Something to think about

I never grew up poor. Dad was a dragracer and then when i was 16 i took over, but everything I bought was with my money. At 19 I moved out and have been on my own ever since never asking for a cent "even when i was broke" from my parents. I have ywo kids, a fiance and a nice house with a yard. I'm 26 and I sold my bike for my kids "I can always replace it" to be closer to their grandparents in CA. So we up and moved from KY "lol which we will be moving back in June because i cant find a job out here and we are broke again."

BTW I have had 2 sets of 009 shinko's on my two bikes and they are a fantastic tire.
We had everything we NEEDED growing up, but I remember the very lean times. Did you you know you can feed a family of five with a lb of hamburger, 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, and 8 pieces of toast? I wore no name Sams Club shoes, no name clothes, but I had an awesome and happy childhood. I dont mess around too much with my cash now, if I see something I really want Ill buy it, but I wont finance toys. I saved my ass off for my Busa, and its going to remain the way it is now cuz I cant justify putting a lot of money into it. Im raising 4 kids now, we live comfortably but I dont forget the lean times
James you are so right in so many ways. I've worked since I was sixteen and while I still sometimes have to ask for help from dad it bothers me very much when I have to do so.
I have what I consider a decent life with a great family but i have always tried to not make fun of or look down on those less fortunate than I. In fact even with my limited abilities I still donate to a few orgs and do still help out at century village when my time allows.
I have always received more internal happiness giving and helping than receiving.
Appreciate everything you have no matter how small because you never know when it may all be gone !
dang...i feel so guilty...cause i am...but at least today?...i can ID it..admit it to the www and?..apologize...with an explaination... :whistle: :
here's the dealio with me..and i think with most others who might come off sounding a bit buttheaded when they dis someone elses bargain brand x purchases..and to sum it up for me?'s just caring and concern when i see someone post up about the great deal $50 bell lid they got at chinamarts auto dept....or?..brand x jackets with no padding/armour..things like that..but yeah..i've seen it too...the silver spooner superiority complex types..and it's ugly when it happens but i must say...this board is well regulated and i believe theres a lot of us who came from humble beginings..myself parents sold our home in NJ when i was 12 and moved into a single wide trailer..uhem...scuse me..."Mobile Home"..(imagine that) in south freaking floriduh in 1970 where my father chased his dream of becoming a commercial fisherman..and for 3 long hot hard years?..he never caught it..and we ate freaking fish for breakfast/lunch and dinner...i hadta be the only kid in stuart middle school trying to trade a fried pompano sandwich for a PB&J! :laugh: soon a line formed and i worked my way up to such things as ham & cheese on rye! :laugh: livin the dream! :laugh: then again?..there was something about having eggs with a side of sheepshead or croaker..repeatedly...for breakfast...that just blew chunks! :banghead:

and i didnt dig the clams in the spagehtti sause for dinner either! :banghead:

but? gave me character...and the ability to fly right by every red lobster ever built! :laugh: even when i'm hungry! :banghead:

oh well..but great thread for the have nots like rock bud!

Rollin stones...we get what we need. :thumbsup:

L8R, Bill. :cool: