Yeah, I'd rather wait 10-15 minutes for authorities to show up and protect me from someone who doesn't care about laws or life than being able to protect myself.
Honestly - I have a large debate internally on this issue. On days like today, it's a no brainer, and the answer is YES.
Sure, gun "enthusiasts" will be coming up with things to make the fact that 20 kids were killed by guns today, not the fault of guns. But bottom line is, if the shooter did not have guns today, these kids would not have been shot. Yeah yeah, I know, if he didn't have guns, he would have used knives, sticks and stones, or a wooden spoon.
it would be nice to see the federal government make palm print identification mandatory on every gun sold in this country so only the person who's palm print is on file with the FBI and purchased the gun legally can actually discharge that particular weapon.
it would not eliminate our gun problem but would surely be a step in the right direction. people would still be able to own guns and any gun found without palm print identification would be considered illegal.
could even have the federal gov. give ppl a credit for turning in their current gun towards the ppurchase of a gun with a palm print identification and make the purchase a tax write off.
it works for Bond.... Bond's New Smart Gun In Skyfall: Science Fiction in the News
I'll have to try and remember to watch that. Actually, what is the point of hi cap mags? IF I had a glock 26, with numerous 10rd mags, that should be sufficient for self defense, range time, etc....I'm not a hunter anymore, one shot always did the trick. I don't need to defend against the USA gubmint, they have superior firepower and accessories anyway. Hopefully everyone knows that....??? I'm just willing to compromise on several points. Taking a stand of "come get you some" will actually be counter productive.
There's already a database of purchases are registered by serial number.
If we are required by law to register our motorvehicles, I see no valid argument for why we shouldn't register our firearms. Simple as that.
In fact, I think a system similar to our Vehicle Title setup would be close to perfect in terms of closes the private sale loophole nicely and allows for a more direct link between the weapon and the responsible party, without being terribly intrusive (yes, anything is more instrusive than nothing, but submitting a form in the mail when you purchase or sell a weapon isn't too much to ask).
Driving a vehicle on a public road is a privilege, owning a gun is a Constitutional right.
Actually freedom of movement is a constitutional right as well - Freedom of movement under United States law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So regulating driving (a form of movement) is no different than regulating different forms of guns.
Driving a vehicle on a public road is a privilege, owning a gun is a Constitutional right. I think banning video games and Facebook would have more of an impact than anything else, while we are at it we should censor all violence off of tv and in the movies, we could get rid of all the books and magazines that glorify violence, we could censor the news media to stop reporting violence, register reporters so they don't report any violence, get rid of the "if it bleeds it leads" mentality in the MSM by fining any reporter that reports a violent story, have a government approved psychologist at every media outlet to censor anything that might set off some nut case, cleanse the internet of all references to violence, ban motorcycles because 5ooo people a year die on them. How far do you want to go Argil?
Don't go quotin' facts now, it confuses the bleeding heart liberals.......
Free to move not drive. Don't put words into it. The right to drive or own a car is not enumerated in the bill of rights either. Regulation of vehicles we cannot complain about.
A natl registry for firearms is unconstitutional and prevented by it.
Technically speaking, owning a gun isn't a right either, unless you happen to be part of a well regulated militia...just sayin.
So driving is not a form of movement?
and the 2nd amendment simply reads "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Being regulated does not infringe your right to bear arms. It just means that good Americans will need to take a few extra steps to help ensure that other good Americans are safe.
Let's get into that a bit more. "Arms", by definition: "A weapon, especially a firearm: troops bearing arms; ICBMs, bombs, and other nuclear arms."
So according the the 2nd Amendment, citizens should be free to keep and bear any "Arms", i.e. any weapon. So, if you are true supporter of the 2nd amendment, then you'd be OK with your neighbors building and keeping nuclear and chemical weapons? Bottom line is that the 2nd amendment is outdated and no longer applies to our modern society. We have standing armies now, so the need for an armed militia is no longer an issue.
That said, I'm not "anti-gun". I think Americans should be able to own guns. I just don't see why people need assault rifles and 30 round pistol clips? I don't see why some people think their right to own guns is more important than other peoples' right to life? What's the big deal if they are regulated? If you're lawful and good person, you will still get your guns.