Russia and Ukraine

Hi. Well OK lets go in and help them. The EU and the USA should put boots on the ground that would help the win or start WW3. I do not think that they can win with out our boots on the ground. So lets keep helping and may be Ukraine will all look like this with a few more 1,000,000 dead. Or both saides give up somethings and have peace

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Instead of your ridiculous (as usual) suggestion, I believe things would change in Ukraine’s favor if NATO would allow them to be a member. Then UN troops could be deployed to fight the Russians and Koreans.
Let me know when that shot happens, so I can zip up my nuclear vest.

You guys crack me up.
Glad we can be of amusement to you but I feel like that’s jumping to conclusions.
After the way the Ukraine war has gone I don’t see Putin being over confident. Just my take. Revert to borders and Russian presence pre invasion and give it a chance.
Glad we can be of amusement to you but I feel like that’s jumping to conclusions.
After the way the Ukraine war has gone I don’t see Putin being over confident. Just my take. Revert to borders and Russian presence pre invasion and give it a chance.
Current status appears to be Europe trying to soften up Zelenskyy and working on a proposal for presentation to Trump. While Trump has stopped all arm supplies to Ukraine in an attempt to force Zelenskyy to negotiate.

I’m sure we are all aware of the above, just a reminder as to where this is.

Should you and Wuzza get it right, the link below may help you. And because no one here seems to get my humor, the help is free.

What a comic thread. These westerners have no idea how strong Russia is, and how weak NATO is. Nato is full of politically correct thumbsuckers, the only real fighters in Europe now are the millions of refugees from the war torn south are they aren't about to don uniforms. They will happily stay in the cities and take care of the young women the soldiers leave behind.

Trump Halts All Military Aid To Ukraine As Zelensky Feud Intensifies:

So lets see Germany and London fill this gap, they already scaled back their aid months ago. The Europeans Talk. They love to Talk.
Who is cracking you up, me or Starmer?
Deal and negotiate? Don’t you think those go together?

I agree with Starmer. He wants actual negotiation, not Trump or Putin's my way or the highway. Putin should leave and not come back. That is Starmer's plan.
Yes, deal and negotiate, in the reverse order, go together.
You don't really crack me up. I find your take on this kind of disturbing. Disagreement is part of life, right?
I agree with Starmer. He wants actual negotiation, not Trump or Putin's my way or the highway. Putin should leave and not come back. That is Starmer's plan.
Yes, deal and negotiate, in the reverse order, go together.
You don't really crack me up. I find your take on this kind of disturbing. Disagreement is part of life, right?
The only thing disturbing about this whole saga is ignoring the consequences of trying to put a nuclear superpower’s back against the wall.

The only thing disturbing about this whole saga is ignoring the consequences of trying to put a nuclear superpower’s back against the wall.
How exactly is asking him to get his troops out of Ukraine and leaving them alone putting his back against the wall?
How exactly is asking him to get his troops out of Ukraine and leaving them alone putting his back against the wall?
Of course, no problem to ask, negotiate, using diplomacy.

Do I notice a change in approach?

First I crack you up with the word “negotiate”.
Now you you type “asking him to get his troops out of Ukraine.”

What is the difference between that and negotiating? So “ask” and “negotiate” don’t fit together?

How do you “negotiate” without “asking”???

I’ll make you a deal, as you continuously accuse me of losing my filter, and Wuzza enjoys insulting me every chance he gets. I won’t lose my filter this time.

Go read your own posts again, without that, it will be time for me not to take anything you guys type seriously, as it makes no sense.

Go figure, Wuzza talks about US troops fighting against Russians and Koreans, you laugh at the suggestion to negotiate, but want to know what is wrong with asking.

No Way Wtf GIF by Harlem
Were you laughing? Damn right I’m serious. My bet would be that putin wouldn’t want to have an active adversary as strong as NATO backed by all the affiliate countries, that he’d pull out and stop the hostilities.
HI. That is am other way of looking at it. If putin was in a normal mind it may work or ir may start WW3. It could either way. They both give up a little putin saves face and we have peace. You way maybe millions more dead.
HI. That is am other way of looking at it. If putin was in a normal mind it may work or ir may start WW3. It could either way. They both give up a little putin saves face and we have peace. You way maybe millions more dead.
His idea, of NATO backed by all the affiliate countries getting Putin to pull out and Americans fighting Russians and Koreans is a novel one. That would be fair to Ukraine, but life is not fair. He might have to wait another four years before the US is willing to back NATO with WW3, and with candidates like Kamala, people like Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, that is very unlikely to happen four years from now.

Then there is the guy who is “disturbed” by an attempt to point out reality.