speeding ticket

Wait... if you where going 120 it would have taken ALOT longer then a mile to catch up to you. see how far it's from the ramp to the place you stopped. it should be on the ticket your still guilty but the lawyer may be able to plead it down if it's that ridiculous.
blah blah blah. Cry me a river! Whats a cb radio gonna do? breaker breaker...we gotta fast mover on a ................ 10-4 good buddy. You must live in the stone age or something where reality hasn't caught up with you. Radios do not help! Bikes are way too fast to give any kind of accurate description or for the cars to chase long enough to tell a helicopter any useful information. I'm being serious here, no bull! No i get it, you need to roll on the throttle some you know! It's the right hand for some of you out there that aren't sure. Tell me why its dumb riding fast at night? For the record I was on a well lit highway with 15 ft sound proofing walls on both sides not some back road. You all need to chill and not make accusations about anyone you haven't riden with. I ride safe all the time! I don't split cars or do any wheelies(on purpose) and I don't weave in traffic. It just so happens that a couple times late at night when no cars were on the road that I got a little silly and Troopers were around. Not losing my license so I ran. Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be. You guys should sell yours and by bicycles or something. I just saw a Hot Pink Barbie one perfect you guys!You have to share there was only one. And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O! Have fun with this one and ride safe ladies!

blah blah blah. Cry me a river! Whats a cb radio gonna do? breaker breaker...we gotta fast mover on a ................ 10-4 good buddy. You must live in the stone age or something where reality hasn't caught up with you. Radios do not help! Bikes are way too fast to give any kind of accurate description or for the cars to chase long enough to tell a helicopter any useful information. I'm being serious here, no bull! No i get it, you need to roll on the throttle some you know! It's the right hand for some of you out there that aren't sure. Tell me why its dumb riding fast at night? For the record I was on a well lit highway with 15 ft sound proofing walls on both sides not some back road. You all need to chill and not make accusations about anyone you haven't riden with. I ride safe all the time! I don't split cars or do any wheelies(on purpose) and I don't weave in traffic. It just so happens that a couple times late at night when no cars were on the road that I got a little silly and Troopers were around. Not losing my license so I ran. Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be. You guys should sell yours and by bicycles or something. I just saw a Hot Pink Barbie one perfect you guys!You have to share there was only one. And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O! Have fun with this one and ride safe ladies!

You know, I have a friend "Just Like YOU"! He had the same arrogant attitude and ran from the cops 11 times. He told me once, they can never catch me! However, on run number 12 he luck ran out. And no, you can't out run a motorola. They set up a road block and boxed that young man in. He had no place to run so he turned his bike off and sat there. Funny how the cops just sat there and looked at him like a big stool pigeon.

Then about 30 seconds later, the cop who was chasing him rolled up, bailed out of is car and tackled him off his bike, rubbed his nose in the dirt before handcuffing his dumb ass and tossing him in the back seat of a crown victoria.

He was charged with felony evasion along with reckless endangerment and a few other charges. Short story is, he will be a convicted felon for the rest of his life, can never own a gun, can't vote, required to carry SR22 insurance for three years which he pays in excess of $800 per month on an old toyota in order to keep his license and the list goes on! $5000 in attorney fees along with another $5000 or so in fines and court costs and he got off easy!

I doubt he will ever attempt to run again. While it's great to brag about running, the consequencies of getting caught far outweigh the cost of a speeding ticket.

While I truely hope you never get caught, mostly I hope you never die trying to run!
blah blah blah. Cry me a river! Whats a cb radio gonna do? breaker breaker...we gotta fast mover on a ................ 10-4 good buddy. You must live in the stone age or something where reality hasn't caught up with you. Radios do not help! Bikes are way too fast to give any kind of accurate description or for the cars to chase long enough to tell a helicopter any useful information. I'm being serious here, no bull! No i get it, you need to roll on the throttle some you know! It's the right hand for some of you out there that aren't sure. Tell me why its dumb riding fast at night? For the record I was on a well lit highway with 15 ft sound proofing walls on both sides not some back road. You all need to chill and not make accusations about anyone you haven't riden with. I ride safe all the time! I don't split cars or do any wheelies(on purpose) and I don't weave in traffic. It just so happens that a couple times late at night when no cars were on the road that I got a little silly and Troopers were around. Not losing my license so I ran. Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be. You guys should sell yours and by bicycles or something. I just saw a Hot Pink Barbie one perfect you guys!You have to share there was only one. And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O! Have fun with this one and ride safe ladies!

Stupid is as Stipid does and you have every right to be stupid but as for the rest of your comments....please

hey one badbusa74.. i guess the 74 stands for year you were born... sure don't act like it!!!:laugh:
show us the pics of your bad a$$ k8 busa and EVO. i bet you are full of it and you are dreaming!
blah blah blah. Cry me a river!...Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be...And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O!

While I truely hope you never get caught, mostly I hope you never die trying to run!

you're too nice. he can die screaming for all i care.
Let me sak you something....I have been reading all of these responses and saw that you all have one thing in common. You stopped! Not sure if you know but these bikes are stupid fast and can't be caught. Trust me when I tell you this. Here in MD the cops are cool for the most part as long as you treat them with respect. I got pulled over by a trooper on I-70 doing 150 in my EVO and he didn't even run my info. When I'm on my K8 I don't stop. There is a no chase law here but troopers will chase you some. I had one try to sneak up on me a couple weeks ago with no lights on, not even head lights. It was around 2am and I was getting after it on a small stretch of highway when I passed him doing 100 or so. he didn't give chase and I thought that was weird. So I kept going and slowed to about 70 when all of a sudden I could see his reflection off the street lights...2nd gear gone! I rarely ride like an ass but sometimes I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!
So are you an idiot by natural selection or did you have to work to perfect it?

Originally Posted by 1badbusa74
blah blah blah. Cry me a river!...Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be...And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O!
I only hope that you do not kill an innocent person in the process of flushing the gene pool.... I feel sorry for any family you may have, they have a fool for a sibling...
sorry to say but after the AZZ beating I received for stopping....not gonna happen again. If I have the slightest idea they have a real charge on me (excessive speed or whatever)...I am gone.

People can preach all about endangering lives, family etc...you did that when you threw your leg over the bike.

If a cop nails your for excessive speed or any felony charge...most of life as you know it is over. Sorry but everyone accepts risks getting out of bed, not laying my entire future on the probablity a cop is in a good and understanding mood.

Once you get popped triple digits, then please feel free to preach to us. Until then, you are basing your decision on ethics of how the world should work....and yes, I am betting all of those who bought a busa have broken the posted speed limit into felony charge level.
sorry to say but after the AZZ beating I received for stopping....not gonna happen again. If I have the slightest idea they have a real charge on me (excessive speed or whatever)...I am gone.

People can preach all about endangering lives, family etc...you did that when you threw your leg over the bike.

If a cop nails your for excessive speed or any felony charge...most of life as you know it is over. Sorry but everyone accepts risks getting out of bed, not laying my entire future on the probablity a cop is in a good and understanding mood.

Once you get popped triple digits, then please feel free to preach to us. Until then, you are basing your decision on ethics of how the world should work....and yes, I am betting all of those who bought a busa have broken the posted speed limit into felony charge level.
you choose to do so in a place you get caught? tough... Cant do the time, dont do the crime...

Save it for the track or a place where no one can get hurt other than yourself... if you get popped by LE, you were obviously stepping outside the lines of "smart"

Really thought you were smarter than that...

(and I have seen guys pulled over for speeding in excess of around a 140mph and walk away with a warning, had something to do with riding fast but smart and not riding like an idiot)
you choose to do so in a place you get caught? tough... Cant do the time, dont do the crime...

Save it for the track or a place where no one can get hurt other than yourself... if you get popped by LE, you were obviously stepping outside the lines of "smart"

Really thought you were smarter than that...

(and I have seen guys pull over for speeding in excess of around a 140mph and walk away with a warning)

so you never speed on public roads? Try it in PA or MD.
you choose to do so in a place you get caught? tough... Cant do the time, dont do the crime...

Save it for the track or a place where no one can get hurt other than yourself... if you get popped by LE, you were obviously stepping outside the lines of "smart"

Really thought you were smarter than that...

(and I have seen guys pulled over for speeding in excess of around a 140mph and walk away with a warning, had something to do with riding fast but smart and not riding like an idiot)

and I was willing to take a fine, loss of license....but a beating by 2 cops once I was cuffed wasn't something I was or am bargaining for again.

Easy to preach the bible but living it is much harder. last I checked, many more sinners than saints and the there's Good Ole Saint Peter to consider :rofl:
so you never speed on public roads? Try it in PA or MD.
Yes I have, yes I do and yes I will again... anyone that rides with me will tell you that when I do this, the odds are pretty much in my favor all around..

If things go wrong, it is only me, if I get a ticket (pretty unlikely) I will stop..

no reason to risk LE lives, or someone that had nothing to do with my speeding... you guys that run really are a rather sad group.. I figure stupid would be the first defective link in your genome...
you choose to do so in a place you get caught? tough... Cant do the time, dont do the crime...

Save it for the track or a place where no one can get hurt other than yourself... if you get popped by LE, you were obviously stepping outside the lines of "smart"

Really thought you were smarter than that...

(and I have seen guys pulled over for speeding in excess of around a 140mph and walk away with a warning, had something to do with riding fast but smart and not riding like an idiot)

Curious: scenario......you are riding with 2 other guys. LE lights your bunch off. They take off but you stop. We all know the LE offers you to rat them out...do you?
Yes I have, yes I do and yes I will again... anyone that rides with me will tell you that when I do this, the odds are pretty much in my favor all around..

If things go wrong, it is only me, if I get a ticket (pretty unlikely) I will stop..

no reason to risk LE lives, or someone that had nothing to do with my speeding... you guys that run really are a rather sad group.. I figure stupid would be the first defective link in your genome...

since its so unlikely...does that mean you're a cop?
Curious: scenario......you are riding with 2 other guys. LE lights your bunch off. They take off but you stop. We all know the LE offers you to rat them out...do you?
And what am I going to tell the guy, yea I met these guys on the net.... give me their tickets and I will email them...

WTF has this got to do with running from LE when you are caught speeding? if you are man enough to go fast, you should be man enough to take what ever comes your way.. I have 30 years of hard core racing and never on the streets...

never had a ticket either for speeding... hmmm guess I must drive like an old lady...

My gut tells me there is more to your story than you tell however...
Tell ya what Gary, you can take your "super scooter" and ride with the clowns that think "running" is such a grand idea...

personally? I think I would rather ride with guys smarter than that... (they tend to pick good places to ride fast as well, not bad ones)...
And what am I going to tell the guy, yea I met these guys on the net.... give me their tickets and I will email them...

WTF has this got to do with running from LE when you are caught speeding? if you are man enough to go fast, you should be man enough to take what ever comes your way.. I have 30 years of hard core racing and never on the streets...

never had a ticket either for speeding... hmmm guess I must drive like an old lady...

My gut tells me there is more to your story than you tell however...

not much to tell...had an unmarked push me up the road in the dark, no cherries..closer and closer...thought he was a drunk/ or a bike hater. I finally said enough was enough and took off...called ahead and had a roadblock. State turned me over to two regionals who gave me a beat down for not answering questions after I was told I ran from a cop. It didn't click until I was cuffed what had happened. I was cuffed for their safety during questioning I was told. I was bounced off the hood 6 times for asking for a lawyer in response to their questions. Once off the trunk. I couldn't climb in the car with hands cuffed behind my back and was too wide (I thought) because they cuffed me with my gear on (btw, its painful to be cuffed with a crash jacket on if its still zipped FYI) I was forced into the car head first face down. I bled like a pig all over their back seat. Got to the station they demanded I get out. I couldn't get in so how was I getting out. They grabbed my feet and I caught the door sill to the mouth on the way to the ground.

I had a job at that point that had some pull. I got some tickets and had to retest....no loss or suspension of license. I have cuff marks for over 2 weeks. Couple chipped/cracked teeth from the door sill.
Tell ya what Gary, you can take your "super scooter" and ride with the clowns that think "running" is such a grand idea...

personally? I think I would rather ride with guys smarter than that... (they tend to pick good places to ride fast as well, not bad ones)...

sounds like you feel you are in a place to judge..

You break the laws no more than I did...

Hopefully you never learn the same lesson.
I do judge you based on what you say you are going to do... I choose not to be around that type of person is all... call it what ever you want..