San Diego Hoons...10News // Lane Splitting Story

Hmmm, let us do some math:

economy bad + gas $$ up + bike cost + generally good weather = more bikers

If 30% took the CMSP class and only a 10% increase in TOTAL fatalities with a 400% increase in riders.

Dang, we are doing pretty good. Lane splitting or not.

OBTW - I taught CMSP for 4 years... Lane splitting is "tolerated" here, not actually legal.

I taught at OMCT
it is my duty and obligation to help relieve congestion and reduce emissions by using doing this...safely, of course :)
Im for lane splitting (sharing) whatever you would like to call it. Im also a firm believer that it is only as dangerous as you make it. Also, like scar said, you have to be in a much more heightened/alert state of mind while splitting lanes.

I mean there's a time and place for everything:

cars going 75+ on both sides and splitting them at 90+ may not be the smartest decision. But when its 4:30pm and its bumper to bumper as far as the eye can see you better believe im splitting lanes all the way to kingdom come laughing at all the cagers. there are, homever, those few rare cagers who see you coming and move as far over as they can to give you space, and i always make it a point to throw them the peace sign real quick, let 'em know I appreciate it.

my .02
There is no way in heck I would NOT split. I used to drive a cage from San Bernardino to San Diego (100+ miles) and traffic on a Friday going North is enough to give ANYONE road rage! Now trade the cage for the Katana that I did, and life became SOOOOO much better! Now that I have a Busa that is MUCH wider than my Katana was I take it easy while splitting. Moving to AZ is gonna kill me!
Stats can be a great way to support a LIE or at least a misrepresentation of the facts.

raydog, have you heard the expression that 90% of all statistics can be made to say whatever you want; 70% of the time. :whistle:

Journalists have lost any integrity they ever had. When taking polls, they hand select the people they are going to count, phrase the questions so that no matter how you anwer they can interpret your answer as agreeing with the conclusions that they made before they even started the survey. And then to top it off, they exclude any facts that take away from their conclusions such as not mentioning that although the number of fatalities has gone up 10%, the number of riders has gone up 400%.
Another item that's particularly noteworthy in this whole discussion is, very specifically, the width of the lanes.

On some of the freeways in SoCal, the lanes are luxuriously wide, affording ample room for even large 'baggers' to 'filter/split/share'.

Other freeways, for example, numerous places on the 405 through Orange County and into south LA County, are narrow and it's just a full time job because you have to bob-and-weave. It will wear you out in no time.

Of course, wherever you are, there are the sad clowns in cages who are frowning that you got out of line and are beating them to the front of wherever they're going, and will try to squeeze out the space between them and the lane next to them so you have to divert in some fashion from your self-prescribed program.


Sad Clown.jpg
All the foregoing having been said, and conditions permitting, I share lanes.

It's one of the few benefits of riding a motorcycle in a cage-eat-cage world.

Sometimes I'll do it for a distance then claim a space in a full lane for myself. Sometimes traffic just seems 'angry''s during these times I opt out of the lane-sharing scenario.

Interesting, also, is at least here in SoCal, some freeways have wider lanes than others. For example, through sections of OC and LA, the 405 has VERY narrow lanes; and conversely, the 805 here in SD, south of the 8 has very generous lanes.

Another practice we engage here is called 'threading traffic'; during which the motorcyclist advances to the limit line at a traffic light or stop sign. I don't know what the rules are in other states on this particular activity, but it's a huge time-saver and generally (if you're an experienced, stable rider), very traffic on both sides of you has come to a complete stop.

One thing is absolute. While "sharing," one can never EVER take a break from an enhanced or heightened level of caution.

Lane sharing is illegal here, lane splitting is legal.
I didn't see anything wrong with that lane splitting video... No stunts, no clowning around...
the dam lady didn't even know if it was legal...Dumb ace. Im not going to sit in hot traffic burning up when i can go through.. :rulez: It a Choice....if you dont like it move the hell over and let me pass :thumbsup:
I didn't see anything wrong with that lane splitting video... No stunts, no clowning around...
the dam lady didn't even know if it was legal...Dumb ace. Im not going to sit in hot traffic burning up when i can go through.. :rulez: It a Choice....if you dont like it move the hell over and let me pass :thumbsup:

JDog...I thought the same thing...that was one of the weakest news stories I've ever heard.

I think there's some subliminal messages in it, though...

1) "Take it easy" to the bikers, and
2) "It's legal" to the cagers.

A couple of pretty poignant messages, I'd say. :whistle:
+1 on the sad clowns, they are just jealous. I have had a few of them from time to time squeeze the space so that I couldn't come through and had to wait until traffic came to a complete stop to get by.....even clicked a few mirrors. :laugh:
I have Taken a Few Mirrors, Kicked a Few Doors, and other things over the Years...............:whistle: