everybody i know that has their bike stretched wails on their bike like its their red-headed stepchild

and all my friends know why my bike got stretched
I think the point that gets lost here, is that 'stretched' bike guys dont wander thru threads about canyon-carving machines n post up comments like "wtf ever-thats stupid to waste $3k on brakes n suspension upgrades, you can't even run your bike that hard in traffic, unless you're ridn like d**k." or my personal arguement "y shud i drop money to look like all the other leetle bikes out there-i'm twice as big as everyone else, my bike outta be too."

Shaquille, ben r. From the steelers, and latrell sprewell all have their busas stretched to make the bike look like it fits their big azzes better as am i-but i dont go around

at all the stock-arm bikes tellin people their s**ts too tiny

Its just plain rude