Russia and Ukraine

There is a neo Nazi faction In Ukraine, but to tie Zelenskyy to it would be like tying Biden or Trump to the white supremacist factions in the United States. Zelenskyy acknowledges it and just passed a law making antisemitism a crime. Duro forgets or ignores that Zelenskyy is Jewish because it doesn't fit in his distorted view of things. The fact that he signs every post "Cameron" tells me he has a distorted, heightened sense of importance in everything he says. These conversations are surreal in the amount of disinformation used.
Hi. I think that if we look we will fine that Biden was connected to the KKK. I am not saying that he was a member.
There will be a peace deal soon, all sides know it, but the Europeans and the ukraine will not be involved other than being told what to do. Russia will emerge with a large slice of the former ukraine, which was actually a part of Russia back before perestroika anyway. It will be good to put this farce in the garbage can of history.
Not that I agree with everything you say, I have been told that this view is disturbing to at least two members here.

Zelenskyy, with some liberal input knew exactly what he was doing when he met with Trump and JD. In this chess game, both Trump and JD anticipated his plan and totally outsmarted him. He lost this one.

One needs a little more than average grey matter and know a little about chess, to understand what happened. Those who criticize Trump and JD, lack both.
One needs a little more than average grey matter and know a little about chess, to understand what happened. Those who criticize Trump and JD, lack both.
All I can say is LOL. Zelenskyy has very little bargaining power and Trump’s biggest strength is probably taking candy from a baby.
You should have gone with your plan not to post in the political section any more.
All I can say is LOL. Zelenskyy has very little bargaining power and Trump’s biggest strength is probably taking candy from a baby.
You should have gone with your plan not to post in the political section any more.
Sometimes, one has to be humble. Something you and Zelenskyy with your arrogance and disrespect for the office will never understand.
Thanks for proving my point
Hi. Well you just proved my poiny. You are either closed minded or you do not look anything up. He called robert byrd the grand wizard of the kkk a friend and mentor. If that is not connected what is.




Sometimes, one has to be humble. Something you and Zelenskyy with your arrogance and disrespect for the office will never understand.
You have zero idea of my level of respect and amount of reverence for the office of President of the United States.
I wish Trump had half as much as I.
If FAFO is the best you have, you have my condolences and pity.