Nobody in the world should go without food--especially children. Here's one person's view: Josette Sheeran: Ending hunger now | Video on
Nobody in the world should go without food--especially children. Here's one person's view: Josette Sheeran: Ending hunger now | Video on
I should clarify that when I said 'we as Americans' I meant us as a giving people not as a nation. I was asking whether we as a population should feel compelled to help not as govt sanctioned taxpayer relief.
I like to try to help a bit and I hope that the little bit I give manages to make it into somebodys mouth and not their barrel.
I tell ya what I did recently that give me kinda a warm fuzzy...donated blood to the Red Cross...O+
I would ask you to research the amount of civilians killed in Iraq from collateral damage as well as suicide bombers which were non existant before our invasion as compared to how many civilians were killed at the hands of the Ba'ath party or Saddam. Since there are no accurate records it is difficult to determine but many including many Iraqis feel it was less under Saddam.
Remember we have been dropping bombs in Iraq now for twenty years!
I think its good of you to donate to the relief of the starving somali children.
I think we (as individuals) should help others in whatever way we can, or what gives you a warm fuzzy.
I like to donate to DAV, to my church, and help feed the local hungry by preparing meals for the church in my community.
Everyone at my place of employment went w/out a pay raise last year, and with the increasing cost of....well EVERYTHING, its hard to do much at all anymore.
I tell ya what I did recently that give me kinda a warm fuzzy...donated blood to the Red Cross...O+
there is a difference between what our country should do and what we should do. It wasn't too long ago when I believe it was an earthquake hit. The govt send X amt of dollars and the world called us greedy for not giving more. The US citizens ponied up more that the govt in the end... Charity is something that we should give as a citizen to what we feel compelled to support. Our govt should not be giving a dime away.......