that with me before. He thought I was going to kill him. Once he pooped his pants, I let him go. True story, I just left out a lot of detail.
I’ve had a motorcycle and a scooter stolen. The police got the scooter back. Needless to say, if I caught a thief in the act, it would be ugly.
What, in your opinion, are Putin’s 4 aces?
That's the trouble with steel reinforced concrete, it leaves such an impossible mess to clean up afterwards. Berlin was made of bricks and was cleaned up easily by the efforts of a few tens of thousands of workers. Tokyo was even easier, there was nothing left there but ash.
Been there, but never looked. Our houses are all framed with Pine lumber. What do you guys do?
A Busa would have a better chance, BTW, but still have no chance against a semi.
In a head on collision with a semi? Lol I thought you said you think critically. Neither bike has a snowballs chance in hell or any sort of advantage, except the Tuono would be much better at flicking away at the last moment. I’ve ridden tens of thousands of miles on both and trust me there’s no comparison.
In a head on collision with a semi? Lol I thought you said you think critically. Neither bike has a snowballs chance in hell or any sort of advantage, except the Tuono would be much better at flicking away at the last moment. I’ve ridden tens of thousands of miles on both and trust me there’s no comparison.
You win. Sitting straight up in comparison, you may have a better chance of getting revenge, when you fly through the semi windshield and hit the driver.

Tell you what, I may give you a good run for your money on the Dragon, riding my Husky.
Husqvarna? My buddy in Cali had a ‘75 360 that he bought new. It was was a blast and a good looking bike. I had an RM125 at the time and he would trade me some days. Great bike.