I think Putin was waiting to invade to see if Trump got back in or not so he wouldn't hurt his bid for re-election....that's what buddy's do for each other....
Once his buddy didn't get in, all bets were off and he planned his invasion (even though I use the word planning very loosely as a 1st year officer cadet could have planned better).
Go back again to the party that told Ukraine in 1994 that if they gave up Nukes they would be protected from Russian aggression. I'll give you a hint, it's the same party that let Russia violate that agreement in 2014.
In 2012 Obama stated Putin posed no threat. In 2014 Putin walked into Crimea and claimed it. Not a shot was fired. Trump wasn't around then. Not even on the political radar screen. Boy did Obama make him pay for that (heavy sarcasm here).
In 2012, Obama stated that the line in the sand in Syria was the use of chemical weapons. Putin helped Assad cross that line. Review what happened there.
Besides losing credibility as a threat to Putin.
And now Putin has named the same general to lead this new campaign from the East. Gosh Putin sure seems scared of Biden. Is it lost on anyone that Zalinski has welcomed the American press into his country and his bunker, the PM of England, the Austrian Chancellor in and did photo ops with them. And not Biden? Even after Biden said he'd like to come in person.
So there's those facts you can decide to overlook if you desire. Now you are proposing that Putin just chose to NOT invade to be buddy buddy with Trump. To accomplish what again? To get Trump re-elected?
You might want to see how well the Russian economy was doing due to Trump getting oil down into the 40s. That is the very lifeblood of Putin's economy. Which tanked. Due to his buddy Trump. I don't know about you, but dang I wouldn't have wanted another 4 years of that friendship.
And now we watch the DOJ decide an investigation into Hunter Biden is in fact not only warranted, but specifically are expanding it past his tax problems to now looking at his time spent in Ukraine. The very same thing they tried to impeach Trump for trying to get done.
My take is, Biden will lay waste to Ukraine to distract us from that. I suspect Putin is smart enough to know that. Ukraine will get effed over by the U.S. Again! I hate to say it. But I think Zalinski is also smart enough to know that too.