Speeding Ticket *fight or pay*

Pay under $100 ,send the money and ticket to the lawyer, and every one that I have had handled gets dissmissed. I don't have to miss work and it is off my record. Heck my wife got a ticket and the officer specifically told her that if she tried to fight it in court he would show up and make sure it was upheld, guess what , it was thrown out by getting the lawyer Not everyone is rich and has the whole day to go to court and learn how everything works. If someone needs a bracket or something welded they don't go to school to learn how to weld that bracket, they just pay me to do it. Same principal. Just my 2 cents.
86 in a 55? 31MPH over? Man, over here in NC that'd be a big ticket. You said you were going 70sh. Could it have been 86? What proof does the cop have?

If you plead guilty as charged and pay, that could come back to haunt you. I know some employers who will look at convictions (even in traffic court) and hold it against you.

Will your insurance go up if you get the points? That cost me over $1000 when I just 'sent in the check'. :(

I say get an attorney that specializes. Not having points will easily save you the $100 in atty fees.
Thanks again guys... I'm looking into the traffic lawyer route on Monday. Irony has it I will be serving on Jury Duty starting Monday. Guess I'll let my fingers do the walking and look somebody up in the area and try and get it "dismissed".
I did'nt see if he had a radar on me; nor did I ask, because I would not get off my bike under the gravel circumstances. I stayed on the bike to keep it from sliding backward.
Sure would be nice just to mail in a 100 dollars and the ticket to a taffic attourney and forget about it.. I hope it is that :easy: .
Taking work off and going to court playing the "little orphan annie" routine could be an option as well but I'm really liking the traffic attorney route.
Thanks again, appreciate ya!!
I would call the Prosecuting Attorneys office and ask them to SIS the ticket. This means Suspended Imposition Sentence. Basically, you pay court costs but it will not go on your record if you stay clean for 6 months. BUT>>> You have to stay clean!