SoCal ride 2008!!  May 2nd, 3rd & 4th

Hey Mike .. I'd love to give yah a call after work .... but you'd hate me ..since I get off around 3 to 3:30 am ...
so I wont .. but I might take you up on the invite for a dinner .. er breakfast .. lunch ?
anyways.. anytime your in the area.. stop by.
Kent, you have my number. You can call me anytime. Who needs to sleep anyways
great pics SCAR. Good meeting you as well. I'm gonna pm you my ph# and you call me next time you and Lamb have a ride like that goings on in yer neighborhood. Im usually good for the weekends.

And Charles; I missed the Crest portion, but we gotta hit it up before one of the next Trackdays.
Sorry about that guys.  But you all took off back up the mountain right after fueling. I told Ryan at the gas station to inform you that I had to head on back.  Since he nodded, I assumed he heard what I said. Of course he had his helmet on  

Thanks Charles for taking us to these great roads.  I'll definitely have to go back again sometime.  I'll be looking forward to the next Socal ride
No problem  

I'll punish that Ryan  


I guess I have to assume the position.
Sorry about that guys.  But you all took off back up the mountain right after fueling. I told Ryan at the gas station to inform you that I had to head on back.  Since he nodded, I assumed he heard what I said. Of course he had his helmet on  

Thanks Charles for taking us to these great roads.  I'll definitely have to go back again sometime.  I'll be looking forward to the next Socal ride
Nah, it was my bad Doc Mike! Not only did I have my helmet on, I also wear earplugs so I couldn't hear what you were saying. I was trying to read lips that i couldn't see b/c of your helmet and make out the gestures. I guess I assumed you were coming back up the mountain with us.
Found it! duh...
Nice pics guys. I only got to get out for an hour on Sun, then off to work.
I'll see about Big Willow in June.
Jealous again!

Rich(to the music:Black Sabbath Iron Man...) I am IRON BUUUUUTT!!!

great pics SCAR. Good meeting you as well. I'm gonna pm you my ph# and you call me next time you and Lamb have a ride like that goings on in yer neighborhood. Im usually good for the weekends.

And Charles; I missed the Crest portion, but we gotta hit it up before one of the next Trackdays.  
...standing by...

We have mondo rides like that at LEAST one day of each weekend.

Julian, Idyllwild, Banning (243), Borrego (Montezuma), etc., are absolute regulars for us. You'd be a welcome addition to the group.

I will definitely include you in the invites.

In addition to your phone number, I'll need your e-mail address, as well.

Nah, it was my bad Doc Mike! Not only did I have my helmet on, I also wear earplugs so I couldn't hear what you were saying. I was trying to read lips that i couldn't see b/c of your helmet and make out the gestures. I guess I assumed you were coming back up the mountain with us.
OIC LOL Ryan, I swear I was pointing to the direction opposite to where you guys were headed.
OMG...I've created a monster.

Update. I started editing video's addictive.

There are so many clips to choose from. The software is rather intuitive, but still a steep learning curve (like an 8% grade up-hill decreasing radius corner complete with gravel).

Gotta select the right music...gotta get the best scenes...gotta learn how to drop out the shizzle and keep the good stuff...


I'm workin' it, ya'llz...

You won't be disappointed...

So who's gonna be the cop bait next time    
Well, I, for one, wasn't going to mention the award...

Guess that mean's you'll have to be baiting the TX Rangers next year.  

It'll be a black day for us.

The answer to your question:  Lamb.

(Just thought I'd put that to bed before it got out of control.)
Lamb has been elected and didn't even know he was running!
Lamb .. at least as far as you being the " COP" bait time. The color of your suit ( Red )
is fitting.
SoooooooOOOoooo, I am almost finished editing the first video.

I used the stretch from Santa Ysabel to Borrego via Wynola, Banner Grade, and Yaqui Pass. I'm fairly happy with the result, but it's my first effort...

You guys are relentless.
