Here we go again.
They're sharping the axe one more time.
Tomorrow is yet one more big announcement that may change my future. There have been all kinds of changes and rumors going on at work. We have hurd that anyone hired after 1991 is gone but then we hear it's not going to be that bad.
Tomorrow at 1pm there is going to be a call in show where they are going to tell us every thing. We'll see, we've hurd this before.
I have less then 500 mechanics below me now and I'm not to sure that I will survive this round of cuts. It's getting to close to home to feel sure that I will make it. Tonight we hurd rumors that they are closeing down 8 of our out stations and makeing cutbacks at 4 other stations. This means about 500 people displaced. Remember I have less then 500 below me.
We were told that there "should" be package deals (early retirements/voluntary leaves) but another part of the rumor was that this will be done withing 2 weeks. I don't see anyway that they can offer this packages and then get people to deceide if they can or are willing to move for the company in that time frame. I have a bad feeling that they might just pick a date and tell us that everyone hired after it is gone. I may be wrong but at this point I just want all this behind me. Every 6 months or so we get to play this game to see who can hold on and who can't. It's getting really old. We have guys with over 15 years that are getting close to just talking a walk. Hell this past month we have had two guys kill themselves because the stress levels have gotten to high and one guy snapped and put his boss in the hospital when he beat the tar out of him and this guy has over 20 years with the company. I really don't want to leave but I'm at that point where I don't much care one way or the other anymore.
I'm glad that I am in the position that I'm in. I sold my house, paid off all my debt but my truck payment and I even have cash in the bank that will float me for most of the year if I play it right. I'm one of the lucky ones that way. My parents leave here in GA and I was able to move back in with them for the last 8 months or so. I am looking forward to the possibility of moving back upto Maine where my two best friends live. I have wanted to get back up there since I left in 96 but just never had the opportunity. This may be my chance. The bad part about all of this is that I won't know for sure if I'm gone or not until it actually happens. Less then 12 hours to go to hear my fate and about two months to get everything in order. They have to give us 60 days notice or 60 days pay before they can lay us off so that is atleast 4 more paychecks anyway.
That and our severance pay is one week for every year of service so that will give an additional 8 checks plus any unused vacation time.
I will post the details when I get them.