Tandem skydive gone wrong

As far as I'm concerned, the real blame lies with the idiots who let the old woman on the damn plane in the first place. I also blame the stupid woman for thinking she could do it.
As far as I'm concerned, the real blame lies with the idiots who let the old woman on the damn plane in the first place. I also blame the stupid woman for thinking she could do it.

You're incredibly rude...you just wake up mad every day or what? :laugh:
Look, it happens. It's natural that someone would put their hands up to block the door, even momentary and it happens a lot - and that's dangerous for both the instructor and the passenger (and even everyone else in the airplane - if the passenger were to grab one of the handles on the rig, it could prematurely deploy something, wrap around the tail and kill the entire load). That's why sometimes you don't mess around and the passenger be damned if it's a hazard to the entire load. On it's face it looks entirely unacceptable, but its not that black/white. But even I thought it was a little over the top. Fortunately, nobody got hurt, and therefore no grounds for a lawsuit. Sure, she might be offended, but so what when it's the lives of the entire load. While on the surface it looks like a game, but it's a lot more serious than that. She said she wanted to go and signed a waiver and paid money to go. She endangered the lives of the entire load. While I think they should have declared a no-go and got her back into a seatbelt and let the rest of the load go, it didn't go down that way; still - no lawsuit.
Keith I will defer to your vast knowledge :laugh:

Why is video marked private for some and not others?
I can't see it?
Keith I will defer to your vast knowledge :laugh:

Why is video marked private for some and not others?
I can't see it?

The original vid I posted has been made private by the owner sometime last night. The second video posted is same one but another link that has not yet been made private, but it may soon be also.

What you'll see is a 70 year old woman who is all stoked to make a tandem. In the door she balks and the instructor finally forcefully grabs her hands and rolls out, but by this time she has forgotten all her training, goes fetal trying to fight him, and halfway slips out of the harness. Both the instructor and the video dude try unsuccessfully to get her back into the correct position in freefall. When that doesn't work, eventually the Instructor has to take the chance and deploys the main. Thankfully the passenger doesn't fall out. Everyone lands safely but obviously shaken up.
There are some 80 year old folks who can complete in an Ironman competition, and there are 80 year olds who will die from a fall in the kitchen. She looks like she needs to stay away from skydiving so she can enjoy her Golden years. I give the instructor a thumbs up for saving it.
found it...man that guy does need and Ares kicking.. WTF. If that was my grandma I would have shot the instructor and been in jail.

Saw it from this link. Holy crap that was like trying to give a cat a bath :rofl:

I'm kinda with Charlie on this. She didn't want to go. She sat down which apparently allowed her to slip out of harness? You could see she wasn't even properly fitted to begin with as one strap is off her left shoulder. The whole thing even to this jump virgin looks wrong and loose? That right there is negligence no? Guy forces her out and she probably screamed the whole way down! I can def see a lawyer taking this up. I would think the waiver you sign only applies if you voluntarily leave the plane and something happens. If you refuse to leave plane and they throw you out it is them now incurring the liability no?

Wait wait :rofl: and then the most funny thing is in final seconds you see some girl rubbing and consoling the instructor :rofl:

Who cares if granny crapped her pants and lost ten years off her life :laugh:
I just noticed that at the 1:38 minute mark she loses her teeth.

You can see them flying away saying 'ohhhhhhh Sh!!!!!!!!!!!!!t'

Big time lawsuit!
Saw it from this link. Holy crap that was like trying to give a cat a bath :rofl:

I'm kinda with Charlie on this. She didn't want to go. She sat down which apparently allowed her to slip out of harness? You could see she wasn't even properly fitted to begin with as one strap is off her left shoulder. The whole thing even to this jump virgin looks wrong and loose? That right there is negligence no? Guy forces her out and she probably screamed the whole way down! I can def see a lawyer taking this up. I would think the waiver you sign only applies if you voluntarily leave the plane and something happens. If you refuse to leave plane and they throw you out it is them now incurring the liability no?

Wait wait :rofl: and then the most funny thing is in final seconds you see some girl rubbing and consoling the instructor :rofl:

Who cares if granny crapped her pants and lost ten years off her life :laugh:

Frankly, the waiver covers EVERYTHING. It is VERY CLEAR. And most of them have been tested and stood up in a court of law.

That instructor puts his azz on the line every time he puts a student in his harness, because the unexpected (like this) can and will happen. When it comes to a little crap in grannies pants, or the life of the instructor and maybe the entire load, I'll pick the instructor and the rest of the load every time. Might sound like a hard choice, but that's what it's all about. If you can't take the heat, don't step into the kitchen.

I lost a VERY GOOD friend and mentor about 4 years ago. He was taking a student on a AFF jump. This guy had 30 years and Thousands of jumps under his belt, he had just about every rating there is, and a master Army Rigger on top of it. On the exit, the instructor climbs out and the student gets into the door. On this jump, the instructor's reserve handle had come out of the pouch - not a good thing, but correctable if nobody panics. The proper thing to do is get the instructors attention, and point to the handle and let HIM deal with it. Unfortunately, the student reached down and tried to tuck it back in without the instructors knowledge/permission - and deployed the reserve while still standing on the step. The reserve went OVER the tail and drug my friend off the door - he hit the tail on the way off and died instantly. Had a wife who was pregnant with their first child.

Was the student held liable? Was he sued? No because BOTH had signed the waivers and BOTH knew the risk. Would I like to kick the students azz? You betcha but I wouldn't because us skydivers all know the risk we take every time we strap it on - something that non-jumpers, attorneys or juries can't really understand.

You can be a little mad at granny, or mad at the instructor, but still it's not a lawsuit just because someones feelings got hurt. She wanted a thrill; she just got a little more than she bargained for. It's like being on a roller coaster, once the thing starts moving it's a little too late to climb off...
I will again defer to your vast knowledge :)

But again just ask if waiver gives them the right to toss somebody who's refusing out of the plane?

You can see a few guys jump before her and the space where they were in back of plane is now empty.
Why not just move over and let everyone else go?
Two guys got out at a lower altitude, and the video is edited (note the door is closed when it's her jump instead of open; if it was same pass door would remain open)...

So...the plane is still pretty full. Heavy. The pilot has slowed down and put in flaps, but he's flying close to the stall speed; all that movement NOT out the door to lighten the load does carry some danger.

If that refusal endangers the life of the load and pilot, it sure does. Which is a judgement call. IMHO the instructor should have accepted the refusal, but I can't fault him to the level of a lawsuit for going ahead anyway, especially when all that is lost is a set of false teeth and some hurt feelings. I think it's better a learning lesson for him and other instructors for what can potentially happen - and I think that's why it got posted in the first place.

I say IMHO, because while i've made a lot of jumps and carry a Static-line Instructor Rating, I'm NOT a tandem instructor and this guy probably has a lot more knowledge and experience than I.
You kill me - while FL may have flat roads, it's also the busiest state in the country along with CA and AZ for year-round skydiving. I am extremely jealous in that regard.
The douchebag must be a friend of yours, Skydivr, the way you are defending him???

From my dunce stool :cookoo:
:rofl: Blanca! your too funny my Friend. :thumbs:

that woman almost didn't make it to 80yrs + a day. wow that was a close one.
i have always thought " if i can't hold it together enough to strap the chute on myself, jump out, and have my life in my own hands, I ain't jumpin!".

:hide: being that i am freaked by heights anyway...........I Still Ain't Jumpin! :laugh:
as much as i want to skydive, last thing i want to do is get up there and chicken out. Obviosuly the lady knew what she was getting into.
ON the other hand, the instructor did waaaaaaay to much to get her to exit.
Am just glad nothing more serious went wrong. well, other than the law suit coming
You kill me - while FL may have flat roads, it's also the busiest state in the country along with CA and AZ for year-round skydiving. I am extremely jealous in that regard.

I have heard that one of the best places to jump is over the Keys.
The view of the islands and blue water is superb.

I wonder if that d-bag would have done the same with a 6'4" 240 lb man?

Now how did she endanger anyone? At around 1:10 it was obvious she didn't want to go. Why didn't he SIMPLY step aside and let the next pair go?

Instead that piece of #### battled and manhandled her for over 30 seconds which nearly ended her life! A waiver will defend that action in court? :rofl: I guess they could also rape and murder passengers and as long as they have that signed waiver, it's all good. :thumbsup: