Like it or not, the world is NOT fair as we ALL have to get along in this big sandbox called Earth.Putin needs get out of Ukraine and worry about his own borders. You and others here try to make this a partisan thing. What it is, is an ally of the U.S. (that's everyone in the United States' U.S.) has been attacked and encroached upon, with an occupation still occurring. By the way, the spelling is Zelenskyy.
So, we can either have endless ideological wars over right and wrong, and the US plays world police at great expense to themselves and their economy. Which is what's been happening for decades now.
We divide up the sandbox, and have buffer zones between the major factions. Everyone plays within their own sandbox, minds their own damn business and we have what resembles world peace at least on a global scale. Local spats aside.
Like it or not, Russia could take out Ukraine with a push of a button(and just might yet).................at which point the whole world is now dealing with what is a localized spat between 2 neighbours, because the one neighbour got their rich in laws involved (the USA). The entire world would be caught in what is a world ending event called Nuclear bombs.
Is this solution fair to Ukraine?, NO...............................is it the truth about the situation, and the more likely end? YES.
Wither you agree with Trump or not, he is already thinking 5 moves ahead of Zelenskyy, and looking for an end to ALL of this killing, while this Tyrant Neo Nazi Zelenskyy wants to keep sending his and others troopers to slaughter in this endless war which helps NO ONE and he has NO CHANCE of winning.