As some of you may know I was in a bit of a kruddy living situation "The Projects" I called it. Was living in a less-than-desireable part of town with a not so great roomate. Well just got word she has landed herself in hospital. My guess from details that were passed on to me...possible drug and/or alcohol overdose. She was better off with me around,keeping her somewhat healthy,but I couldn't take it any more.. I had her working out,eating good food semi-regularly,tried to keep her booze and dope addictions to a minimum...put the run to the dirtbags that used to hang around etc.
Well,I guess my work shall continue. She has "issues" for sure...I thought I could turn my back and walk away...forever.
Guess I can't. Off to the hospital I go. If I find out who sold her bad dope,that scumbag is about to not like me very much.
Because of Covid...visitation is not allowed at our hospitals. She has been admitted. Drug overdose. I spoke with the nurse's in the emergency department where she is at present and got detailed info as to her condition and also conveyed her medical history as sometimes addicts are less than truthful even to the people offering care to them. I will hear about my candor and the sharing of her personal info I'm sure...but too effin bad.
Have a good day peepul,
Because of Covid...visitation is not allowed at our hospitals. She has been admitted. Drug overdose. I spoke with the nurse's in the emergency department where she is at present and got detailed info as to her condition and also conveyed her medical history as sometimes addicts are less than truthful even to the people offering care to them. I will hear about my candor and the sharing of her personal info I'm sure...but too effin bad.
Have a good day peepul,
Man Rubb. Part of me wants to hug you for this and part of me wants to kick your ass for it
So I'm going to tell you a story. I once dated an alcoholic. Didn't know she was or I never would have. She was what I later learned was the term, a high functioning alcoholic. Held down a great job, and could white knuckle it long enough that I never saw her drink what I'd consider anything other than normally. But eventually the shell cracked and the truth of her drinking became an issue. I always noticed when there was a hardship that she wanted to be alone.
Those were the times she'd binge drink. HARD! Then she'd feel horrible and clean her act up, reengage and I never knew it. I was single, she was single, space is given without issue. Had I known this, I would have easily never drank around her. I simply never knew. They are that good at covering it.
Her grandfather died, she crashed hard from it. Made some mistakes and got fired. Alcohol related bad scene at work. She was the director of Finance and Credit for GMAC southeastern division. You lose your job the instant you become unreliable in that world. She literally called me to come get her at work, because they took her company car on the spot. Then her tailspin began. She revealed she had a problem. Naive me thought man I can help her get through it. I was well trained in identifying and correcting behavioral issues with employees/people
I had helped workers get help with problems. Championed their efforts even. Yeah....well that was crap. I learned that addictions will take no prisoners. Doesn't care who you are and will kick everyone's ass that thinks they are smarter. I actually went to AlAnon because I cared enough for her to take those steps. AlAnon is for friends/family of alcoholics in case they don't have the same name there. The stories of what drinking did to friends and family were heart wrenching. I cried for these people. And then you realize that it's years they deal with this. Not weeks like me. Years.
So call me weak or an uncaring arsehole if you like, but I had to walk. Realizing that there is a high likelihood that she was not going to recover, I had to save myself from her.
Rubb I know you also have been down this path. And I have mad respect that you've found your way out if it.
And I have mad humble respect that you stepped up for her in this. But Rubb, please save yourself in this process too. As you know it will consume everything in its path if you let it.
She has to want to help herself in this process. Please don't let her take you out. We need you around here ya bastid!!!
Because of Covid...visitation is not allowed at our hospitals. She has been admitted. Drug overdose. I spoke with the nurse's in the emergency department where she is at present and got detailed info as to her condition and also conveyed her medical history as sometimes addicts are less than truthful even to the people offering care to them. I will hear about my candor and the sharing of her personal info I'm sure...but too effin bad.
Have a good day peepul,
Do you keep a Nalaxalone inhaler at the house? You should. That thing saves lives. In Ontario we get one for free. Just show up to the pharmacy and ask for one. Overdose kits. Hang around with people that party hard and it will eventually be used. Lots of Fentanyl going around. That poop kills fast.
Do you keep a Nalaxalone inhaler at the house? You should. That thing saves lives. In Ontario we get one for free. Just show up to the pharmacy and ask for one. Overdose kits. Hang around with people that party hard and it will eventually be used. Lots of Fentanyl going around. That poop kills fast.
That stuff killed my 26 yr old nephew who had been clean for over a relapse at the dose he was taking before he cleaned up was enough to kill him...
The guy he was using with didn't even think twice as this was the dose they both used regularly before so he sat there playing a video game as my nephew died..
This would be her second "visit" to the ER with free included 7-8 hospital stay this year. I'm trying to be a friend,but it is hard. I believe I am the only one left in her circle that is not an' addict. We talked on the phone,the usual krap,bit of chit-chat,then she asked me of all people..."Could you get me some pills." She is giving the nurses a hard time...from what the one nurse said,she is detoxing hard.
Do you keep a Nalaxalone inhaler at the house? You should. That thing saves lives. In Ontario we get one for free. Just show up to the pharmacy and ask for one. Overdose kits. Hang around with people that party hard and it will eventually be used. Lots of Fentanyl going around. That poop kills fast.
Ya,there was a couple of those around the house. I never carried one outside thou. 99% of the people in the neighborhood I wanted nothing to do with. Drug addicts,needles,infected blood all that...I would if faced with it dial 911 but that's about it. I never feared for my own safety around there...but it was hard to sleep at night thinking my bike could get trashed. These people absolutely do not care about anything except their next high. Crime is on the rise around there,mostly theft and assault. The cops are powerless. The couple times I caught them in the parkade stealing the cops just let them go. They dont want to even show up...I can't blame them. They are just a taxi service now. Drive them to hospital,nut house,detox or spend maybe one night.
Man Rubb. Part of me wants to hug you for this and part of me wants to kick your ass for it
So I'm going to tell you a story. I once dated an alcoholic. Didn't know she was or I never would have. She was what I later learned was the term, a high functioning alcoholic. Held down a great job, and could white knuckle it long enough that I never saw her drink what I'd consider anything other than normally. But eventually the shell cracked and the truth of her drinking became an issue. I always noticed when there was a hardship that she wanted to be alone.
Those were the times she'd binge drink. HARD! Then she'd feel horrible and clean her act up, reengage and I never knew it. I was single, she was single, space is given without issue. Had I known this, I would have easily never drank around her. I simply never knew. They are that good at covering it.
Her grandfather died, she crashed hard from it. Made some mistakes and got fired. Alcohol related bad scene at work. She was the director of Finance and Credit for GMAC southeastern division. You lose your job the instant you become unreliable in that world. She literally called me to come get her at work, because they took her company car on the spot. Then her tailspin began. She revealed she had a problem. Naive me thought man I can help her get through it. I was well trained in identifying and correcting behavioral issues with employees/people
I had helped workers get help with problems. Championed their efforts even. Yeah....well that was crap. I learned that addictions will take no prisoners. Doesn't care who you are and will kick everyone's ass that thinks they are smarter. I actually went to AlAnon because I cared enough for her to take those steps. AlAnon is for friends/family of alcoholics in case they don't have the same name there. The stories of what drinking did to friends and family were heart wrenching. I cried for these people. And then you realize that it's years they deal with this. Not weeks like me. Years.
So call me weak or an uncaring arsehole if you like, but I had to walk. Realizing that there is a high likelihood that she was not going to recover, I had to save myself from her.
Rubb I know you also have been down this path. And I have mad respect that you've found your way out if it.
And I have mad humble respect that you stepped up for her in this. But Rubb, please save yourself in this process too. As you know it will consume everything in its path if you let it.
She has to want to help herself in this process. Please don't let her take you out. We need you around here ya bastid!!!
If I remember correctly we chatted about her on the phone once,or maybe by PM? Anyway Tom I hear ya...nobody should fault anybody for walking away from these situ's. Some addicts do crawl out,but I think the percentage is small compared to those who stay and die.
My own brother who everybody loved (he was the family favorite) heck of a nice guy liked by all he knew died at age 40 from booze. He went from super-Dad with nice family,big money job,nice house and toys to living on the street.
This addictions thing can be brutal. I had to let my brother go. He was doing sort of OK living with me years ago,but he wanted nothing but to figure out how to get his next drink. I asked him point blank one day if he even wanted to quit. He looked me in straight in the face and said no. What do you do with that? He died a short time later. I still feel the quilt.
But I hear you guys,thanks for the look in...I won't be going down with the ship on this one...or any other one.
I do believe she will probably die soon. She looks aweful. Sometimes you can just tell. I will try again,to help her. Deep down she's a really good caring person. She is very hard to like angry,so volitile.I guess she got a little hostile with the police and ambulance crew that tried to load her up. She's a 90 pound fire cracker.
Have fun out there boys,ride fast and hard.
@rubbersidedown Nutrition is the way out with all addictions. If the body doesnt heal the addiction will never go away. There is this health supplement called NAC, amazing stuff for the immune system and joints. Apparently it also works on reducing addictions and dependence. I find it works especially well on women. 1 pill twice a day. You can find it at many health food stores. Here's a study talking about its effect on addiction. Works great for preserving creaky joints too lol. Listen to old doc Popo, he knows his stuff.
@rubbersidedown Nutrition is the way out with all addictions. If the body doesnt heal the addiction will never go away. There is this health supplement called NAC, amazing stuff for the immune system and joints. Apparently it also works on reducing addictions and dependence. I find it works especially well on women. 1 pill twice a day. You can find it at many health food stores. Here's a study talking about its effect on addiction. Works great for preserving creaky joints too lol. Listen to old doc Popo, he knows his stuff.
Thanks for that,I appreciate the advice and effort. I'll get her some and take it over. Talked with her briefly today,tried not to get to heavy. Just offered idea's. Made it quick and to the point,so has not to rile her up to much. I believe she will probably never quit. So I summed it up like this...made it sound like options/choices,but with consequences.
1. Quit altogether and live happy,healthy. ( semi-healthy,damage has been done,but I didn't mention that)
2. Keep at the pace you are at and death will not be far off.
3. Slow it down big time. If you feel you can't quit,or don't want to you can keep on partying, it will probably still contribute to an' early grave,but you won't be OD-ing all the time,and could still have fun at some of the normal type stuff that life has to offer.
I suggested she have her beers,but maybe have 4-5 a day instead of the whole case. Have a couple smokes,but not 2 packs. The pills need to go completely,same with the other crud.
Her problem(s) is no activities,no hobbies,no real interest in anything.There is zero in her day that has to be done.She has not worked in years. She gets enough each month to live comfortably including a large supply of booze and dope. She seems to think that the bi-polar/manic/depression drugs work just fine while consuming alcohol. They don't. I asked her doctors. They are pointless when drowned in booze. I have been witness to it for a long time.
When you crack your first beer at 6AM,that's it,your day is written. She knows better,knows what's right...just chooses not too.
It was better for her when I was there. I allowed 2 of her "friends" to at a time. I kicked all the rest to the curb. Now she is back to having an' endless line of losers to her place.She always has what they want,booze,cigs,money to loan,etc. She hates to be alone,but then when there are more than 3 people in the room her anxiety goes thru the roof and she runs for the pills. In that situation,Valium. When I was there,and got home I would assess the situ,look at her and throw everyone out. She has nobody in her corner any more.
I'm sort of at a loss. Thanks for lookin' in,
Thanks for that,I appreciate the advice and effort. I'll get her some and take it over. Talked with her briefly today,tried not to get to heavy. Just offered idea's. Made it quick and to the point,so has not to rile her up to much. I believe she will probably never quit. So I summed it up like this...made it sound like options/choices,but with consequences.
1. Quit altogether and live happy,healthy. ( semi-healthy,damage has been done,but I didn't mention that)
2. Keep at the pace you are at and death will not be far off.
3. Slow it down big time. If you feel you can't quit,or don't want to you can keep on partying, it will probably still contribute to an' early grave,but you won't be OD-ing all the time,and could still have fun at some of the normal type stuff that life has to offer.
I suggested she have her beers,but maybe have 4-5 a day instead of the whole case. Have a couple smokes,but not 2 packs. The pills need to go completely,same with the other crud.
Her problem(s) is no activities,no hobbies,no real interest in anything.There is zero in her day that has to be done.She has not worked in years. She gets enough each month to live comfortably including a large supply of booze and dope. She seems to think that the bi-polar/manic/depression drugs work just fine while consuming alcohol. They don't. I asked her doctors. They are pointless when drowned in booze. I have been witness to it for a long time.
When you crack your first beer at 6AM,that's it,your day is written. She knows better,knows what's right...just chooses not too.
It was better for her when I was there. I allowed 2 of her "friends" to at a time. I kicked all the rest to the curb. Now she is back to having an' endless line of losers to her place.She always has what they want,booze,cigs,money to loan,etc. She hates to be alone,but then when there are more than 3 people in the room her anxiety goes thru the roof and she runs for the pills. In that situation,Valium. When I was there,and got home I would assess the situ,look at her and throw everyone out. She has nobody in her corner any more.
I'm sort of at a loss. Thanks for lookin' in,
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