speeding ticket

Got pulled over on Saturday. Trooper said he got me on radar at 120 in a 55. No way possible he clocked me at 120 as i wasnt riding that fast. He pulled me a mile down the road as he was sitting on an on ramp with traffic. Where he clocked me at also was in a curve. With a good lawyer am i looking at jail time and loss of liscense here in Va.

Was it in VA Beach?
Sorry to here this. I to live in VA and about 6 months ago i got 2 tickets!!. One for speeding and the other for following to close. I along with another guy was picked out of the middle of 8 cars and gave tickets. I went to court and tried to fight it and lost of course. In a court of law in VA you done stand much of a chance unless you have a good lawyer. That day the cop had 30 people he got in that same area. Did he show you the radar?? That is very important. They have to do that! I think most of the cops and judges have something going on and it is a no winn thing. It is also to many speed traps in VA. I know it is hard to have a busa and keep out of the throttle but we need to have a safe place to go run our bikes and enjoy the power we have. I am not sure VIR but maybe they will open up and give us more time there. Just a thought, Good luck

full of b/s.....information can be asked for and provided....but must be given is b/s.

I take notice that people who claim such knowledge are also the guys claiming they lost their cases. :laugh::laugh::laugh::rulez:
you sure about that? :whistle:

I have been told by numerous LEO's that that simply is a myth....

They don't have to show you squat, all they have to do is write 'radar' on the ticket. There are lots of people who claim to have beaten their tickets by 'deposition' (or some such thing) where they postpone it until the last possible time and then fight the ticket by deposition rather then showing up in court. They claim the cops don't get paid overtime to provide the written response like they do if they show up for court. Also you can subpoena the calibration records for the radar unit in question. I was lucky the cop didn't show up in court, but then all I wanted was to allowed to go to 'special' traffic school so it wouldn't show up on my record. I didn't figure I had a chance in h*ll of beating the ticket since I was really going closer to 100 MPH and probably much faster since I was already slowing down.
I would recommend to find not just any lawyer. Post on local message boards, etc, but you have to find a local to the area lawyer who successfully handled cases like this in the past. They know their way through the system and can make things happen. This may cost a couple of grand give or take, but if you want to keep the license, that's the way to go. On your own, you are screwed 100%, and after you add all fines, fees, your future insurance, messed up driving record, etc. it will be way more than the lawyer cost.

I am in NY, so that's a different state. It also happened in one of the worst places - Queens county (no bargaining). I got 121/50 plus following too closely, lawyer kept delaying the trial for almost a year, finally he went for a trial with the judge he liked, told me to not even come to the trial (he felt he was better do all the talking). The outcome, I got 15 points on my license which expire this month (because the DMV keeps them on record for 18 months since the date of violation), however I do keep the license, around $300 fine, stupid NY driver responsibility surcharge ($300/year for 3 years). Lawyer cost - $2500, but it is a very good one. Just got my MC insurance renewal in the mail - the lowest tier in terms of pricing: $530/year, full coverage. They probably didn't check the DMV records. I was expecting much higher rates. Well, you get the idea.

Those who say don't ride that fast, you've got to be kidding me. Right place and time is the key. I don't have to tell you that 120 ain't that fast.

In retrospect, you know the saying, good deeds are punishable or something along those lines. There was an opening in traffic where I intended to open her up a little, but a couple of cages were blocking me. I didn't want to split in between them knowing this would scare them and was following "too closely" for half a minute. When I could pass and got into a very light traffic (half a mile ahead and only 2 - 3 cars visible), I opened her up, and as I closed up on traffic, I slowed down to a normal highway speed. Well, the unmarked dodge charger which was following me, pulled me over. If I were to split lanes and did my thing, the cop would've been stuck behind those same two cars, and would've never cought up to me. You can guess I am not as considerate of cages' feelings any longer. I either go with the flow like every other vehicle, or flip the switch and go.

I don't believe any Busa rider, dressed in full leathers, on a divided highway, with excellent weather conditions, excellent visibility, very light traffic and no cops would be limiting themselves to a measly double speed limit. And if you do, shame on you. LOL

Sorry for the long post.
You don't want to get your bike impounded for any reason. I saw an arrest here in IL of a squid riding through town on the rear wheel. Off to jail he went, & then a roll-back truck winched his bike up and strapped it down on it's side. No telling what damage they did. ???
Let me sak you something....I have been reading all of these responses and saw that you all have one thing in common. You stopped! Not sure if you know but these bikes are stupid fast and can't be caught. Trust me when I tell you this. Here in MD the cops are cool for the most part as long as you treat them with respect. I got pulled over by a trooper on I-70 doing 150 in my EVO and he didn't even run my info. When I'm on my K8 I don't stop. There is a no chase law here but troopers will chase you some. I had one try to sneak up on me a couple weeks ago with no lights on, not even head lights. It was around 2am and I was getting after it on a small stretch of highway when I passed him doing 100 or so. he didn't give chase and I thought that was weird. So I kept going and slowed to about 70 when all of a sudden I could see his reflection off the street lights...2nd gear gone! I rarely ride like an ass but sometimes I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!
here we go... ! first post and tell us b/s about running from cops and going 150 and the highway patrol blah blah blah.....:moon:
Let me sak you something....I have been reading all of these responses and saw that you all have one thing in common. You stopped! Not sure if you know but these bikes are stupid fast and can't be caught. Trust me when I tell you this. Here in MD the cops are cool for the most part as long as you treat them with respect. I got pulled over by a trooper on I-70 doing 150 in my EVO and he didn't even run my info. When I'm on my K8 I don't stop. There is a no chase law here but troopers will chase you some. I had one try to sneak up on me a couple weeks ago with no lights on, not even head lights. It was around 2am and I was getting after it on a small stretch of highway when I passed him doing 100 or so. he didn't give chase and I thought that was weird. So I kept going and slowed to about 70 when all of a sudden I could see his reflection off the street lights...2nd gear gone! I rarely ride like an ass but sometimes I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!

People like you that can not control yourself put people's life's and there families lifes in danger and sooner or later you will get caught or you will wind up killing yourself and someone or their loved ones. If you want to kill yourself that is fine do it some where were you are not putting others life's in danger like on a track instead of the street. Yes we all know these bikes are Stupid fast but fella you can not out run the radio or helo
People like you that can not control yourself put people's life's and there families lifes in danger and sooner or later you will get caught or you will wind up killing yourself and someone or their loved ones. If you want to kill yourself that is fine do it some where were you are not putting others life's in danger like on a track instead of the street. Yes we all know these bikes are Stupid fast but fella you can not out run the radio or helo

I don't condone running from the police or getting into trouble.

I also spent a great deal of my life in Germany, where provided the computers measure clear vision, light traffic and good weather, there is no speed restriction on the autobahn. So having a Busa is justified. When you learn to think at 150 mph, at 70, it feels as if you can walk next to the bike.

Let's face it, if you buy a Busa here, you will be braking the law, the trick is to do it safely and stay out of trouble.

If I was an angel and only rode at high speed on a track, my road bike will certainly not have been a Busa, neither would my track bike.
There are so many reasons why I won't run. A couple. Putting other peoples lifes in danger. Getting caught means serious issues...least of which will be explaining to the wife what happen. And finally, I've had people, non biking people mind you, recognize my bike just from me talking about it. With my luck a cop would know what bike it was and just knock on my door with cuffs ready.
I don't condone running from the police or getting into trouble.

I also spent a great deal of my life in Germany, where provided the computers measure clear vision, light traffic and good weather, there is no speed restriction on the autobahn. So having a Busa is justified. When you learn to think at 150 mph, at 70, it feels as if you can walk next to the bike.

Let's face it, if you buy a Busa here, you will be braking the law, the trick is to do it safely and stay out of trouble.

If I was an angel and only rode at high speed on a track, my road bike will certainly not have been a Busa, neither would my track bike.

I am not saying that opening up the bike is wrong just do it in an area were you are the only one that is put in harms way if something happens do not put others and their loved ones in danger just because you feel the need for speed :thumbsup:
Let me sak you something....I have been reading all of these responses and saw that you all have one thing in common. You stopped! Not sure if you know but these bikes are stupid fast and can't be caught. Trust me when I tell you this. Here in MD the cops are cool for the most part as long as you treat them with respect. I got pulled over by a trooper on I-70 doing 150 in my EVO and he didn't even run my info. When I'm on my K8 I don't stop. There is a no chase law here but troopers will chase you some. I had one try to sneak up on me a couple weeks ago with no lights on, not even head lights. It was around 2am and I was getting after it on a small stretch of highway when I passed him doing 100 or so. he didn't give chase and I thought that was weird. So I kept going and slowed to about 70 when all of a sudden I could see his reflection off the street lights...2nd gear gone! I rarely ride like an ass but sometimes I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF!

:rofl: :rofl:

Wait until they hook you up in the back seat of cruiser and haul your a** off to the gray bar motel (if they don't beat the snot out of you first). Been there, done that and got the mug shot to prove it. You may be fast but you can't outrun a police radio and the charges just keep adding up. Once the broadcast is out, the city cops, highway patrol and Sheriffs all want to get in on the action! :please: don't beat me no mo'!
People like you that can not control yourself put people's life's and there families lifes in danger and sooner or later you will get caught or you will wind up killing yourself and someone or their loved ones. If you want to kill yourself that is fine do it some where were you are not putting others life's in danger like on a track instead of the street. Yes we all know these bikes are Stupid fast but fella you can not out run the radio or helo

While the advice of an attorney may be beneficial to understand the ins and outs of local traffic court, they are very rarely beneficial in the traffic court setting.

Delaying your date as long as possible is one universal way of attempting to keep the officer from appearing.

The best way to help your case is to be at the mercy of the court and come clean. This generally works best if you have a good record. It is hard to be believeable when you say, yeah your honor or sir (if a local attorney is handling courst cases) I screwed up, got carried away and I will not do it again if you have several traffic infractions on your record.

You will recall the riders in this neck of the woods that got caught doing 140 across the Mobile Bay Bridge? The clean records and mercy cases got a 90 in a 55 citation and no reckless.
Got pulled over on Saturday. Trooper said he got me on radar at 120 in a 55. No way possible he clocked me at 120 as i wasnt riding that fast. He pulled me a mile down the road as he was sitting on an on ramp with traffic. Where he clocked me at also was in a curve. With a good lawyer am i looking at jail time and loss of liscense here in Va.

The proof is in the pudding...

You're doing 2 miles a minute and he's doing zero-to-55 (which we'll call a mile a minute at 60mph). How did he catch you? Did you slow down when you passed him? How fast were you going when he got in behind you and lit you up? How fast do you think you were going when he clocked you?
Got pulled over on Saturday. Trooper said he got me on radar at 120 in a 55. No way possible he clocked me at 120 as i wasnt riding that fast. He pulled me a mile down the road as he was sitting on an on ramp with traffic. Where he clocked me at also was in a curve. With a good lawyer am i looking at jail time and loss of liscense here in Va.

Jail? Geezus. Try to find a well placed lawyer. How about getting your speedometer validated as reading inaccurately?