Something to think about




dont forget the Ketchup Sammiches.
i understand what your sayin there bro. however, i dont believe anyone on the .org has ever posted up what they have as a means to rub it in anyones face or anything like that. i know that i cant afford all the top dollar toys and tidbits myself, but i am proud of what i have and sometimes will shout it out to the world. id like to think that everyone works hard to get what they have, and if its someones goal to be able to comfortably purchase something and they achieve it, then why not tell about it. just my opinion is all.
i understand what your sayin there bro. however, i dont believe anyone on the .org has ever posted up what they have as a means to rub it in anyones face or anything like that. i know that i cant afford all the top dollar toys and tidbits myself, but i am proud of what i have and sometimes will shout it out to the world. id like to think that everyone works hard to get what they have, and if its someones goal to be able to comfortably purchase something and they achieve it, then why not tell about it. just my opinion is all.

I was mainly directing my rant to the " If you dont buy the most expensive items, it's crap" crowd. I dont think anyone means to belittle each other, but sometimes it seems that way.

I enjoy everyone sharing their purchases and good and bad experiences
Link? Not really seeing this... ???

Besides, I thought everyone was a nobody on here....unless you had a $50k custom dyno room... :rofl:

well said...makes me feel richer just for haveing friends on here that understand that the choices we make sometimes limits our "hobbys" and to not feel slighted when we ride without the best.
its ok to be thrifty.
i like to travel, but i do it on the cheep, skipping meals so i have beer $ and oh yea.............:poke:can i camp in your yard?:laugh:

im just another poor guy livin the big dream!
:thumbsup: Very nicely said. Was wondering what some of us are thinking the other day as I drove by this really shabby trailer park and saw a Hummer parked in front of a $500, broke down looking trailer. And by the way, I love my shinko's!! :beerchug:
I have been reading this thread thinking of way to respond. Let me say this.......growing up I had everything I needed, not neccessarily everything I wanted. I have eaten plenty of ramen noodles and back in the day, the government cheese and peanut butter was the best stuff you could get. I remember being in grade school asking my mom what "inflation" was. Mom made our clothes. I was the oldest of 4 kids and dad filed bankruptcy twice that I know of. Life is life and you make the best of what you have. I have busted my butt to make a good living for my kids, my wife, and yes my ex wives. :laugh: I dont regret any of it, I am a happy man. I have great friends, and all of them I met here on the org. I dont have many friends outside of this community, not sure why, maybe its my interests or my busy schedule. But that is just how it is. I dont care what you ride, hayabusa or not, I will ride with you. Come over to the house and I will put you up, feed you, and clean your bike for you. I cherish my friends. Do I have the most expensive stuff, not really. I wear frank thomas leathers because that is what I could afford at the time and they work great, I still use them. You want to ride in jeans, thats your choice and you wont hear a word from me. I also dont care what you do for a living or how much money you make, that is not what its about. Its about relationships and sharing this life with people you know. Its about knowing your friends can count on you when they need you. My father taught me a long time ago that you can learn anything from anyone. That lesson has served me well and I will do my best to show anyone else what I know. If it werent for the people that took the time to show me things, I dont know where I would be. Thanks to you guys, for all you do. For being my friend and helping me when I needed it. Mi casa es su casa.
how bout i was so poor when i was growing up, my mom had to heat water up on the stove when i was in six grade so we could take hot baths, for me and my 3 sisters, we couldnt afford to get the water heater fixed, that lasted about 2 weeks then she tripped on the cat carrying a hot pan of water to the bathroom and spilled the water down her leg and i had to be pulled out of school so i could take care of my sisters cuz she was bedridden, i could go on and on and on with stories, so i never say anything about people who decide to go the cheaper route, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and anybody that says there is seriously mistaken
i'm not rich, i'm not poor, i'm just a guy tryin to make it.
what i got i work for, and its probably not the best out there- but it does the job- at least till i can get somethin else that does the job better. i get my clothes from wal-mart or sometimes goodwill, but i wear them like they were from gucci- its what we are, not what we wear. i will never condone puttin someone else down cause their not living up to my standards- who am i to impose anything on anyone? i like respect, so i give respect, and i try to live by the golden rule.
this org family is a bunch of great people sharing a passion and trying to help each other- thats why i'm still around. and bro, i hate that you feel like someone here has stepped on you- i'm sure it wasnt intended that way.

and if nobody has told you today- i love ya.:thumbsup:
i'm not rich, i'm not poor, i'm just a guy tryin to make it.
what i got i work for, and its probably not the best out there- but it does the job- at least till i can get somethin else that does the job better. i get my clothes from wal-mart or sometimes goodwill, but i wear them like they were from gucci- its what we are, not what we wear. i will never condone puttin someone else down cause their not living up to my standards- who am i to impose anything on anyone? i like respect, so i give respect, and i try to live by the golden rule.
this org family is a bunch of great people sharing a passion and trying to help each other- thats why i'm still around. and bro, i hate that you feel like someone here has stepped on you- i'm sure it wasnt intended that way.

and if nobody has told you today- i love ya.:thumbsup:

This place is full of love..:thumbsup:
I havent been stepped on, I just wanted to post this as a reminder that we all are here because we love riding, regardless of our purse strings.

I cant afford Snap-on tools and I love Harbor freight, so take it easy on us poor folks.:laugh:
Hells yea im broker then a bag of glass .35 cent short of having a quarter, so Im with ya ...I clown every now and then but not to hurt...:thumbsup:
All and all I agree with what you're saying. There are times where "you get what you pay for". The shinko example... I wouldn't suggest someone who's trying to go 250mph purchase one to save some bucks. If you're just cruising around and need a less expensive tire that'll last a long time I would recommend a Shinko in a heart beat.

Being a smart buyer makes sense to me. Being cheap can sometimes land you with more headaches.The fancy sparkly seat cover that costs double is just as poor of a purchase as going for the veneer finished wood seat that's mounted using rusty nails. :laugh::beerchug:
Well said post.. people should listen. Just becuase it's not your situation, or you'd do it the same way doesn't mean it's wrong.. totally agree.