Teaching job, neck on chopping block

NFTs from an artist perspective, is only speculative as to if it will sell once. And if it sells for enough to make it worth it to them.
Same goes for analog art. By agreement, the artist can get a cut if the art is resold. The artist can sell only partial rights and retain the right to sell other rights to other buyers. All art selling is speculative unless someone commissions your services....even then you often have to speculate if they will pay you...like any other contractor.
Try tattoo art.
That is a skill and art within itself.
A friend of mine is an incredible artist.
He can do amazing things with pencils, pens, airbrushes, and it's incredible what he can do with a rattle-can.
He also has alot of tattoos...many which he did himself.
Very clean lines, shading, coloring, and more importantly, his old tattoos still look great.
But even he says that the skill it takes to do stand-out tattoos takes many years to master, or you're just born with that gift and ability.
He can draw amazing portraits, but cannot replicate them on skin.
He also says that you really need to find a master tattoo artist to apprentice under who has the rare skill-set to produce amazing art.
Otherwise, you'll be another corner tattoo shop doing cartoonish flash art off the wall, or drawing people's names in different fonts.
Still, he is very good within his skill-set.
There's actually Great money in it!
Congrats and good luck to her, I hope she makes a name for herself.

Here’s a sample of her art

My daughter's also a tattoo artist, good money in it but lots of work.
My daughter's also a VERY GOOD tattoo artist, good money in it but lots of work.

There...fixed that for you
Try tattoo art.
I thought about it when I was in art school. "Surely, tattoos will go out of style in a short time," is what I really thought. Yeah, being a tattoo artist is probably going to pay more than being a graphic designer. Tattoos have been in demand since the 80s. It could have been a career for me.

He can draw amazing portraits, but cannot replicate them on skin.
If you're a great drawer, you probably are able to see what you're drawing in large shapes without fussing over details right away. I can see how that approach would be hard with the controlled method of creating a tattoo. It might be interesting to develop a tattoo technique that's like drawing from life though. One thong I learned, esoteric techniques produce amazing art but it's awful hard to find people who can pay for them. The artist ends up paying for them with his time. You do a bunch of them and everybody loves them but nobody wants to pay for them. This is one case where you as the artist might just be better off not knowing. Once you know, you have a hell of a time not doing it.
Trust me I got mentally bogged down in how the value is established in the Crypto world. NFTs are just an alternative to Crypto. Once you learn to trust that the value is just like anything else. Whatever people buying and selling agree it is. The finite aspect is a draw. Unlike conventional $$$. The government can dump as much conventional $$$ they want to into circulation. Crypto is a set number made available.

NFTs from an artist perspective, is only speculative as to if it will sell once. And if it sells for enough to make it worth it to them.
A friend of mine in the 70s/80s got some kind of art degree and was a very good artist. He ended up doing the art work for travel brochures. Not very satisfying.
I can see why. I accepted years ago that what I do for money is not something I want to be too personally invested in unless those who pay me are financially invested in me. That doesn't mean I can't take a deep interest in my work, it just means I probably won't try to work as a traditional artist again. That's why I became a teacher. It was very difficult for me to be practical about being an artist and that made it difficult to make art that was both affordable for clients and profitable for me. I might have changed since that time though. Computers have certainly changed how I work and that could be a key to working more economically.
It's -27 here today. I need to get all my job search info updated online so I'm staying home. I gave my high school students a reading/writing assignment about NFTs. If I'm out tomorrow, I might give them one about tattoos. :laugh:
Normally, our school board meets one time per month. This month, there was a special meeting ten days after the standard meeting. There was only one topic on the agenda. My guess is the "personal matter" was me. Either they are deciding if they should reconsider or I'll be getting fired pretty soon. I haven't heard anything yet. It was a complete coincidence but January 26 was the day I called in sick this week. It was actually only a half day off because I was working on sub plans and prepping materials for the 3rd and 7th graders from 5 am until 11. The rest of the day, I got my resume updated and submitted an application to Oshkosh.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Certification of Agenda Posting and Approval of the Agenda
  4. Convene into Executive Session Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Section 19.85 (1) (c) to consider the employment, promotion, compensation and performance evaluations of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: to specifically discuss a personnel matter. The Board will reconvene into Open Session to Possibly Act on Items Discussed in Closed Session.
  5. Adjourn
I read that in an email sent Wednesday and it actually never really dawned on me, I'm pretty busy when I'm working at school. A couple students told me a parent had read something online and associated it with me so I guess the news is officially circulated. As usual, I'm the last one to hear the story and it's from a student or someone other than a school employee! There were no minutes to the special meeting or the standard meeting made public yet.

I'm ready to move ahead with this no matter which way it goes. I already quit so getting fired right now would be the lesser of two evils and that's the reason I quit so far in advance. Firing me now would not be in their best interest as they'd be under pressure to hire a replacement during the school year. I'm not confident that negotiations would go very well either. I may just let the resignation stand if they determine the improvement plan was a success and I'm due the thousand bucks they withheld. How would I ever trust this job after this? I'd be afraid to buy a home and there's already lots of reasons to not buy a home here.