Thanks so much for all of the encouragement guys, I was so angry last night that after venting here I could not even sleep, I took the advice offered and wrote everything down that occured and in what order. I am going to see the lawyer on monday. Now that I have had time to cool down and think about this I do have to admit that there is a little voice in my head saying "no, you were not doing 78, but you were doing 40, it is still a 30mph zone". I knew better than to even be within 5 miles of those squids, but I am responsible for my own actions. In the past when I have been speeding under what I consider relatively controlled circumstances, on empty roads, with competant riders, good conditions etc., I was prudent. Last night, I was going about 10 over just because I wanted to get the heck home, maybe better judgement would have kept me out of the "line of sight", so to speak.