Service From the stealership

Dealership service departments suck ass......there's a reason this whole thread is nothing but negative experiences with dealerships :whistle: Kinda gives you a nice ratio of good to bad :laugh: and also lets you know what kind of odds you're looking at, for getting a sh**ty job done at your local dealership, if you decide to skip our advice and go anyways :poke: Its about 99.9% likely you'll get reamed like a free h**ker at a frat party :rofl:
If you can't do most of the work on your bike yourself...I would recommend not owning one, cause having other people do it for you is going to ruin the pleasure of owning it ;)
I do all my own maintenance. At least if a mistake is made, I know what it is and that I have nobody to blame but me. Fortunately, I haven't died yet.


Nah, it's just not worth it to take it in. If you do your own tappet check one time, it saves you enough $$ to buy a lift for your garage and you're all set. Change the oil and plugs a few times, do a TB Synch once and you've got enough $$ to buy all the tools you need for said maintenance.

Good luck going forward.

I feel your pain man; I've had some similar experiences with one of our local dealerships myself. It seems like there just aren't any dependable stealerships when it comes to the proper care of our bikes..... :banghead:

Good luck on getting any kind of closure on this.

Finding competent motorcycle mechanics is near impossible at a dealership because even though you pay 85 dollars an hour some guy being paid 8.50 is the one doing your oil change. Any mechanic worth his salt can independantly make more money working on few motorcycles a week in his own garage. Every town has a couple of these guys.

Motorcycles are a lot like boats in that unless your independantly wealthly you better be a decent mechanic or willing to learn or you will be fleeced of your money and get inferior service...
No one works on my ride anymore. I worked for dealers all my life. Good mechanics are hard to find PERIOD
No one works on my ride anymore. I worked for dealers all my life. Good mechanics are hard to find PERIOD
...I'm starting to learn this based on my own experiences; hence the reason I am in the process of aquiring tools for my next service.

Wow hearing all of you talking about not going to dealers is making me change my mind about going to school to be a motorcycle mech for my career lol
I could tell you stories you guys wouldn't believe.
...I took my 10R in once to have the valve clearances checked. A few hours later it was all done. I look it over best I can and do the pre-ride check, and then off I go to the house. Before I even get out on the highway good I notice smoke coming from my bike in the rear view mirrors. By the time I get back to the shop the whole right side of my bike is covered in oil (including rear tire, and my right boot). They didn't get the valve cover gasket back on right. That's just one example of my experiences; needless to say I haven't been back to that dealership since.

1 Freon being removed in the winter. They know you'll come back.
2 Anti freeze not being changed. "if it's green it's clean" Don't change it and say you did then bill them.
3 brakes being replaced that were like new.
4 miss diagnosis on YOUR dime."customer almost will never know" stick it on the bill.
and the list could go on and on.
Yes. I worked with many crooks and many more bad mechanics.
Unfortunately on the Gen IIs, we are almost going to have to go to the dealerships for the Throttle Valve Sync, since Suzuki doesn't offer the damned SDS software to the public. :banghead:

There are in fact good techs out there.. .finding them? another story.. If you live in snow country, your odds drop fast.. You get where bikes are ridden year round? You get a different class of guy.. Check at some local hang outs.. there will be guys that have good stories about someone local who will take you and your bike on.... only have to pay $67 an hour for bad service ?? Here it is $85 an hour for poor service !

+1 on that we pay about 86 -90 per hr for crappy service. If you want a bigger rod in the rectum be sure to visit our stealership here in Miami....


A little poetic justice the stealership that last screwed up my service closed down.. but I am sure we can find you another:laugh:
the toughest routine preventative maintenance is valve clearance check/sdjust.

I've done it several times on my ZRX12 and have done a buddy's SV1000S Suzuki, so when the time comes to do the 'busa (probably this winter) I guess I can handle it.

The satisfaction and peace of mind from knowing it is done right it priceless...AND you save a few hundred bucks on top of that.
