Suppressor, or gun silencer

I’d say such an unscrupulous person wouldn’t go through legit procedures anyway.
Suppressors are very tightly controlled. Unless they are stolen, it is impossible to get one without a lot of red tape, plus thorough background checks. There is a long approval form and it has to be kept with a $200 tax stamp together with the suppressor should the Popo find us with the gun anywhere.

I would have loved to make my own, there is no rocket science. It is illegal though.

The approval process takes more than 60 days, sometimes more than a year.

I believe the key is a suppressor is not what people see in the movies. On a lethal handgun it is almost a waste of time, as there is still a lot of noise.

People look at movies and they form totally incorrect perceptions and then fabricate BS when someone tries to point them in the right direction.
Oh c’mon Bee. Get over it.

BTW, did you know that since 2022 all the marines are issued with suppressed arms. They are also only. 30-40db quieter, still noisy. No one but you were privy to that special non existent technology.

This is what I said, and I stand by it.

“This is the hardest part to deal with, because I am terrible at handling stupid.”

Handling stupid meant a stupid comment. You are not an Engineer, I don’t expect you to understand the physics of how a silencer is constructed and what dampens the sound waves. I expect you to know what it is though, and not BS about it because of a hurt ego.
Well oh exalted genius of geniuses.....

We used suppressed weapons with sub sonic ammo in covert operations where we may be detected but not immediately located...these suppressors are different than ones used on main battle rifles such as they US Marines are using.....or long range sniper weapons where a suppressor is there to deny the enemy the exact location of the weapon platform....

Regardless, I am growing wearing of debating this with life doesn't revolve around the need for a suppressed weapon or any weapon these days...
Well oh exalted genius of geniuses.....

We used suppressed weapons with sub sonic ammo in covert operations where we may be detected but not immediately located...these suppressors are different than ones used on main battle rifles such as they US Marines are using.....or long range sniper weapons where a suppressor is there to deny the enemy the exact location of the weapon platform....

Regardless, I am growing wearing of debating this with life doesn't revolve around the need for a suppressed weapon or any weapon these days...
My new toy is also used with subsonic.

I would have thought you are smart enough to know that a suppressor is totally useless when it comes to supersonic. Even if it is a 0.17. But alas, I would rather say nothing as you will take it as another insult.

I also thought you would be smart enough to know that the military application is due to the flame which is now gone, does not give away position during night. The suppressor also facilitates communication and radio communication due to up to a MAXIMUM 40db noise reduction per firearm.

I’m not a genius, like you also served, unlike you a gun hobbyist , as unlike you I live in a free country.

Sometimes I am wrong, at least I admit it when that happens, as I don’t have your size of ego.

From your input, especially this last post, you have either forgotten, or you have very little suppressor experience.
I’m going out on a limb and guess that Bee has more experience with weapons and accessories than the rest of us combined.
At the end of the day, the only things which matter, are hard facts, all which can be referenced by those who take a real interest in this subject.
My new toy is also used with subsonic.

I would have thought you are smart enough to know that a suppressor is totally useless when it comes to supersonic. Even if it is a 0.17. But alas, I would rather say nothing as you will take it as another insult.

I also thought you would be smart enough to know that the military application is due to the flame which is now gone, does not give away position during night. The suppressor also facilitates communication and radio communication due to up to a MAXIMUM 40db noise reduction per firearm.

I’m not a genius, like you also served, unlike you a gun hobbyist , as unlike you I live in a free country.

Sometimes I am wrong, at least I admit it when that happens, as I don’t have your size of ego.

From your input, especially this last post, you have either forgotten, or you have very little suppressor experience.
Like just about anyone else, I don't like to be called stupid.....and although I have really thick skin, it still pisses me off to be called it would anyone else....

However, I digress.....

I admit that I have only used a silencer on a few occasions both training and on actual operations in a covert stance...

We used it to divert the sound of our weapons so the enemy couldn't readily track us and we used them close up.

I should have used the word "silencer" verses "suppressor" as we used a suppressor more often without subsonic rounds....

The flash eliminator still creates a signature in low light or dark situations and on many of our missions we needed to have a less visible identity.

We either moved fast and hard or slow and steady depending on the operation, there were times when stealth was paramount-even the stealth of a silenced or suppressed weapon helped.

BTW, I own several weapons and used to do a lot of shooting on my own to keep my skills sharp when I retired.
I’m going out on a limb and guess that Bee has more experience with weapons and accessories than the rest of us combined.
I have carried and used a weapon ever since I can remember and over the span of a 33 yr career much of which was spent in a tier 1 unit, I have more than my fair share of experience with many different weapon platforms from .22 cal to 155mm and almost everything in between-mostly as familiarization shoots though...
Wow....this is a load to digest.....
This conversation brings up a question, what government in its right mind would allow citizens to have suppressed weapons? The 2nd amendment is one thing, having zero controls is another. I wonder how many guns owned by legal gun owners are unaccounted for and wind up in the hands of criminals.

I watched a documentary regarding detectives working on a murder and found a gun at the scene belonging to a person who clearly didn’t commit the crime but had no clue the gun was missing. They did a search while they were clearing him and found legal guns that he forgot about owning. That’s what’s scary
What govt would allow? Full stop. You are really a programmed socialist aren't you? What person of free mind even thinks to consider his govt and or permissions when enjoying something that bears no effect on others? Wow that's so sad to live like that.

Some of the most gun repressive countries are in Europe. Suppressors are legal there. No NFA no nothing. In fact they are encouraged as hearing safe. So there's that. What govt? The EU.

Have you ever used or needed to use one on any mission in your past?

I can guarantee you I have the ability to use a suppressed weapon effectively enough that it would either be impossible or next to impossible to detect me. There is a reason suppressors have been invented and used and it isn’t to protect the shooters hearing.

Silencers were invented and designed to lower or greatly reduce muzzle noise for use in covert operations, so in essence you are correct, it is a courtesy so you don’t alarm the enemy. Why a civilian needs such a device has me baffled? Hearing protection? There are far better hearing protection devices out there for that.
Wrong twice above. Seems you don't know who invented them? Look it up. What gun was his first one mounted on and why. Why did he see the need?
Hiram Maxim. Son of the Inventor of the........Maxim machine gun. He originally created it for crew served belt fed MGs on the front of WWI. Why? To protect their hearing from long strings of fire.
Really oh wise and knowledgeable one…….

I, unlike yourself have used them on low observation missions so I feel that i don’t need to substantiate my position whereas you do.

The good news is I won’t bore anyone with a bunch of technical stuff nobody cares about unless there’s a need to prove how good they are at looking stuff up.

Bottom line, no civilian needs a suppressor other than to make some sort of statement and if a bad guy gets one, they would use it to mask their shots.

I take it you are a responsible gun owner that locks your weapons up and accounts for them and their attachments. Not all gun owners are so responsible

Now, I didn't say suppressors were idiotic....what I did say is there is absolutely no need for a civilian to have or use one....

I've used them in very little instances but I have used them for their intended purpose and they were effective in that use.

Do I need to have one to go to the range...? I don't believe so.

Your statement stating that "you are the only one that can decide if the shoe fits" is nothing more than a cryptic attempt of trying to say I'm stupid........and in this light, I will further enforce my statement that as soon as you resort to name calling and insults, you have lost the argument and further discussion....
Bottom line? If you don't stop using the word NEED around us free loving Americans I'm gonna puke. Take your 'need' and keep them north of the border please. If you're comfy with lord Trudeau dictating to you what you do and don't need than I'm fine with it, really I am.
See, here's the thing about FREEDOM, I don't have to justify my need to you. Period. Stop. Now you deal with it. I like it. We like it. You criticize it yet it is worlds better in many ways than Knuckland where you are. Strange.

Suppressors are very tightly controlled. Unless they are stolen, it is impossible to get one without a lot of red tape, plus thorough background checks. There is a long approval form and it has to be kept with a $200 tax stamp together with the suppressor should the Popo find us with the gun anywhere.

I would have loved to make my own, there is no rocket science. It is illegal though.

The approval process takes more than 60 days, sometimes more than a year.

I believe the key is a suppressor is not what people see in the movies. On a lethal handgun it is almost a waste of time, as there is still a lot of noise.

People look at movies and they form totally incorrect perceptions and then fabricate BS when someone tries to point them in the right direction.
Approval times are down to less than a month. My last one thru SilencerShop took 22 days. Prints, form, payment and all else done at the Kiosk in store.
You could make your own. It's not illegal. Just need to be SoT licensed. Hmmm. Look into that. Can make all kinds of nest things. Like brand new MGs.

Who cares? I don't care what he thinks I need. That's the funniest thing I read all day. So there. Like I'm supposed to care if he think my govt should t let me have one or the dozen I do. Pffft.
Here's when he'll try to tell you they are so much more dangerous when in fact barely any are ever used in a crime. No different than assault rifles. Fear tactics coming from programmed socialists...


Omg! Is that also an SBR! Those are so much more dangerous too! Evil .308 Black Talons just for you Bee. It's mine. I like it. I don't have to justify the need to anyone else.

But just so you'll mayyyyyybe understand. I've used this rifle in a few matches. Just local run and guns. Some targets are maybe 20yds while others were out to 400. I coulda used a 5.56 or .300blk I have but I fixed this one up too. Subsonic rounds drop like rocks. There are basically none that run a .308 reliably. This 7.62 mini swallows the blast enough to make it comfortable to shoot supers with minimal ear pro. It IS a muffler. It IS nothing more.
This is a great 0-400 dot on aim and shoot platform. 1-8 Viper PST makes it work so well.
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Sorry. Suddenly felt inspired to post that.

Hey! Did you hear that silly Canuck use the word need?
Silly boy. Who needs needs when there's ammo to burn.
Mmmmmm......F R E E D O M...

Wow....this is a load to digest.....

What govt would allow? Full stop. You are really a programmed socialist aren't you? What person of free mind even thinks to consider his govt and or permissions when enjoying something that bears no effect on others? Wow that's so sad to live like that.

Some of the most gun repressive countries are in Europe. Suppressors are legal there. No NFA no nothing. In fact they are encouraged as hearing safe. So there's that. What govt? The EU.

Wrong twice above. Seems you don't know who invented them? Look it up. What gun was his first one mounted on and why. Why did he see the need?
Hiram Maxim. Inventor of the........Maxim machine gun and inventor of the silencer. He originally created it for crew served belt fed MGs on the front of WWI. Why? To protect their hearing from long strings of fire.

Bottom line? If you don't stop using the word NEED around us free loving Americans I'm gonna puke. Take your 'need' and keep them north of the border please. If you're comfy with lord Trudeau dictating to you what you do and don't need than I'm fine with it, really I am.
See, here's the thing about FREEDOM, I don't have to justify my need to you. Period. Stop. Now you deal with it. I like it. We like it. You criticize it yet it is worlds better in many ways than Knuckland where you are. Strange.

Approval times are down to less than a month. My last one thru SilencerShop took 22 days. Prints, form, payment and all else done at the Kiosk in store.
You could make your own. It's not illegal. Just need to be SoT licensed. Hmmm. Look into that. Can make all kinds of nest things. Like brand new MGs.

Who cares? I don't care what he thinks I need. That's the funniest thing I read all day. So there. Like I'm supposed to care if he think my govt should t let me have one or the dozen I do. Pffft.
Here's when he'll try to tell you they are so much more dangerous when in fact barely any are ever used in a crime. No different than assault rifles. Fear tactics coming from programmed socialists...

View attachment 1687808

Omg! Is that also an SBR! Those are so much more dangerous too! Evil .308 Black Talons just for you Bee. It's mine. I like it. I don't have to justify the need to anyone else.

But just so you'll mayyyyyybe understand. I've used this rifle in a few matches. Just local run and guns. Some targets are maybe 20yds while others were out to 400. I coulda used a 5.56 or .300blk I have but I fixed this one up too. Subsonic rounds drop like rocks. There are basically none that run a .308 reliably. This 7.62 mini swallows the blast enough to make it comfortable to shoot supers with minimal ear pro. It IS a muffler. It IS nothing more.
This is a great 0-400 dot on aim and shoot platform. 1-8 Viper PST makes it work so well.
You seem both particularly angry and confrontational this need for all that......

The first silencer was invented by a Swiss person if I'm not mistaken...

I too like guns and have a few myself......I'm not anti-gun and am an advocate of a stand your ground or castle law and a CCW and wish it would have been included in Canadian law....

But it wasn't and never will be sadly.....

As for your picture of your rifle, that's a nice one....
View attachment 1687809
Sorry. Suddenly felt inspired to post that.

Hey! Did you hear that silly Canuck use the word need?
Silly boy. Who needs needs when there's ammo to burn.
Mmmmmm......F R E E D O M...

View attachment 1687810
Freedom is not needing a firearm to be free.....there is a difference between needing a firearm and wanting one.

So in my case, it's nice to not NEED one for day to day living.....I've lived almost 60 years and have yet to need a firearm in my country....there has never been an instance where I felt I should be armed or in fear of my life because I wasn't.

I've spent enough time of my life needing to be armed that it's nice to not be....

But of course guns have never really been part of our culture here......lots of people have them though.
Freedom is not needing a firearm to be free.....there is a difference between needing a firearm and wanting one.

So in my case, it's nice to not NEED one for day to day living.....I've lived almost 60 years and have yet to need a firearm in my country....there has never been an instance where I felt I should be armed or in fear of my life because I wasn't.

I've spent enough time of my life needing to be armed that it's nice to not be....

But of course guns have never really been part of our culture here......lots of people have them though.
So happy for you. Really should seek help with all that worry about other people's needs. Six months or so in a free country might wash that out of you.
Which brings back distant memories of us going round and round on this ad nauseum.
So enjoy the night.

Georgia v Alabama is on right now. Gotta go.
So happy for you. Really should seek help with all that worry about other people's needs. Six months or so in a free country might wash that out of you.
Which brings back distant memories of us going round and round on this ad nauseum.
So enjoy the night.

Georgia v Alabama is on right now. Gotta go.
I don't know why you think this country isn't free...

We have never had anything like a second amendment nor have we ever had a stand your ground or castle law so what we never had we don't miss I suppose.....

I've spent a lot of time in various US states and some of the places I was in was far less free than what I live like now...there seemed to be a cop around every tree just waiting for someone to screw up so they could pummel them....and some of the houses I visited in the occupants had no clue where all their weapons were and there were little kids running around. I thought the house I was in was an isolated case but of the several homes we visited they were similar....I used the washroom and there was a loaded Glock above the toilet on a towel rack.

I realize it's irresponsible owners causing the problems but there are many irresponsible gun owners out there it seems...

Yes it does seem to go round and round just like each and every thread on this forum....
LOL, and there I was just thinking we could share some suppressor or silencer (they are exactly the same thing) information.

Blanca, got my e-form approved yesterday, took 60 days. Some apparently 4 days, some more than a year.

Like just about anyone else, I don't like to be called stupid.....and although I have really thick skin, it still pisses me off to be called it would anyone else..
Again, my “stupid” was aimed at the comment that you had a silencer better than anyone else, because of your military position. Not you as a person. And yes, that was a pretty stupid
I should have used the word "silencer" verses "suppressor" as we used a suppressor more often without subsonic rounds....
A silencer and a suppressor is exactly the same thing. There is no such thing as one model being called a silencer and another model a suppressor.
LOL, I thought of perhaps starting a reloading thread, as it is a lot of fun, needs tremendous precision, and we could share loads.

But after Bee totally wrecked this thread and then Blanca totally wrecked Bee, probably should get back into talking about motorcycles and nothing more.

We sure have some great egos around here, way too much testosterone.
LOL, and there I was just thinking we could share some suppressor or silencer (they are exactly the same thing) information.

Blanca, got my e-form approved yesterday, took 60 days. Some apparently 4 days, some more than a year.

Again, my “stupid” was aimed at the comment that you had a silencer better than anyone else, because of your military position. Not you as a person. And yes, that was a pretty stupid

A silencer and a suppressor is exactly the same thing. There is no such thing as one model being called a silencer and another model a suppressor.
Thank you for the correction..

Like I said, we seldom used them but the equipment we had was different than any other unit so not sure how that equates to a silencer.

The unit I was in was to the military like a Moto GP rider is to tier...

LOL, I thought of perhaps starting a reloading thread, as it is a lot of fun, needs tremendous precision, and we could share loads.

But after Bee totally wrecked this thread and then Blanca totally wrecked Bee, probably should get back into talking about motorcycles and nothing more.

We sure have some great egos around here, way too much testosterone.
Start your thread and I promise to stay away from it.....however I wouldn't convey this to you regarding any thread I start.

.....and nobody "wrecked" anything or anyone in this thread........

Take a look at any other thread in this forum and try to find one that stays on topic.....
Thank you for the correction..

Like I said, we seldom used them but the equipment we had was different than any other unit so not sure how that equates to a silencer.

The unit I was in was to the military like a Moto GP rider is to tier...
Once again, a suppressor or a silencer, whatever word makes you happy, because they are the same thing, is a very simple device. There is no rocket science here. There is a lot of rocket science in a MotoGP bike.

If you want an intellectual discussion about this, give us numbers, such as the decibel reduction, the caliber it was used on, what the baffles looked like. If you can’t, don’t act like an expert about the subject and call those who are trying to point you in the right direction “geniuses.”

Yes, you did wreck this thread, telling me that my Goverment is crazy. Read your posts, you insulted me as well, but I don’t care about that. There is no ego here.
I wrecked nobody. Only pointed out a couple things needed correcting. Ive had the luxury of sitting around on my sofa and geeking out on things. Bee was given 'this' for the most part and asked to do something with it. Certainly don't expect him to know every detail doesn't take away from the tasks he's accomplished.
So happy for you. Really should seek help with all that worry about other people's needs. Six months or so in a free country might wash that out of you.
Which brings back distant memories of us going round and round on this ad nauseum.
So enjoy the night.
I wrecked nobody. Only pointed out a couple things needed correcting. Ive had the luxury of sitting around on my sofa and geeking out on things. Bee was given 'this' for the most part and asked to do something with it. Certainly don't expect him to know every detail doesn't take away from the tasks he's accomplished.
I guess we have different views on what wrecks a thread.