When it rains, it pours

Snakers, this won't be your only heartbreak in life...trust me on that one. When you are done with the crying..Pick yourself and get a plan and set some goals. I want you to read a book that helped me more than any book I have ever read in life. It is by an author named Thomas Moore..it is titled "Care of the Soul". It is one of the most intelligently written books about who we are...how are inner needs dictate so much of our behavior....how another person's inner needs can complete destroy your relationship with them because you can never be what they "need"...they may not even be able to tell you what it is that they need. Understanding the "Id"..This book was an eye opeaner to me.
I was married to a nurse in Tahoe. Treated her very well and all was good the first couple of years...then the cracks in the marriage began to appear. Go up and give her a hug from behind while she was peeling carrots in the sink and get a spin elbow in the ear (i kid you not)...she was having an affair and everyone in the hospital knew it but silly me. I was devastated like you are....then she disappeared for 3 days. I got down on my knees and begged God for me not to lose my mind. Strangely enough, a sense of calm came over me...she returned and told me it was over...still didn't know about the other man. Moped around for about a month and finally understood that if a person didn't want me that I was much better off without them then wallowing in self misery. Went to see a counselor..he recommended this book. There is no good reason to demonize another person. I am not saying there aren't messed up people out there...but this book will probably help you to understand relationships alot better..it will help you to understand yourself alot better. Use this time to lick your wounds and gain strength. Educate yourself about relationships. And remember that women are the most expensive real estate on the planet.:whistle:
A giggle? I understand you are trying to help hobo but please step back and read Snakers responses for what they are (PAIN). It's evident he's hurting pretty badly. Snakers I'm here for you man if you need ANYTHING! You know how to get ahold of me.


We are all here for him dude, thats why we are all bothering to post up. I fully understand his PAIN, I've had more than my share of heartbreak, but you and I know the only thing that will heal him is TIME ! So in the meantime a bit of humour cant hurt his situation.