Say it aint So!

Dream all you want, 95% of guys can’t actually use 70% of the handling of today’s sportbikes.

well said... which brings me to one question... Why do we continue to bicker and argue about which is the best, fastest, best handling, so on and so forth? Other than bragging rights, all these high tech speed machines are a waste of money if you're not using them for what their intended for... :)
I have around 15 drag strips within a 2 hour drive of my location here in Dayton, OH. We get to use the power of these bikes several times per week, if we like, without fear of repercussion from the authorities. It’s also a welcome frustration relief, since whoever came up with the speed limits in our great land OBVIOUSLY didn’t own a sportbike!

I had the pleasure of ridding the S 1000 RR at Palm Beach International Raceway, and I can tell you that it is the most confidence inspiring machine I have ever ridden: :: DRAGBIKE.COM :: DRAGBIKE MAGAZINE :: BMW S 1000 RR US Press Introduction ::

I have also ridden the 08 Busa at Road America… my eye starts to twitch uncontrollably when I think about it. Let’s just say that the Busa needs to stay on the street, drag strip or land speed racing since Suzuki decided to make its brakes out of WOOD:confused:.

Of course, that same brute Busa power moved my ass to 201.31 MPH at Maxton.
My god these things are fast :eek:: :: DRAGBIKE.COM :: DRAGBIKE MAGAZINE :: Hayabusa Chronicles Part 2 ::

Brock's Performance Products
Don't get me wrong, I love the BMW! My Dad has been riding them for decades and my brother has one of the new S1000RR's....I just wasn't happy with the testing conditions and felt it should have been done on a proper track... :thumbsup:
well said... which brings me to one question... Why do we continue to bicker and argue about which is the best, fastest, best handling, so on and so forth? Other than bragging rights, all these high tech speed machines are a waste of money if you're not using them for what their intended for... :)
Actually most guys use their bikes for street riding, canyon carving, and of course roll on racing with their buds.....which is all about acceleration. 95% of sport bikes never see a road course, or even a drag strip. Acceleration and hp is what we want, and the quickest and fastest is what sells....which is why we have these discussions :laugh:
Hello Org.'s Ihave been reading this forum(as well as others) Trying to decide what flavor I was gonna use to get back into riding again. My daughter is now all grown up(6 years old) and It is time to get another bike. I spent the last few months going back and forth on what bike I was gonna get. I narrowed it down to: BMW s1000, GXR 1000, and a Busa. I am 41 now and wanna get something i can go to the drag strip with occasionally with my nephew. (He has a gixxer) After getting a great crash course on Busa's from this site and the great people here I decided to get the Hayabusa. The icing on the cake was that the busa had all the things I wanted. Speed, comfort and strong after market support. Plus a 6'1" 245# I think I just look better on it!!:thumbsup: The new BMW is an awsome machine. And now the Japanese will dust themselves off and start hitting the r&d hard again. We all win!! I am driving up to Cherry hill to Cycle world NJ to pick my busa up in the next few days(weather permitting). I got a new k9 for $3500 off MSRP! Hope to make many friends on here in the near future.

I contacted the editor of Super Streetbike to have them send me the "corrected" times most mags print:

The Density Altitude (DA) that day was 3962
*note, the ‘Busa had the most difficult time hooking up, as it spun in first gear on every launch

Modded BMW:
Actual: 10.04 @ 150
Corrected: 9.553 @ 157.7

Stock BMW:
Actual: 10.3 @ 144
Corrected: 9.8 @ 151.4

Actual: 10.2 @ 148
Corrected: 9.7 @155.6

Actual: 10.5 @ 142
Corrected: 9.9 @ 150.1

Actual: 10.4 @ 142
Corrected: 9.89 @ 149.3

Actual: 10.7 @ 138
Corrected: 10.1 @ 145.4

Honda CBR1000RR:
Actual: 10.4 @ 139
Corrected: 9.89 @ 146.1

Yamaha R1:
Actual: 10.5@ 139
Corrected: 9.99 @146.2

Ducati 1198:
Actual: 10.7 @ 138
Corrected: 10.18 @145.1

Now you can compare the numbers we are all used to hearing.

Brock's Performance Products
so basically the stock beemer is .1 of a second faster than the busa who apparantly had an issue with traction? sounds like a clean win to me :whistle:
true, they are very, very close. its a mosquito in your flight path from losing when they're this close. i say, since they're this close, now do a test to see which one gets the most hp/$ when performing mods... :D
The new BMW is simply fast as hell. It makes more power than a Gen 2 Busa and weighs 100 lbs. less - it's just math. The only reason it’s even close in the drag strip portion of these tests is that you can’t ride the damn thing with all of that power, up in the air, with a stock wheelbase. You can’t get the gas locked until you babysit the 180 RWHP unicycle midway through second gear – it’s a joke.

I love Busa’s! I have built my company around them and will continue to do so for a long time to come… But they are giant, Neanderthal sleds compared to an S 1000 RR outfitted with the dynamic traction control package and quick shifter for anything except drag racing. It’s ok, it’s a function of today’s technology; some guys still have phone’s with cords, some prefer to text and surf the web – to each is own.

Of course, some guys just don’t like the smaller bikes – I understand, I have always been one of them until the BMW came along. Until this year I have never personally owned a 1000, only Busa’s, ZX-14’s, GSX-R1100’s, 1150’ etc. and of course, my 1200 Bandit I used to run the first street legal seven second pass. I have RACED 1000’s before, but they were owned by Suzuki and I sold them after the seasons were over, as I had no use for keeping one for myself. I have always felt like a bear on a tricycle riding any brand 1000, until now, that is.

Brock's Performance Products
Everyone take a deep breath. Ok then,do you not think the japanese brass are not in the lab making a bmw1000 beater as we speak? I would bet anyone that suzuki will have a faster 1000 and busa with-in a year or two!Like someone else said(we all win)!The bmw is just a wake-up call!:laugh:
so basically the stock beemer is .1 of a second faster than the busa who apparantly had an issue with traction? sounds like a clean win to me :whistle:

The numbers don't lie! :thumbsup:

I just think the test would have been better on a prepped race track where the BUSA might of had a chance to hook up. Then again, we'll have to see how they do on the TOP END...

A UK mag went 202mph with one, looking forward to the article... :beerchug:
Brock, tell me... if the new s1000rr doesn't make you feel like a bear, are you saying that its physically larger than other 1k bikes?

Can anyone vouch for any comfort on the new s1krr?
Brock, tell me... if the new s1000rr doesn't make you feel like a bear, are you saying that its physically larger than other 1k bikes?

Can anyone vouch for any comfort on the new s1krr?

The only experience I have is sitting on one in the showroom and there it felt much like a many of the new gen 1000' a 600. It's small.
What where the 60ft, and 330 on the gen2 and stock bwm? Now im guessing the modded bmw had your exhaust, thin head gasket, vp fuel?

I contacted the editor of Super Streetbike to have them send me the "corrected" times most mags print:

The Density Altitude (DA) that day was 3962
*note, the ‘Busa had the most difficult time hooking up, as it spun in first gear on every launch

Modded BMW:
Actual: 10.04 @ 150
Corrected: 9.553 @ 157.7

Stock BMW:
Actual: 10.3 @ 144
Corrected: 9.8 @ 151.4

Actual: 10.2 @ 148
Corrected: 9.7 @155.6

Actual: 10.5 @ 142
Corrected: 9.9 @ 150.1

Actual: 10.4 @ 142
Corrected: 9.89 @ 149.3

Actual: 10.7 @ 138
Corrected: 10.1 @ 145.4

Honda CBR1000RR:
Actual: 10.4 @ 139
Corrected: 9.89 @ 146.1

Yamaha R1:
Actual: 10.5@ 139
Corrected: 9.99 @146.2

Ducati 1198:
Actual: 10.7 @ 138
Corrected: 10.18 @145.1

Now you can compare the numbers we are all used to hearing.

Brock's Performance Products
What where the 60ft, and 330 on the gen2 and stock bwm? Now im guessing the modded bmw had your exhaust, thin head gasket, vp fuel?

The runs where on a unprepped surface (airstrip) at 3,500' elevation. That's why I wish they had done the runs at a dragstrip. The modded BMW only had exhaust and PC from what they printed. Then again, some info was left out so maybe they missed something else... :(
Thanks bro:thumbsup:. I have yet to see one hear in dfw run 8.99 swb with just a pipe and pc. The bmw is fast my cousin has one. But I would like to see a fare comparison with our gen2 vs the bmw. Swb just pipe, pc, straped with jt, or rickey gadson. No vp fuel or any tricks. It must mean at seeing gen2 busa are in every test.
The runs where on a unprepped surface (airstrip) at 3,500' elevation. That's why I wish they had done the runs at a dragstrip. The modded BMW only had exhaust and PC from what they printed. Then again, some info was left out so maybe they missed something else... :(