Should guns be banned?

After 9/11 the government put sky marshalls on the airplanes to make sure it never happens again. They might not be on every flight but and may be obvious to spot at times but you know there is a possibility. Walmart has secret shoppers that walk around and pretend to be shopping while looking out for shop lifters. Why cant we provide this type of security to major populated areas like malls, theatres, schools, etc. The best case scenario I can see for right now is to employ Public Marshalls. Hire ex military, off duty or retired cops, or civillians that meet the criteria to patrol populated areas and guard against future attacks. Sounds unrealistic I know but honestly any laws or bans imposed by the government is gonna have so much red tape and be dragged through the mud and appealed that it will have little to no effect on the now.

Because that cost money... Once again I will say it... enforce the gun laws we have and those mentally capable will make adjustments... Nothing was going to stop the shooter on Friday, he had a mental issue...
At some level I agree with you but we can't with one fail swoop ban guns everywhere because the heavily populated areas are having social issues... States have different laws on guns, so maybe this issue is no different on a big level...

Mental illness is definately a problem but I'm not sure how you would quantify mental illness. This latest shooter never owned a gun, he never bought a gun, he used a gun...

He used a 'tool'. One which is used to kill and called a gun.
Imagine this country/world without guns, as if they never existed, all else exactly the same.
I think the kid would have snapped anyway. He would have made a fertilizer bomb in a UHaul or used some gas and started a huge fire somewhere. From the very first minute after this happened the talk was about guns and not one word yet about why or any real ideas on how to stop future ones. I don't believe the guns spoke to him. Same as a hammer doesn't call anyone to smack somebody in the head. Guns may make it easier and may make for a higher death toll but they are not the cause.

Does anyone honestly think that if there was not a single gun in this country mass murder would not exist?
There would still be upset disgruntled people pissed at the world bent on destruction.
Does anyone else get the feeling that these aren't "random?"

These shootings all play into the hands of the U.N. talks and treaties.. I'm not a "tin foil hat" kind of guy, but I also don't walk around with horse blinders on...
Because that cost money... Once again I will say it... enforce the gun laws we have and those mentally capable will make adjustments... Nothing was going to stop the shooter on Friday, he had a mental issue...

What's gonna cost money is coming to take civilians weapons. And it'll cost manufacturing jobs, etc... I really can't see this happening..
What's gonna cost money is coming to take civilians weapons. And it'll cost manufacturing jobs, etc... I really can't see this happening..

There would be more bloodshed from the Gov coming to get Americans guns than you can imagine.. That is not the politically correct thing to do therefore I don't see a full ban happen.. Here is the funny part.. This shooting on Friday was not performed with assault rifles or anything outside of a normal handgun... It's going to be hard for anyone to try to justify taking assault rifles when that is not what was used.. I don't think any politician wants to take on the banning of handguns...
laws only keep the honest people honest

one thought.... the crime is in the heart, in the mind of the individual, and does NOT happen "because guns are legal"
(this comes from someone who doesn't own a single gun)

Also... my thoughts and prayers go out for those people so terribly affected by this event, and its truly more sad to see, specially in such a joyous time like Christmas.

....and my last cent.... we don't have a problem saying "prayer and God" in this kind of events for some reason. Sadly sadly, when the pain has subsided and this events become a memory of our past, prayer and God fade in to our memory just the same
You make some good points, Georgia is about the same with one being chambered with a permit. But I kind of think if everybody knows that everyone is armed there would be less of the bad stuff happening.

I should have said for me I don't open carry but if it's legal to do so where a person resides then it is a choice they can make. I prefer concealed but there is a valid point with open carry. a POS punk dumbazz goes off his meds...a mom who is a gun person and KNOWS her son has problems, and STILL lets him play with her guns (and pays the ultimate price for it) goes and shoots up a school, and I, a veteran, who at one time owned LOCK STOCK AND BARREL an arms room full of Full-Auto weapons and could have - at least briefly - walked out with any of them, can no longer have a rifle because I can't be trusted with it?

In Israel, everybody has a gun. Grandpas and Grandmas (ex-IDF) are the armed guards at schools, and yet you don't even see this crap happen THERE...It's definitely not the gun. But, people are hurting and anquished over what happened here (so am I), and they want something to BLAME and they want an 'EASY FIX' when there's really not one, especially one that might contradict their liberal views...

Of course Diane Fienstein is going to seek new gun legislation, sure Obama may try it., but I can guaranty it would be a HUGE mistake, as there is NO WAY I (and most gun owners) are going to give up our guns without a fight....

I've had a CCW since about 1988; and until this last year I almost NEVER carried. But now I carry all almost all the time. I hope to God I never have a reason to use it.
Capt Colombine and the recent movie theater shooting were both in a 'rural' area as you say and not in a populated area. The school shooting was also not a populated area.
I don't recall a mass shooting in a major city? But yes it may not be a bad idea to be a state thing because to step outside in your neck of the woods is a different thing than in New Jersey.

I agree it should probably be a state issue. Thank goodness Utah's law is modeled after the 2nd amendment.....with clear wording!

Article I, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Utah states: "The individual right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, others, property, or the state, as well as for other lawful purposes shall not be infringed; but nothing herein shall prevent the Legislature from defining the lawful use of arms."
Very good point Capt. However if I had a gun I would want some consistency in the laws. It would suck to have to figure out what to do with a gun as you travel across several states. I don't even own a gun but that seems like a problem.

Do a little snooping around at this link:

Click on any state from that map to see their laws. Look at a few different states an compare them.

Different states already have widely differing laws regarding firearms. It's the responsibility of each law-abiding gun carrier to know what's expected wherever they choose to carry.
Do a little snooping around at this link:

Click on any state from that map to see their laws. Look at a few different states an compare them.

Different states already have widely differing laws regarding firearms. It's the responsibility of each law-abiding gun carrier to know what's expected wherever they choose to carry.

Yes, that's a good site. Within that site is another good site for pro-gun folks....interesting information and data.

Gun Facts - Gun Control | Facts | Debunk | Myths
Willie you have this problem now... Try driving through other states with a concealed carry.. Unless you have reciprocity it's against the law...

Yes I know. I was considering a gun for protection on a ride to the mid-west but decided it was too complicated to know what was legal where. Bottom line is we need to resolve what is a constitutional right and that rules anywhere. It's not right to limit people's rights just because crime is high is it?
I have mixed feelings on the issue. When I got back from Viet Nam, I had no interest in owning or shooting any kind of weapon ever again, and have not done so to this day. I won a nice shotgun in a sales contest just after Mary and I started living together, but I sold it because we had her two boys living in the home and I didn't want it around them and I would never use it for hunting. Last year when we had to move my dad out of his home to an assisted living facility, I brought two handguns home. One he took from the hand of a dead German ss officer that was trying to kill him. Although they are in great condition, they have not been fired for almost 70 years and I have not considered them for personal protection even though I'm starting to have second thoughts about having a weapon in the home for protection. In Kansas City, shooting murders are so common it is hardly mentioned in the news and people seem to treat it as no big deal. Why is that? when I was growing up, we played with our toy six shooters and watched the westerns, but we were not exposed to the graphic violence depicted in movies, TV, and video games viewed by our youth today. It is hard to find a TV program or movie today, that doesn't contain violence, even the music scene. And the video games, my god, why any parent would buy and let their child watch that garbage is beyond me. The companies that produce and sell that trash should have a hard time looking themselves in the mirror. I think most of the vets and our active duty military will tell you there is nothing glamorous, cool or fun about war and killing another human being. I still find it hard to sleep at night sometimes due to the things I saw and did. As I'm writing this post, the news just came on telling us about two police officers in Topeka, ks. shot dead in a grocery store parking lot. It was a very short report, and now tomorrows weather report. No big deal unless one of the slain officers was your husband, father, brother, grandfather,uncle or friend! I wish I knew the solution, but until we as a society are able spend time with our children and teach them morals and responsibilities instead of shipping them off to their rooms to play video games or listen to music with violence as the main subject, I'm afraid you could take all the guns in the world and dump in the ocean and it won't change a thing.
How about this: You can have normal guns - pistols, shot guns, rifles the typical self defense weapons in your home. You are also allowed to have any type of assault weapon you can afford but it has to be kept in a central "Town" armory under professional supervision. These armories would also be gun training centers with shooting ranges. Concealed carry would be very tightly controlled. You could also check out your assault weapons but would have to have extensive clearance (i.e. mental exam, where you are going, what you are doing with it, maybe limits of ammo, etc.). That way we know where they are when they are on the street. This way rather than limit 2nd amendment rights we could actually teach people to use the weapons properly. Even the military controls weapons in sensitive areas to limit accidents. Maybe the answer isn't to limit guns but to increase responsible use and storage of them.
Kind of defeats the purpose of the second amendment. You really have to ask yourself do you really really trust the Democrats and Republicans to respect your rights to be a freeman, ? I dont. They both have a proven disdain for the constitution and bill of rights and the people of America

How about this: You can have normal guns - pistols, shot guns, rifles the typical self defense weapons in your home. You are also allowed to have any type of assault weapon you can afford but it has to be kept in a central "Town" armory under professional supervision. These armories would also be gun training centers with shooting ranges. Concealed carry would be very tightly controlled. You could also check out your assault weapons but would have to have extensive clearance (i.e. mental exam, where you are going, what you are doing with it, maybe limits of ammo, etc.). That way we know where they are when they are on the street. This way rather than limit 2nd amendment rights we could actually teach people to use the weapons properly. Even the military controls weapons in sensitive areas to limit accidents. Maybe the answer isn't to limit guns but to increase responsible use and storage of them.
Alright! The Topeka police have the shooting suspect surrounded in a home and they are going in to get him, all on live TV. Maybe we will get to see the police shoot him as it is happening if the station doesn't brake for a Christmas sale commercial, how fun, woops spoke to soon, a buy your loved one a new Audi for Christmas commercial. We are living in a sick world. I'm glad I'm old!
You can have normal guns - pistols, shot guns, rifles the typical self defense weapons in your home.

Why are you even offering this as a solutions... handguns are exactly what was used Friday.. Why are you picking on the mean rifles? The poor AR was in the trunk of his car... Thats like punishing your son because your daughter misbehaved isn't it?
just one more share, please

fallenarch, please tell me what an "assault rifle" is, and why they are more dangerous than a hunting rifle.