I have mixed feelings on the issue. When I got back from Viet Nam, I had no interest in owning or shooting any kind of weapon ever again, and have not done so to this day. I won a nice shotgun in a sales contest just after Mary and I started living together, but I sold it because we had her two boys living in the home and I didn't want it around them and I would never use it for hunting. Last year when we had to move my dad out of his home to an assisted living facility, I brought two handguns home. One he took from the hand of a dead German ss officer that was trying to kill him. Although they are in great condition, they have not been fired for almost 70 years and I have not considered them for personal protection even though I'm starting to have second thoughts about having a weapon in the home for protection. In Kansas City, shooting murders are so common it is hardly mentioned in the news and people seem to treat it as no big deal. Why is that? when I was growing up, we played with our toy six shooters and watched the westerns, but we were not exposed to the graphic violence depicted in movies, TV, and video games viewed by our youth today. It is hard to find a TV program or movie today, that doesn't contain violence, even the music scene. And the video games, my god, why any parent would buy and let their child watch that garbage is beyond me. The companies that produce and sell that trash should have a hard time looking themselves in the mirror. I think most of the vets and our active duty military will tell you there is nothing glamorous, cool or fun about war and killing another human being. I still find it hard to sleep at night sometimes due to the things I saw and did. As I'm writing this post, the news just came on telling us about two police officers in Topeka, ks. shot dead in a grocery store parking lot. It was a very short report, and now tomorrows weather report. No big deal unless one of the slain officers was your husband, father, brother, grandfather,uncle or friend! I wish I knew the solution, but until we as a society are able spend time with our children and teach them morals and responsibilities instead of shipping them off to their rooms to play video games or listen to music with violence as the main subject, I'm afraid you could take all the guns in the world and dump in the ocean and it won't change a thing.