If they don't want the liability then they need to close the shop down. A service shop is just one big, huge, liability. It doesn't matter if you're changin oil or doin an engine job; there's still liability involved. What happens if they change the oil, but forget to fill it? Or don't get the filter tight, or leave the old filter seal on? What happens is you either have a locked up engine, or you have a leak that can very easily end up in you goin down on the way home from the back tire gettin oil on it. So you see, it doesn't matter what they're doin, it's still a liability. At least with this they would most likely start sliding slowly and you would be able to notice before it got so far that you had a big issue. They're supposed to be professional techs. Granted, everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but if they're so worried about it that they won't take work in, then they just need to go ahead and close the shop down. Just myI think you had it right the first time... They do not want the liability... can not blame them I suppose.. if anything goes wrong, first thing that happens is people get all "Lawyered" up and sue the pants off them..