SoCal ride 2008!!  May 2nd, 3rd & 4th

33. Vinnie, Rich, Charles' (750), mine & Lamb's 'busas, resting...

Well, all...that's all the 'stills' I have. Hope you enjoyed looking at them. To all those who I didn't get pictures of...

Hopefully next year, schedules will be freed up to join this event...including a possible join-up with those in NorCal.

Craig (shortBoarder)...thanks for showing up on Sunday morning to bid us a good ride. Very nice to see you...just wish you could have joined. Seriously.

As far as Peksi goes, our lunch at Acapulco Restaurant in Ventura turned out to be an absolute bust. Our poor waiter couldn't pronounce "Pepsi", as he tried to figure out who should be charged for the only Peksi at our table...the real 'rub' in all of it is that I effin' hate Pepsi, and it seems that our route was designed to take us only to places which don't serve Coke. Blasphemy.

I'm off to get my video editing instructions, so hopefully in the next couple of days, I can post up some links to YouTube of all the great miles we had together.

Cheers, everyone.

Looks like a great time you guys! Thanks for the shots!

I need to drag my butt down there one of these times....
....I rode down the hill... at about the 1/2 way point passed by 1 gixxr <wrong color> .. down at the station I found 3 gxxr's sittin in the back of the station they were .. lets say a tad younger bunch of riders..( they informed me no one was here when they arrived ) ...... so I found a ..BMW.. to play with
..on the way back up.... good to see you all ! glad to hear/see that you all made a safe journey ! btw ..Scar the G/f ..say's goto ( ) then click on casting .. they are looking for Comics !
and you are a < shoein > .
Hope it wasn't too much trouble. You've been a great host. I'd like to reciprocate your hospitality. One of these days after your work (I live near San Dimas). Give me a buzz. Let me take you out to a hearty dinner before you head up the mountain.

Yo Mike....what brand one piece suit was that?

Yo Vinnie, I enjoyed following you around. I hate flying into blind corners in an unfamiliar road. I'm glad you were there to guide me and scout for the LEO's for me. Oh yeah, my suit is Roadcrafter from Aerostitch. I can get in and out in less than 10 sec. and I usually wear a coat and tie under it. Winters are great but it can get pretty toasty when the temp goes above 90's. You can get the Bohn's back protector made specially for it. Oh yeah, during winter I've even used it on trackday in California Speedway.
Yo Mike....what brand one piece suit was that?

Yo Vinnie,  I enjoyed following you around.  I hate flying into blind corners in an unfamiliar road.  I'm glad you were there to guide me and scout for the LEO's for me.  Oh yeah, my suit is Roadcrafter from Aerostitch.  I can get in and out in less than 10 sec. and I usually wear a coat and tie under it. Winters are great but it can get pretty toasty when the temp goes above 90's. You can get the Bohn's back protector made specially for it.  Oh yeah, during winter I've even used it on trackday in California Speedway.
BAD A$$ suit.  Way pricey for my income....but seems to be well worth the $$...  It just made my wish list.

Scar, thanks for the pictures.  Your bike made me reconsider about getting an '08
It's an awesome machine. I'm glad we got to meet and ride together.

Surely there'll be more than one opportunity per year!

Your ride(s) are specatular as well. You did an amazing job piloting that stretch-hull through some of SoCal's most awesome twisties.


When you're ready to go shopping, just let me know. I'll be glad to help in any way I am able.

All the best to you, Doc.

Hey Mike .. I'd love to give yah a call after work .... but you'd hate me ..since I get off around 3 to 3:30 am ...
so I wont .. but I might take you up on the invite for a dinner .. er breakfast .. lunch ?
anyways.. anytime your in the area.. stop by.
X-cellant Pic's  Scar !    
 ..sorry I couldn't make the rest of the ride..
Us, too.

We had a great time at your pad. Your hospitality in opening up your home, the Plexus, beverages, a quiet place to sit and relax for a bit are without question a trip highlight. Even offering to go back down the 18 to try to find our lost sheep...

And Connie is a gem. What a great lady.

You are a shameless giver.

Thank you so much.

Already looking forward to our next adventure.


So who's gonna be the cop bait next time    
Well, I, for one, wasn't going to mention the award...

Guess that mean's you'll have to be baiting the TX Rangers next year.

It'll be a black day for us.

The answer to your question: Lamb.

(Just thought I'd put that to bed before it got out of control.)