Russia and Ukraine

Putin needs get out of Ukraine and worry about his own borders. You and others here try to make this a partisan thing. What it is, is an ally of the U.S. (that's everyone in the United States' U.S.) has been attacked and encroached upon, with an occupation still occurring. By the way, the spelling is Zelenskyy.
Like it or not, the world is NOT fair as we ALL have to get along in this big sandbox called Earth.

So, we can either have endless ideological wars over right and wrong, and the US plays world police at great expense to themselves and their economy. Which is what's been happening for decades now.


We divide up the sandbox, and have buffer zones between the major factions. Everyone plays within their own sandbox, minds their own damn business and we have what resembles world peace at least on a global scale. Local spats aside.

Like it or not, Russia could take out Ukraine with a push of a button(and just might yet) which point the whole world is now dealing with what is a localized spat between 2 neighbours, because the one neighbour got their rich in laws involved (the USA). The entire world would be caught in what is a world ending event called Nuclear bombs.

Is this solution fair to Ukraine?, it the truth about the situation, and the more likely end? YES.
Wither you agree with Trump or not, he is already thinking 5 moves ahead of Zelenskyy, and looking for an end to ALL of this killing, while this Tyrant Neo Nazi Zelenskyy wants to keep sending his and others troopers to slaughter in this endless war which helps NO ONE and he has NO CHANCE of winning.

Trump isn't thinking 5 moves ahead of anything. He is simply a yes man for Putin and it's pathetic. Ukraine was well withing their sandbox as you put it and the Russian dictator decided to invade. That's what happened no matter what kind of spin you try to put on it.
Some people go cry in their room when life is unfair and some people do something about it.
Trump isn't thinking 5 moves ahead of anything. He is simply a yes man for Putin and it's pathetic. Ukraine was well withing their sandbox as you put it and the Russian dictator decided to invade. That's what happened no matter what kind of spin you try to put on it.
Some people go cry in their room when life is unfair and some people do something about it.
A strong leader knows when to stop the battle and survive the war, while a fool will fight till the last man and end it there.
A strong leader knows when the battle is lost, and saves their strength for the long war, a fool treats every battle like it's their last..........and one of them will be their last for EVERYONE.

Trump is NOT a Yes man, but he does understand that Putin and Zelenskyy both want a way out of this and the ONLY way is through negotiations.
You can't negotiate anything, while your still shooting at each other.

Get off your high horse, life isn't fair and like it or not bullies with the ability will ALWAYS swing their weight around to get what they want.
You forget that Ukraine was once indeed part of the Soviet Union, so their independence is still a new thing in the story of this world and this regularly changes through time.

It was about time that Trump dressed down Zelenskyy, this man is worse than the media would have you believe, and he is NO hero to anyone.
Zelenskyy is as much of a tyrant and a bully as Putin and Trump, the only thing is he doesn't have the hardware, man power or military equipment to cash the cheques he mouth is running the last 4 years, and it's about time the world stops funding this war. Ukraine is home to Neo-Nazi's, and Zelenskyy has aligned himself with them...................As soon as you do this, you loose any and ALL moral high ground on the world stage.

I encourage you to look past the TV and mainstream media, and see just who you think is the Hero here..................................Ukraine is far from innocent in all this, and Zelenskyy is far from a hero to anyone

You call maintaining ethics being on a high horse, I call it doing the right thing, which is rarely the easiest thing. What you say about bullies always getting their way is crap as well. I've dealt with plenty of them; it's the ones that fold that they feist on.
On your last point; I don't watch TV or listen to mainstream media. It gets old as Zerks reminds me of that a dozen times a year at least. He also assumes I forget stuff. You two are a bit alike.
Trump isn't thinking 5 moves ahead of anything. He is simply a yes man for Putin and it's pathetic.
Straight off the Liberal TV set :rolleyes:

What Trump has done in going to Russia is a big step in this direction, bypassing the drug addled comedian, basically dismissing the ukraine as irrelevant, and concentrating on the real issue. The nuclear threat from the Russians.

That's the way it should be done, the big boys working together to stabilize the world, not squabbling over irrelevant places like the ukraine. Which was never a nation to begin with, just a region people marched through on their way to Russia. People need to read up on the history of the place, educate themselves.

That's the way it should be done, the big boys working together to stabilize the world, not squabbling over irrelevant places like the ukraine. Which was never a nation to begin with, just a region people marched through on their way to Russia. People need to read up on the history of the place, educate themselves.

Do you live in the Australia?
He’s a lying SOB! A criminal and a traitor. He must’ve heard his new catch phrase somewhere because he’s over used it for some time now, ‘the world has ever known’. Regardless of what he’s talking about he adds that phrase. Dropping out of the Paris agreement and the World Health Organization was an asinine thing to do. Why not stay in it and make it better if it’s so bad? Sucking up to putin and aligning America with two communist dictators against an ally should be the last straw. His new lap dog paid over a quarter of a billion dollars to get him elected. I wonder what his government contracts total up to be. And he’s allowing that S African immigrant to run the country at his whim. They’re all making money hand over fist while I’m paying $5 a gallon for gas and grocery prices are thru the roof. Lying low class crooked bastard…
You call maintaining ethics being on a high horse
Your maintaining ethics while supporting the Ukrainian dictator who aligns himself with Neo-Nazi's??????????

Are you listening to yourself here?

Bullies will get their way, until a bigger bully steps in to stop them...............Well right now, Zelenskyy is writing cheques his wallet can't cash.
Trump knows the ONLY way forward is to sit down and talk, and Putin knows this as well................Sadly Zelenskyy would rather continue fighting and killing his men till there are none left to fight.

Well the world is growing tired of his plight, and entitlement as he jet sets across the globe collecting cheques from those who are having a hard time feeding themselves at their dinner table, while the politicians keep writing the cheques to boost their ego's.

Like it or not, we all have to get along in this world...........................So either we all sit down and talk, and work out how this can happen, or we continue to kill soldiers of the weaker army until they are forced to realize they have NO OPTION but to talk or die.

Ask yourself, if Zelenskyy is such a hero to the free world, explain to me why has he cancelled the countries elections and put himself in charge for the foreseeable future?????????. Why has he jailed his political opponents who are listening to the people, who want an election?????, WHY, WHY, WHY?????

You call him a Hero to the free world, he is no better a tyrant than Putin, Stalin or Kim Jong....................They all did the same thing in the name of "peace and stability in their country".

Your maintaining ethics while supporting the Ukrainian dictator who aligns himself with Neo-Nazi's??????????

Are you listening to yourself here?

Bullies will get their way, until a bigger bully steps in to stop them...............Well right now, Zelenskyy is writing cheques his wallet can't cash.
Trump knows the ONLY way forward is to sit down and talk, and Putin knows this as well................Sadly Zelenskyy would rather continue fighting and killing his men till there are none left to fight.

Well the world is growing tired of his plight, and entitlement as he jet sets across the globe collecting cheques from those who are having a hard time feeding themselves at their dinner table, while the politicians keep writing the cheques to boost their ego's.

Like it or not, we all have to get along in this world...........................So either we all sit down and talk, and work out how this can happen, or we continue to kill soldiers of the weaker army until they are forced to realize they have NO OPTION but to talk or die.

Ask yourself, if Zelenskyy is such a hero to the free world, explain to me why has he cancelled the countries elections and put himself in charge for the foreseeable future?????????. Why has he jailed his political opponents who are listening to the people, who want an election?????, WHY, WHY, WHY?????

You call him a Hero to the free world, he is no better a tyrant than Putin, Stalin or Kim Jong....................They all did the same thing in the name of "peace and stability in their country".


You’ve lost your mind
You’ve lost your mind
The ONLY reason Putin walked into Ukraine was because the US was there and talking about them joining NATO.............................He warned the US multiple times to back off and go away, or Russia would invade. But like typical Democrats who think they know best and think they are the world police, they remained and now want to play Ukraine as the victim.

We had 4 years of somewhat world peace under Trump previously, as all the big players in the world stayed in their own sandbox and respected others borders, and US worried about itself for once, rather than going and sniffing around and creating problems. Sadly, under Biden the US was screwing around in world affairs, and now those countries are finding out what happens.

I for one as a Canadian are tired of funding endless wars around the world, while I struggle to put food on my table and a roof over my own head.
I am glad Trump has ended the funding to Ukraine, and I hope the next PM in Canada does the same. It's time countries in the west start taking care of themselves for once, and let these countries sort their own poop out.

Perhaps you can explain WHY Zelenskyy has cancelled elections in Ukraine??????, why has Zelenskyy jailed his political opponents, and citizens who question him????????. Putin, Stalin, and Ping would be proud of him, as they all did the same thing to their citizens in the name of "stability in the country" Why has Zelenskyy aligned himself with known Neo Nazi's within his own military, while trying to claim moral high ground around the world?

Trump knows the ONLY way forward is to sit down and talk, and Putin knows this as well................Sadly Zelenskyy would rather continue fighting and killing his men till there are none left to fight.
Talk about listening to yourself. Putin knows talking is the only way so he invaded militarily? You don’t think lithium deposits or grain had anything to do with it? Putin thirsts for power and Trump is giddy at the aspects of being just like him. Two little boys that never grew up.
Talk about listening to yourself. Putin knows talking is the only way so he invaded militarily? You don’t think lithium deposits or grain had anything to do with it? Putin thirsts for power and Trump is giddy at the aspects of being just like him. Two little boys that never grew up.
It seems you Dems have a very short memory about what actually happened in Dec of 2021 before Russia Invaded, and the US and Ukraine were warned if they broke the peace treaty (which Ukraine signed) that Russia would attack.......................................Biden, Harris and Zelenskyy were warned, in yet they continued down the road to war. Putin wanted Ukraine to dissolve it's Neo Nazi Militias, and stay out of Nato like it had already agreed and signed to do.

Make no mistake here, the US wanted a conflict with Russia so it could force a regime change and get rid of Putin who is NOT us friendly and easily manipulated.......................just like they wanted to eliminate the Trump threat from the US. Well guess what, the US and Ukraine continued down the road to war, and here we are AT WAR. Just like the Biden and Harris and going back to the Carter Administration (Another democrat), this is and has been the on going democrat plan along with the CIA for get Russia to bend the knee to the US.

"In December 2021. The Kremlin presented treaty proposals, which included implementation of the eight-year old Minsk peace accords (which include a commitment that Ukraine not join Nato); dissolving extreme right Ukrainian militias; and engaging in serious negotiations about a new security architecture in Europe. The US and Nato consistently refused to negotiate. As they refused, they also warned the world, from December 2021 on wards, that Russia would invade. And they transferred huge quantities of weapons and trained the Ukrainian military"

Here is the whole article, for those who have forgotten what happened those 3-4 years ago
Why the US and Nato have long wanted Russia to attack Ukraine - EUROPP

This is and had been the long running US manifest destiny, were they continue to play world police and try to tell everyone else what to do and how to live..................Rather than minding their own business and taking care of themselves.

It seems you Dems have a very short memory about what actually happened in Dec of 2021 before Russia Invaded, and the US and Ukraine were warned if they broke the peace treaty (which Ukraine signed) that Russia would attack.......................................Biden, Harris and Zelenskyy were warned, in yet they continued down the road to war. Putin wanted Ukraine to dissolve it's Neo Nazi Militias, and stay out of Nato like it had already agreed and signed to do.

Make no mistake here, the US wanted a conflict with Russia so it could force a regime change and get rid of Putin who is NOT us friendly and easily manipulated.......................just like they wanted to eliminate the Trump threat from the US. Well guess what, the US and Ukraine continued down the road to war, and here we are AT WAR. Just like the Biden and Harris and going back to the Carter Administration (Another democrat), this is and has been the on going democrat plan along with the CIA for get Russia to bend the knee to the US.

"In December 2021. The Kremlin presented treaty proposals, which included implementation of the eight-year old Minsk peace accords (which include a commitment that Ukraine not join Nato); dissolving extreme right Ukrainian militias; and engaging in serious negotiations about a new security architecture in Europe. The US and Nato consistently refused to negotiate. As they refused, they also warned the world, from December 2021 on wards, that Russia would invade. And they transferred huge quantities of weapons and trained the Ukrainian military"

Here is the whole article, for those who have forgotten what happened those 3-4 years ago
Why the US and Nato have long wanted Russia to attack Ukraine - EUROPP

This is and had been the long running US manifest destiny, were they continue to play world police and try to tell everyone else what to do and how to live..................Rather than minding their own business and taking care of themselves.


How about some proof of Zelenskyy’s neo nazi affiliation?
How about some proof of Zelenskyy’s neo nazi affiliation?
There is a neo Nazi faction In Ukraine, but to tie Zelenskyy to it would be like tying Biden or Trump to the white supremacist factions in the United States. Zelenskyy acknowledges it and just passed a law making antisemitism a crime. Duro forgets or ignores that Zelenskyy is Jewish because it doesn't fit in his distorted view of things. The fact that he signs every post "Cameron" tells me he has a distorted, heightened sense of importance in everything he says. These conversations are surreal in the amount of disinformation used.
The fact that he signs every post "Cameron" tells me he has a distorted, heightened sense of importance in everything he says.
I know a guy who once told me I don’t have a filter.

I think his name has something to do with the long end visible wavelength spectrum of light.
The timeline:
zelensky, the illegitimate leader of a minor nation that is completely dependent on the US goes to the White House and tries to dictate terms to the President. He gets thrown out!


So he goes straight over to the feckless English PM who promises him the world

starmer zelensky.webp

"War in our time" says the traitorous PM.

-The US president halts all aid, turning back military transports in-flight.
-Zelenskyy suddenly 'Regrets' What Happened During Oval Office Meltdown; Ukrainian Officials "Desperate" To Get Deal Back On Track, Trump Not Interested.
I guess he discovered how useless the Europeans actually are.
-UK, France, Ukraine Agree To Work On Cease-Fire Plan To Present To US

There will be a peace deal soon, all sides know it, but the Europeans and the ukraine will not be involved other than being told what to do. Russia will emerge with a large slice of the former ukraine, which was actually a part of Russia back before perestroika anyway. It will be good to put this farce in the garbage can of history.
Perhaps you can explain WHY Zelenskyy has cancelled elections in Ukraine??????, why has Zelenskyy jailed his political opponents, and citizens who question him????????. Putin, Stalin, and Ping would be proud of him, as they all did the same thing to their citizens in the name of "stability in the country" Why has Zelenskyy aligned himself with known Neo Nazi's within his own military, while trying to claim moral high ground around the world?
Because the Ukrainian constitution prohibits elections during war... Kinda like the same laws that applied in GB during WW2. With 1/3rd of the country occupied by Russia its kinda strange to arrange elections isn't it?
