So, our experience with the '08 lasted 2.2 seconds

That sucks. Sorry, could think of any other way to put it. Glad Mike is going to be ok. too bad about the bike. But the whole thing could have been much worse. I'm a little overly timid with new skins. I'll go 100 or so miles working over easy, little by little, til they are scuffed up good. After reading this I think I'll continue to be.

PS 2-thumbs up to "specialtychef" on the offer.
Was Talking to my GOOD FRIEND Bob at " Roseville Cycle " the other day.  In the parking Lot was a Ninja 600 with the Plastic's Scraped on the Left Side.  No Plates and 5 Miles on the Odometer. He said Remember what I TOLD YOU Robert when you bought your BUSA from me. This one didn't Listen.  NEW TIRES on a Bike will get you everytime !!!!  Even Experianced Riders.  The Girl that rode the Ninja had about 40,000 Miles under Her Belt.

Anyways glad Everyone is Ok !!!!!!!!!!!!! Bikes are replaceable. People aren't
Dang!!! Sorry VA... Glad Mike is OK, or on his way to being OK. Other than the ego thing. New tires are never fun the first 50 miles.. I rode mine like an old lady going to church I was so nervous.

Looks like ya got the hookup from specialtychef on most of the parts.
Glad to hear that Mike isn't too worse for wear~ All my best wishes for aspeedy recovery~ Wish I culd help ya with parts... sorry~
wow I can only imagine what kind of anxiety this has caused... upside is no one seriously hurt and the bike is fixable...

Hope all goes well with the uncle.. he must be a bit shook up himself...
Sorry to hear this. Glad hubby is not hurt bad. Don't have any parts that will work, but when you get a complete list together of the parts you need to buy, please let us know. I would like to help out.
I am glad that Mike is okay Va, very sorry to hear about this, let him know my families prayers are with him and also they are with you too. I know how stressfull a wreck can be, it will all work out Va.
Glad that Mikes ok, very sorry to hear, the bike can be fixed easily. Pm Vman1300 for the OEM parts, im sure he'll hook you up!
Man, sure glad things weren't worse. I to could send a little something to help on repairs.
Michelle, glad Mike is OK, tell him to stay off anything NOT made by Harley please,these bikes will show you who's boss in a second.
Wow Michelle, it has got to hurt Mike worse to do that to your kin's bike that the total pain of the impact. I tell people that I am doing them a favor by not letting them ride my bike. They get angry but I hold firm. Only have let some very experienced and responsible people ride it with broken in tires. Just don't want to have them be liable for the mess if something happens.

Hope you get it all sorted out soon enough. Knowing the member community here you'll have it back to new in no time flat.

Keep Mike on Alleve/naproxen and he'll be good to go %100 in a week or two at the longest.
Dayum! Chelle - sorry to hear, but I'm glad that Mike is OK!

Looks like Chef may have you covered with most parts. Let us know what's still needed...
Thanks so much everyone...absolutely NO money will be sent my way, so scratch that right now
Mike and I will be footing this bill to the tune of whatever it takes to get this bike right again...hard lesson learned and believe me, I've not been the happy wife through this all. I'm glad Mike's going to be OK, but I'm also extremely weary of paying to fix other's toys

I'll get with vman on the skins (nose, clutch side panel and front fender)

Here's what's needed thus far:
bar end
clutch side foot peg (yep, it broke)
upper panel(s)
possibly the panel piece that wraps around the instrument cluster
stator cover (quick look yesterday and I do believe the bolt pattern is different from first generation Busas, but I have been known to be wrong)

Here's a list of what I'm hoping to get from the oRg, and I'll be paying for it

clutch lever (seems to be the same for all years/models)
clutch side mirror (again, seems to be the same)
'08 stock can, clutch side (keeping an eye on the one that may be up for grabs after the 15th)

Thanks for the insight...I've seen an '08 in person for all of 20 minutes now, and didn't know I'd be assessing damage to it to find replacement parts...

I'll let Mike know you've all sent along well-wishes, and if it's OK, I'd like to beat him to a bloody pulp as soon as he's healed up

Well, as it would just have happened, I high sided the right side of my 08 Busa a few days ago and have the left pipe and clutch lever (bar) that you are looking for as I am upgrading. I also have a good left side mirror as well. Be glad he didn't break the upper triple tree as well, original is very hard to find.
Yes, in my situation, it was driver error, cold tires, light sand gravel, pulling out left into a 55 zone, ass end shot around like a rocket and threw me straight down. I just started riding (34 years ago), still learning to respect the Busa. Thank God for leathers and a full face or I would be jawless me for parts info
mine is running 4k in repairs
Hate to hear it happened to you too...

PM sent on what you have...thanks so much!
Sorry to hear the bad news.  Glad he is okay.  Hopefully, an understanding uncle.

After you have lovingly, gently, restored your wonderful husband to full health, you have my permission to beat him senseless.