Something to think about


So here's my rant.
I grew up poor mainly because Dad abandoned my mom and 3 kids, so I learned how to work at a young age, mowing, washing cars, cause being poor sucked.

I graduated at 17.5 and was shortly on my own. I bought a trailer 3 days before my 18th birthday, married at 19 and bought our first new stick built home at 21. But heck I worked full time and bought and sold cars and did detailing on the side. Hang with me because I have a point to make.

So I am out one night when I was about 25, on my 5 year old 1983 Suzuki Gs650L which was nice and paid for but not that flashy. The crowd I rode with all respected and looked out for each other(alot like the family here). So this new kid about 18 had a brand new bike he probably paid 6500(financed) for and lost $2000 the minute he rode it off. He looks at my bike and with a smirk says" what is that thing like 1975". Of course I filled his ear with yeah, it's mine, it's paid for and I have a house, a garage full of hot rods and 2 kids. If I lived with my Mommy, I still wouldn't go in debt for a brand new bike.

So the point I am making, is I see alot of different folks here with different purses, jobs, riding styles, priorties and all kinds of ages.

If one poster is proud of his purchase of a helmet, or tires, stop and think before you speak and put down what someone else has. I dont spend $300 on a set of tires and I dont have $2000 to spend on 2 helmets either. Just because one rider likes to run 100mph thru curves, doesn't mean we all do. My Shinko tires haven't failed me yet, have they failed you? I dont want to hear someone put them down that has never run them.

I completely respect everyones opinion, but the train of thought that the more it costs, the better it is is hog wash. If you bought a product that is substandard and you want to share that, then please do. But dont put down other things because you would have bought a more expensive version.

I'll climb down now and shut up, and I hope I have offended no one here, you all are really great friends to have.

Oh, and I have one kid in college and one graduated in Dec, still paying those bills.
Can I borrow a cup of powdered milk? anyone?
Oh, and I have one kid in college and one graduated in Dec, still paying those bills.
Can I borrow a cup of powdered milk? anyone?
I have a package of Top Ramen about 3 years old, will that do?