Should guns be banned?

You had terrorists that couldn't even set off a bomb properly. The shoe bomber, the crotch bomber, and the recent 1 in NY that failed at a car bomb. Guess they should have taken classes from you guys actually "know" for real.... Just think if any 1 of them had 1 assault rifle and a few clips of ammo and headed to a shopping mall, walmart, or high school football game. Enough with the bomb bullsh*t
Topic tomorrow on Face the Nation is gonna be guess what, gun control.
It will be a very strong effort to ban hi cap mags and ugly guns.

How about just insisting that before you can own a military style weapon you have to show you can store it securely in a lock box or safe? Not just in a closet.
Blanca that isn't gonna work because you can have a lock box, pin #, thumb print and a retina scan on your gun safe but when you snap the lock box isn't gonna say sorry you can't use your guns right now because you flipped your lid and intend on murdering a lot of people
Yeah no thanks, don't want government inspectors checking my guns in my house, that aint gonna work. What might work in some of these incidents is making the gun owner liable legally, not in this case obviously but in other cases.

Blanca that isn't gonna work because you can have a lock box, pin #, thumb print and a retina scan on your gun safe but when you snap the lock box isn't gonna say sorry you can't use your guns right now because you flipped your lid and intend on murdering a lot of people
I mean the guys point is valid youd only see a white person with this........

You had terrorists that couldn't even set off a bomb properly. The shoe bomber, the crotch bomber, and the recent 1 in NY that failed at a car bomb. Guess they should have taken classes from you guys actually "know" for real.... Just think if any 1 of them had 1 assault rifle and a few clips of ammo and headed to a shopping mall, walmart, or high school football game. Enough with the bomb bullsh*t

You honestly believe these people weren't supposed to be found so that we as a people are "okay" with Big Brother taking away our liberties?
Topic tomorrow on Face the Nation is gonna be guess what, gun control.
It will be a very strong effort to ban hi cap mags and ugly guns.

How about just insisting that before you can own a military style weapon you have to show you can store it securely in a lock box or safe? Not just in a closet.

I'll have to try and remember to watch that. Actually, what is the point of hi cap mags? IF I had a glock 26, with numerous 10rd mags, that should be sufficient for self defense, range time, etc....I'm not a hunter anymore, one shot always did the trick. I don't need to defend against the USA gubmint, they have superior firepower and accessories anyway. Hopefully everyone knows that....??? I'm just willing to compromise on several points. Taking a stand of "come get you some" will actually be counter productive.
You wanna spout GO USA!!! Rhetoric and talk about civil liberties? How about the liberties of them 20 dead children? Or the fact it is no longer safe to send your kid to school, or visit a crowded place like a theatre or a shopping mall? All so you can exercise your civil liberties and show off your impressive gun collection to your friends.....
I just really wish people would stop trying to avert the issue by citing random instances about bombs and what they seen on last weeks episode of Myth Busters. Despite what you seen on TV it is not that simple nor easy to execute. How many of you have made bombs?? How many can attest to how simple it is to plot gather materials then build 1 all while you are in a psychotic rage? How easy is it for somebody to flip out and go to your closet and grab a gun point and shoot?

I've done that many times. What's the big deal? :laugh: Sorry I couldn't resist such a great setup.......
The best post I have seen was one from good old bots

I left my loaded glock pistol on the table, with a round in the chamber for 24 hours.......It didn't hurt anyone.....
You wanna spout GO USA!!! Rhetoric and talk about civil liberties? How about the liberties of them 20 dead children? Or the fact it is no longer safe to send your kid to school, or visit a crowded place like a theatre or a shopping mall? All so you can exercise your civil liberties and show off your impressive gun collection to your friends.....

No, it sucks azz that this has happened. But I still WILL NOT do or vote ANYTHING that limits the 2nd Amendment further than it is right now. You are thinking with emotion and not critically. While that may offer you some comfort for the moment, I will not trade the illusion of someone else protecting my family over my own. The 2nd Amendment is what ALLOWS all others to happen. It's easy to blame the gun; we are so good at blaming everything and everyone EXCEPT ourselves. We glorify violence on TV; we play video games that make it look like killing is 'fun'. We are living the illusion that divorce and single-parent homes are ok. We don't use the death penalty because it's 'inhumane.' We scoff at people who have religions views. WE ARE THE ENEMY AND HE IS US.

Decide now: Are you a Wolf, a Sheep or a Sheepdog. The WOLF did this; the SHEEP want to ban the instrument not the weapon, and the SHEEPDOGS just want to stop the WOLF.
Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened yesterday :

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."
it would be nice to see the federal government make palm print identification mandatory on every gun sold in this country so only the person who's palm print is on file with the FBI and purchased the gun legally can actually discharge that particular weapon.

it would not eliminate our gun problem but would surely be a step in the right direction. people would still be able to own guns and any gun found without palm print identification would be considered illegal.

could even have the federal gov. give ppl a credit for turning in their current gun towards the ppurchase of a gun with a palm print identification and make the purchase a tax write off.

it works for Bond....:firing: Bond's New Smart Gun In Skyfall: Science Fiction in the News
Such an interesting argument!! With so many variables on the issue, its sad that it makes everyones opinion completely wrong. :(