i got pulled a few weeks ago for passing 2 cars on my way to work it was a 45 zone i waited for the dotted lines , i was doing over 80, not much i know but on a country rd its funn i got pulled as soon as i got back in(the launch out of the gas staion didnt help any) i got my butt chewed unlike another cop had before(2 page record to prove it just the past three yrs) ive have learned my lesson finally and grew up he let me go and said he was wathing for me what sucks is that he lives 3/10 of a mile from me. anso i had to chane what i wore other thing that blows living in smallville usa is cops can recognize eveyone, earlier this yr i went into the local gas station and the old man said they were lookin for me, i said who, he said City cops County and sate troopers, some dumb*** livin inmy area had almost the same helmet with mowhawk similar color honda cbr as my busa ran from them acrass town so i had to change what i wore for like a month or so jsut i didnt get hauled off, since then i put 2 hawks on my helmet
You don't want to get your bike impounded for any reason. I saw an arrest here in IL of a squid riding through town on the rear wheel. Off to jail he went, & then a roll-back truck winched his bike up and strapped it down on it's side. No telling what damage they did. ???
He was sitting halfway up on an on ramp to the interstate. I was getting off at the next exit about a mile up which is where he pulled up next to me. He must have been doing 200 to catch me in a mile if i passed him at 120 sitting still. My speed was closer to 80 in that curve no where near 120. I asked to see it on radar and of course he couldnt because it was never there. The option of running was never there as i dont run. I didnt know you could delay the court date or supeona calibration records. Thanks for the advice good and bad..
I got my first Ticket On my Sunday Ride i was pissed!!!! I was coming out of city limits where the speed limit was 35, about 30yards ahead of me i could see the speed limit sign of 55 so i started to speed up to sixty about 20 ft till the sign a cop was sitting in a parking lot and flipped his lights on. So i pull over and he tells me im doing sixty in a thirty five, i told him the only reason i started speeding up was because i could see the 55 sign , he told me you have to pass the sign before you can actually do that speed... What a crock of Crap. As he was writing me the ticket and i was signing he proceeds to tell me how much he likes my bike and ask's me questions like, How fast have you got it? did you do the work yourself, Does this really have NOS on it? I felt like telling him off and saying JUST GIVE ME MY DAMN TICKET AND LEAVE!!! thats my rant for the day. Now i have to find out how much it is.
I got my first Ticket On my Sunday Ride i was pissed!!!! I was coming out of city limits where the speed limit was 35, about 30yards ahead of me i could see the speed limit sign of 55 so i started to speed up to sixty about 20 ft till the sign a cop was sitting in a parking lot and flipped his lights on. So i pull over and he tells me im doing sixty in a thirty five, i told him the only reason i started speeding up was because i could see the 55 sign , he told me you have to pass the sign before you can actually do that speed... What a crock of Crap. As he was writing me the ticket and i was signing he proceeds to tell me how much he likes my bike and ask's me questions like, How fast have you got it? did you do the work yourself, Does this really have NOS on it? I felt like telling him off and saying JUST GIVE ME MY DAMN TICKET AND LEAVE!!! thats my rant for the day. Now i have to find out how much it is.
Trust me, any bike can be caught. you will never ever out run a CB radio, and you sound pretty dumb.Let me sak you something....I have been reading all of these responses and saw that you all have one thing in common. You stopped! Not sure if you know but these bikes are stupid fast and can't be caught. Trust me when I tell you this. Here in MD the cops are cool for the most part as long as you treat them with respect. I got pulled over by a trooper on I-70 doing 150 in my EVO and he didn't even run my info. When I'm on my K8 I don't stop. There is a no chase law here but troopers will chase you some. I had one try to sneak up on me a couple weeks ago with no lights on, not even head lights. It was around 2am and I was getting after it on a small stretch of highway when I passed him doing 100 or so. he didn't give chase and I thought that was weird. So I kept going and slowed to about 70 when all of a sudden I could see his reflection off the street lights...2nd gear gone! I rarely ride like an ass but sometimes I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!
Trust me, any bike can be caught. you will never ever out run a CB radio, and you sound pretty dumb.![]()
blah blah blah. Cry me a river! Whats a cb radio gonna do? breaker breaker...we gotta fast mover on a ................ 10-4 good buddy. You must live in the stone age or something where reality hasn't caught up with you. Radios do not help! Bikes are way too fast to give any kind of accurate description or for the cars to chase long enough to tell a helicopter any useful information. I'm being serious here, no bull! No i get it, you need to roll on the throttle some you know! It's the right hand for some of you out there that aren't sure. Tell me why its dumb riding fast at night? For the record I was on a well lit highway with 15 ft sound proofing walls on both sides not some back road. You all need to chill and not make accusations about anyone you haven't riden with. I ride safe all the time! I don't split cars or do any wheelies(on purpose) and I don't weave in traffic. It just so happens that a couple times late at night when no cars were on the road that I got a little silly and Troopers were around. Not losing my license so I ran. Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be. You guys should sell yours and by bicycles or something. I just saw a Hot Pink Barbie one perfect you guys!You have to share there was only one. And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O! Have fun with this one and ride safe ladies!
blah blah blah. Cry me a river! Whats a cb radio gonna do? breaker breaker...we gotta fast mover on a ................ 10-4 good buddy. You must live in the stone age or something where reality hasn't caught up with you. Radios do not help! Bikes are way too fast to give any kind of accurate description or for the cars to chase long enough to tell a helicopter any useful information. I'm being serious here, no bull! No i get it, you need to roll on the throttle some you know! It's the right hand for some of you out there that aren't sure. Tell me why its dumb riding fast at night? For the record I was on a well lit highway with 15 ft sound proofing walls on both sides not some back road. You all need to chill and not make accusations about anyone you haven't riden with. I ride safe all the time! I don't split cars or do any wheelies(on purpose) and I don't weave in traffic. It just so happens that a couple times late at night when no cars were on the road that I got a little silly and Troopers were around. Not losing my license so I ran. Excuse me for wanting to ride my bike the way it was meant to be. You guys should sell yours and by bicycles or something. I just saw a Hot Pink Barbie one perfect you guys!You have to share there was only one. And for all you other cry babies, if I crash it's on me and so be it. At least I was having fun and you guys can only wish you had some balls. Who buys a 200mph bike and never uses it's power? THATS WHAT I CALL DUMB ****O! Have fun with this one and ride safe ladies!
I hope you hear about me breaking the land speed record on I-95 punk!