Should we as Americans care about starving people in Somalia?

Hey where is Dino, he was always all about giving our money away.....
We should and we do care. Probably as much or more than any other group of people on the planet, but our help would probably never get to the child in the CNN clip. Like I said warlords control Somalia and so many other places in the world and our efforts would simply be wasted, either sitting on a dock or at an airstrip or being handed out to the warlord, his family, technicals ( not sure if I remember that right ) and their families and friends. In other words not the ones in need.
No It isnt our problem.. when they are old enough to breed , Snip/clip . Once they / if they ever become wealthy enough to have a house /car and education then they can get things reattached .50/50 chance it will work again But thats ok too..
I guess I feel like i do because there's enough freeloaders here in the USA we dont need to feed any more..
Nobody in the world should go without food--especially children. Here's one person's view: Josette Sheeran: Ending hunger now | Video on

i agree that it sucks for someone to go hungry, or be suffering, but i look at it like this, the peopel in these conuntries are poor, thirsty, homeless, sick suffering or starving, they know they are, so why do they decide to have kids? i realise that sex feels good, and it may be the only source of enjoyment they have, but they continually refuse to use the contraceptives offerd by many organiseations, they do it to themselvs and its a continual downward spiral, and your 50 cents a day is not gonna make a difference, personally id sooner give to the aspca or some other help the abused animals organisation than a help the people organisation but, again im a bit of an ****** i dont "love" human people... nor do i usually pity them but i am an animal lover... the sad puppy/ kitty comercials are the ones that really tug at me
I should clarify that when I said 'we as Americans' I meant us as a giving people not as a nation. I was asking whether we as a population should feel compelled to help not as govt sanctioned taxpayer relief.

I like to try to help a bit and I hope that the little bit I give manages to make it into somebodys mouth and not their barrel.
I should clarify that when I said 'we as Americans' I meant us as a giving people not as a nation. I was asking whether we as a population should feel compelled to help not as govt sanctioned taxpayer relief.

I like to try to help a bit and I hope that the little bit I give manages to make it into somebodys mouth and not their barrel.

My opinion is the same regardless.
We as Americans should "care" about people in need anywhere. Should we pay to help them? That's an individual choice. I have in the past, as well as give money locally. Do I feel the government should? Not sure on that front. I hate to see people hurting around the world, but we're not doing so good here either lately.
I think its good of you to donate to the relief of the starving somali children.
I think we (as individuals) should help others in whatever way we can, or what gives you a warm fuzzy.
I like to donate to DAV, to my church, and help feed the local hungry by preparing meals for the church in my community.
Everyone at my place of employment went w/out a pay raise last year, and with the increasing cost of....well EVERYTHING, its hard to do much at all anymore.
I tell ya what I did recently that give me kinda a warm fuzzy...donated blood to the Red Cross...O+
I would ask you to research the amount of civilians killed in Iraq from collateral damage as well as suicide bombers which were non existant before our invasion as compared to how many civilians were killed at the hands of the Ba'ath party or Saddam. Since there are no accurate records it is difficult to determine but many including many Iraqis feel it was less under Saddam.
Remember we have been dropping bombs in Iraq now for twenty years!

I would ask you to talk to anyone who has actually been over there first hand. The media (any sort of media) does not paint an accurate picture and this is unfortunately what the majority of americans use as the sole source of information for this subject.

I honestly do not know if what you say about suicide bombers is true, however I do know that saddam himself chemically bombed his own people before we got there. Believe it or not, we do a lot of good with violence. Collateral damage is evident in any war, but I suppose its up to each individual if and to what extent that is personally acceptable.
I think its good of you to donate to the relief of the starving somali children.
I think we (as individuals) should help others in whatever way we can, or what gives you a warm fuzzy.
I like to donate to DAV, to my church, and help feed the local hungry by preparing meals for the church in my community.
Everyone at my place of employment went w/out a pay raise last year, and with the increasing cost of....well EVERYTHING, its hard to do much at all anymore.
I tell ya what I did recently that give me kinda a warm fuzzy...donated blood to the Red Cross...O+

my teeth feel fuzzy after i drink coke... its weird... only coke does it
Nope! Let's worry about us first and then lend a hand.
Posted via Mobile Device
Just cause you are not a in a position to aid doesn't mean you don't care. There a couple of another countries in a better position to render aid, but they won't aid anyone but themselves kind of why there economic situation is better.

Kind of like the guy who can't swim and want to save a drowning person, he jumps in with the best of intentions only to die right along with them.
there is a difference between what our country should do and what we should do. It wasn't too long ago when I believe it was an earthquake hit. The govt send X amt of dollars and the world called us greedy for not giving more. The US citizens ponied up more that the govt in the end... Charity is something that we should give as a citizen to what we feel compelled to support. Our govt should not be giving a dime away.......
there is a difference between what our country should do and what we should do. It wasn't too long ago when I believe it was an earthquake hit. The govt send X amt of dollars and the world called us greedy for not giving more. The US citizens ponied up more that the govt in the end... Charity is something that we should give as a citizen to what we feel compelled to support. Our govt should not be giving a dime away.......

the article was about kenya, but it could also be ethiopia, *****, somalia, zimbabwe, liberia, the congo and others. Those countries do not have the perseverance to do what it takes to help themselves. I don't think they have the ability to govern themselves in a manner that would bring prosperity to their countries and their people.
as far as sending them money? most of the money would be pilfered and stolen, also, this does not address the long term problem. They need quality honest leaders, and this resource is extremely scarce. I wish them luck, but we have our own problems.