When it rains, it pours

We didnt fight alot, maybe once every other month, but it was always about really dumb things. I had stopped doing the random nice things i use to do, which i admit was my fault, and she always assumed i was mad about everything she did.

We never really talked about solving the issues really hard, but after this i had written down everything that caused problems and easy ways we can fix them. She still said she needs time or to see other people or something.

Today is my last ditch effort to prove that things can be different. She works at the hockey games downtown, so i have flowers arriving there for when she gets there. Hopefully it will make her see that i know that things can be better...

I dunno, have you just ever had that feeling this one is THE one no matter what? I cant shake it.

You my friend are doing everything and I mean EVERYTHING wrong. This girl don't like you and she is ready to go kick a few tires. All this business of chasing her with flowers and a note of how to fix your problems is driving her father and father away. Women hate weak men and you are definately showing your weakness.

If you are serious about wanting this woman back that clearly don't want you, the best way to do that is not to contact her. Let her wonder what's up with you and show up at the Hockey Game with a woman more attractive than her hanging on your arm. Even if you have to pay a foxy little sweetie with a great physique.

You think you are showing this woman that you love her and she sees it as you are weak and disgusting.

And, let me add one more thing, if you manage to get back under the covers with this woman, she will rule you with an iron fist. Why you ask? Because she knows she can!

The best thing you can do buddy, is to move on and don't look back!

I feel for you but you are creating your own misery!
Wish you the very best and I can bet you it will get better. Always someone with more troubles... married 21 years and loveless for the last 16 as I served my country and was faithful always to my wife and I took care of the kids and done it all for them. I found out last March as mom was dyeing that wife was talking to old prior to me boyfriend via Verizon and she did not go see my mom either. I hung in there that 16 loveless years for my children! So, I filed for divorce and it sucked for sure. Final was 30 Nov 10 and I now have to pay her $27,900 in cash as she gets 50% of my retirement pay! She pays if she will child support of $480 per month... that will about cover gas money for my car and busa.... LOL So, I'm paying her lump sum and retirment for the rest of her life just so she can pay my sons for another 2 1/2 years! So, your doing well and I hope you get over this and never have another bump as there are much bigger pot holes that could makes things much worse! :laugh::whistle::beerchug:

WOW! Did you get raped! I would have whacked her for you for less than that. Oh, wait, I guess I can't do that anymore, it's a term of my probation. No more sidejobs.....
Oh well, at least your happy.:thumbsup:
Snakers, yep, you got a problem. It is you. Man up. Screw it. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT go crawling back. If it was so great you would have been further in the relationship. MOVE ON!!! Believe me it will only make you stronger. Put that muscle ***** between you legs and twist the throttle in a good way. Stop crying and go do something. I know what I speak of. See below.

Skywalker. If I drank, I would ride more than a hundred miles to buy you a beer. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Married for 26 years as of last month. I filed in Feb of this year. Found emails, took her phone and found numbers. She would keep her phone closer to her than I keep my Johnson. If we were watching TV and her phone rang she would not answer it. Then a text would come in and she would do a aww girl leave me alone. Yeah right. I saw the writing on the wall. Partying, coming home from work at 04:00, yeah, that`s right, a 21 hr day. Partied. Lied. And was a genuine smartass. Untill I filed for divorce on our 25th anniversery. I got the last laugh. I moved out and got an appartment. I pay child support, alimony, and buy everything our son needs.
I cried like a baby when I knew it was over. I asked GOD why me? I keep things in. I don`t tell family what is going on. Talked to a couple close friends. Friends don`t give advice. They gave me an ear to whine in. I cried again, and some more. Then one day I said to hell with this. I statred doing the things she hated that I did. I fished, hunted, rode me bike, and talked to a few women. I thought no one would want an old ass 54 yr old man. Was I wrong. By GOD yes I was. I have met quite a few women. Some are still hung up on their ex`s. Some let you know that they are looking.

Life goes on. The ex? She has asked if we could talk about it? My reply? There is nothing to talk about. You made your choices.

I am one happy guy. :cheerleader::cheerleader::laugh::laugh:

I want to get a t-shirt made that reads,


Hang in there my friend. Life goes on.
Tuf's right, I just went through this crap with my ex, hang it up, its not worth it!!! I just realized that myself, time and money wasted :banghead: There are plenty of fish in the sea, go fishin!!
You my friend are doing everything and I mean EVERYTHING wrong. This girl don't like you and she is ready to go kick a few tires. All this business of chasing her with flowers and a note of how to fix your problems is driving her father and father away. Women hate weak men and you are definately showing your weakness.

If you are serious about wanting this woman back that clearly don't want you, the best way to do that is not to contact her. Let her wonder what's up with you and show up at the Hockey Game with a woman more attractive than her hanging on your arm. Even if you have to pay a foxy little sweetie with a great physique.

You think you are showing this woman that you love her and she sees it as you are weak and disgusting.

And, let me add one more thing, if you manage to get back under the covers with this woman, she will rule you with an iron fist. Why you ask? Because she knows she can!

The best thing you can do buddy, is to move on and don't look back!

I feel for you but you are creating your own misery!

Tufbusa is a smart man!

So....I you were right, nothing worked and i did everything wrong and now I am where I never wanted to be. Had to score some anti-anxiety meds to be able to breathe comfortably.

Some of my friends told me to just meet people from dating sites, so I signed up for a couple...but I just dont know how to get over not really being interested in any of them.

How do you get to the point where you actually find interest in other people? I look at their profile, see their pics and I just say 'meh'.

I went out with a couple of my friends to the bar....There might have been girls there, but i was too busy getting hammered to notice or care. There has to be a way to just snap **** back into place....
You my friend are doing everything and I mean EVERYTHING wrong. This girl don't like you and she is ready to go kick a few tires. All this business of chasing her with flowers and a note of how to fix your problems is driving her father and father away. Women hate weak men and you are definately showing your weakness.

If you are serious about wanting this woman back that clearly don't want you, the best way to do that is not to contact her. Let her wonder what's up with you and show up at the Hockey Game with a woman more attractive than her hanging on your arm. Even if you have to pay a foxy little sweetie with a great physique.

You think you are showing this woman that you love her and she sees it as you are weak and disgusting.

And, let me add one more thing, if you manage to get back under the covers with this woman, she will rule you with an iron fist. Why you ask? Because she knows she can!

The best thing you can do buddy, is to move on and don't look back!

I feel for you but you are creating your own misery!

+1,000 Good advice right there !

1st page we all sympathised with you, now we are saying eat that bag of cement and "harden the f**k up, man".

If nothing else, I hope we cheered you up snakers. :laugh:
1st page we all sympathised with you, now we are saying eat that bag of cement and "harden the f**k up, man".

Truthfully, Id love to get to that point but its a definitely alot easier to say than do when your in the situation.
So....I you were right, nothing worked and i did everything wrong and now I am where I never wanted to be. Had to score some anti-anxiety meds to be able to breathe comfortably.

Live and learn, drop the drugs.
Man the **** up.

Some of my friends told me to just meet people from dating sites, so I signed up for a couple...but I just dont know how to get over not really being interested in any of them.

You have to love you first.
Give yourself time.
Not interested in any of them? Why? None look like her? :whistle:

How do you get to the point where you actually find interest in other people? I look at their profile, see their pics and I just say 'meh'.

You are loathing in pitty. Stop it, go be you.

I went out with a couple of my friends to the bar....There might have been girls there, but i was too busy getting hammered to notice or care. There has to be a way to just snap **** back into place....

It will come, in time.

Do yourself a favor, go get laid. :thumbsup:
You my friend are doing everything and I mean EVERYTHING wrong. This girl don't like you and she is ready to go kick a few tires. All this business of chasing her with flowers and a note of how to fix your problems is driving her father and father away. Women hate weak men and you are definately showing your weakness.

If you are serious about wanting this woman back that clearly don't want you, the best way to do that is not to contact her. Let her wonder what's up with you and show up at the Hockey Game with a woman more attractive than her hanging on your arm. Even if you have to pay a foxy little sweetie with a great physique.

You think you are showing this woman that you love her and she sees it as you are weak and disgusting.

And, let me add one more thing, if you manage to get back under the covers with this woman, she will rule you with an iron fist. Why you ask? Because she knows she can!

The best thing you can do buddy, is to move on and don't look back!

I feel for you but you are creating your own misery!


You are the first MAN that has ever figured this out.

Grow a set gentlemen and be MEN!

You are the first MAN that has ever figured this out.

Grow a set gentlemen and be MEN!

Women, absolutely absurd creatures.

Want you to be a-holes to get them, and when you get them, your suppose to be nice and take care of them and respect them...
Women, absolutely absurd creatures.

Want you to be a-holes to get them, and when you get them, your suppose to be nice and take care of them and respect them...

It's a shame son that we grow old so soon and wise so late!

It's not about being an A$$hole, it's about being a man. Women are not attracted to a weak man. They want a man that will treat them well but also want a man that will provide for them first and love them second. If you spend your time becoming successful, you will attract women like mothes to a flame.

Women want a strong man. They are constantly paying attention looking for signs of weakness.

When you pull your skirt down and grow some kahoonas, she may find herself attracted to you again? However, in my view you'll be better served if she didn't.

I understand your emotions are tough to deal with at the moment but you have to get a grip and look at the time you spent with her as a learning experience. Remember,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the learning curve always has a price tag both in emotions and $$$$$$.

You'll be fine, it just takes time! Good Luck with the ladies my friend!
It's not about being an A$$hole, it's about being a man. Women are not attracted to a weak man.

They want a man provide for them first and love them second.

When you pull your skirt down and grow some kahoonas, she may find herself attracted to you again? However, in my view you'll be better served if she didn't.

Yes we are "Absurd"... but Tuf said it very well.. Even the most independent of us women out there are looking for someone who will provide for us....

And my $.02.. she will never love you again... she may be vaguely attracted, but you are damaged goods in her eyes. Move on, learn from your experience... you will find another... I promise.
Snakers, bottome line, it takes time to get over, and it's going to be very very tough. Emotions do get in the way... BE STRONG, forget her phone number, even when you are lonely as hell! Don't go by her job, don't go by her house.

Go out to find a few female friends, when you are ready. Work on YOU, do the things you enjoy doing (I know it's too cold to ride the bike, but a cold ride might be what you need). If you have a job, and too many don't these days, concentrate on work and keeping your job.

Easier said than done, but MAN UP and move on. At this point as many have said, she has already moved on, you really don't want her after she's been out there on the market again anyway!

We've all been there brother, it gets better. 2 years ago I myself was engaged and madly in love until I found out she was cheating. It took a night in jail for me to realize that she wasnt worth it. You'll be ok, we're all here for you. Just reach out and ask if you ever need help.:beerchug::thumbsup:
Sorry to hear about this incident Snakers. Been there, so can understand your feeling. Like everyone else said, the only solution is to not give a f' about her any more and move on. One of my friend once said to her ex before they broke up... She said 'I'm not sure if I wanna continue this marriage', he replied 'if you are not sure whether to continue or not, I'm sure I dont wanna continue'. Sounds harsh? may be.. but once a woman loses the respect and attraction towards her man, she's never gonna feel the same way. So it's better to move on. You dont want her to cheat on you at least being in a relation with you. Do you?
I had to suffer through this horrible feeling that you are feeling right now for like 2 years. Took me 2 years to get back to normal, specially as no family members or friends were near by to keep my mind diverted. One thing I generally tell myself in this case, 'if something happens to me right now, I know for a fact she wont give a f' about me. If so, why the hell should I give a damn about her? Why should I waste a single moment thinking about her?'. May be you wanna try telling urself that too. Moments like these are hard to deal with. I even got other women at home, but didnt feel a thing, I was so upset. But today I can say, yeah, the memory was sad, but I'm better off her. Things most probably wouldve became worse if we continued.

Dont wanna make this an article. So in short, hang in there, at the end of a dark tunnel, there is always light. You just need to pass through it. When you think you cant go no more, may be that's the last hurdle you had to cross. So never give up on urself. Specially for a women, or as a matter of fact for anyone. keep yourself busy with things you like to do, hang around with friends. If nowhere else to go, get a first person shooter game and shoot people there to get your rage, frustration out. :D

Take care my brother. We all are here for you. Before you know this bad phase will be over.
Split-ups are never easy, but it's definitely true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Don't fight destiny, it always wins either way. In the end you'll be better off then in a relationship destined to fail. Eventually the pain will subside.

God Bless!


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
-Isaiah 41:10

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
-Proverbs 3:5-6

Truthfully, Id love to get to that point but its a definitely alot easier to say than do when your in the situation.

Been there too bro ! I know what you're going thru. But hang tough, keep your pride intact coz all said & done, its you that you have to live with.

Wish you well ! I hope this thread has given you a giggle :laugh:
Been there too bro ! I know what you're going thru. But hang tough, keep your pride intact coz all said & done, its you that you have to live with.

Wish you well ! I hope this thread has given you a giggle :laugh:

A giggle? I understand you are trying to help hobo but please step back and read Snakers responses for what they are (PAIN). It's evident he's hurting pretty badly. Snakers I'm here for you man if you need ANYTHING! You know how to get ahold of me.
