If you don't mind me giving you a couple of pointers?
Your foot seems to be just a little to far back judging from the position of the toe slider. More importantly, you have your foot all the way against the heal guard. Your foot should be positioned with the tip of the footpeg centered in the middle of the ball on your foot. You can't tip your knee out propperly with your foot flat on the peg. Having the ball of the foot centered over the tip of the peg allows your foot to rotate to the outside when you hang your knee out.
Another adjustment you could do is get your upper body off the bike. You are still centered over the tank with your chest and head. We call this "Tank Racing". Your outside elbow should be almost, if not over the filler cap on the tank and your chin should be all the way over almost kissing your inside glove.
Work on those two and you'll see a dramatic improvement in your lap times!