Tandem skydive gone wrong

I haven't laughed out loud like this in years thank everyone for the posts:rofl::rofl::rofl:, like giving a cat a bath. funnnny:rofl:

I know that was off the cuff hi Larious knee slappin' humor rat thar!

It's what popped in my head when I saw him moving one hand only to have the other pop up.
Like trying to push a cat thru a door into a tub or something :laugh:
Since the OP, the woman has been interviewed several times on National TV. She states that:

a) She really wanted to go
b) Her knees gave out
c) She appreciated the Intructor 'helping' her out the door
d) She has no interest or intent in suing
e) This was over a year ago

Glad to see this all worked out. Sometimes video is NOT as obvious a slam dunk as it apparently appears. IMHO it was still a balk.
Imagine sitting in your backyard and a set of teeth land from out of the sky:laugh:

:laugh:straight into your potatoe salad :rofl: i'd be more freaked out if i was swimming and the set of teeth landed right infront of me. i'd be thinking, a human head is next. Time to abandon ship!! :lol:
My local news reported on this for 2 days now. Sounds like it got pretty bad for the company. The FAA gave them a huge fine, but they didn't say if its going to stick or not. I think they might have shut them down for now and they are investigating them. Seems like it would be a little late to do all this. On the other hand the old lady didn't seem to mind that much and now she wants to go try some other crazy stunt. That old woman is cool:thumbsup:
I wonder if that d-bag would have done the same with a 6'4" 240 lb man?

Now how did she endanger anyone? At around 1:10 it was obvious she didn't want to go. Why didn't he SIMPLY step aside and let the next pair go?

Instead that piece of #### battled and manhandled her for over 30 seconds which nearly ended her life! A waiver will defend that action in court? :rofl: I guess they could also rape and murder passengers and as long as they have that signed waiver, it's all good. :thumbsup:

At 240 you are on the edge of being able to take in the first place.

Let's put it another way, which is not so obvious to those who do not know about skydiving. A balk, or any delay in the door, is DANGEROUS to the entire load. If, for example she had grabbed a cutaway or other handle on the gear, it could have caused a premature deployment, killing them both and maybe the entire load. There COULD BE instances when getting the tandem out of the plane, whether involuntary or not, was the proper thing to do. I personally have witnessed a static line student pushed out the door of a helicopter against his immediate will because his reserve pilot chute came out and was going out the door - once it's in the airstream you can't trap it, and getting him out the door saved his life - and maybe that of the rest of the load. The jumpmaster in that incident had less than a second to make the decision, and he made a good one.

Also, the airplane is moving across a pre-determined exit point in the sky, called the "spot". The spot is very important, as that is the window of opportunity for everyone to exit and deploy so that they land on the Drop zone. The 30 seconds they played around in the door was enough to get them out of the 'spot' - not to mention the rest of the load - so there was some immediacy to getting them to exit.

Having said that, I believe that it was still excessive, but not to the point of a lawsuit or some kind of liability issue. If Granny had wanted to make a stink, she'd already done it. I'm glad to see she's got a live and let live attitude. Believe me, this sport has enough potential liability issues already that it makes almost impossible to operate, even when you accept the potential risks.