Teaching job, neck on chopping block

I hope so @HayaWakened . ...I mean I guess I'd rather have a job when I look for a job. They'd really be kissing arse to provide me a letter of commendation though. I don't know if that would fly. If not, I could ask for a few thousand more dollars instead! :laugh: I feel like you though, they would have officially accepted my resignation if they wanted me gone. There are two other staff members who resigned just recently and their resignations were made public. They lasted half a year. You really gotta wonder WTH is going on here. I've been here 4 years and I still haven't figured it out.
When he was young out of high school a friend was working as a janitor at the local school. He of course was making peanuts. At some point he began getting a series of official reprimands. For example, he would clean entire classrooms, then there would be extracurricular activities before he would be in the next day. Red mark for the classroom not meeting the standard at the time of inspection.

His supe took him into the gym. The window that's 25 feet up? He pointed out that it had cobwebs. THEY HAD NO EQUIPMENT TO GO UP THERE. Nevertheless, red mark.

My friend figured out they wanted to grant this job to somebody's nephew. So they sat down for the formal reprimand. They were planning on putting the relative in his place and demoting him to the assistant, as if he could realistically sink any lower. Keep in mind that he was making something like minimum wage to clean up child puke. He quit on the spot. His supe was outright stunned. How could someone give up the safety and security of this glorious job, right? They had expected this to play out with him keeping the place perfect while the new guy got an income.

"The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded."

--Eisenhower's final address. He saw this coming a mile away.
There are two other staff members who resigned just recently and their resignations were made public. They lasted half a year. You really gotta wonder WTH is going on here. I've been here 4 years and I still haven't figured it out.
Our principal quit today. "Quit" as in "not there now, for the rest of the year or ever again."

His supe took him into the gym. The window that's 25 feet up? He pointed out that it had cobwebs. THEY HAD NO EQUIPMENT TO GO UP THERE. Nevertheless, red mark.

My friend figured out they wanted to grant this job to somebody's nephew. So they sat down for the formal reprimand. They were planning on putting the relative in his place and demoting him to the assistant, as if he could realistically sink any lower. Keep in mind that he was making something like minimum wage to clean up child puke. He quit on the spot. His supe was outright stunned. How could someone give up the safety and security of this glorious job, right? They had expected this to play out with him keeping the place perfect while the new guy got an income.
Our janitors get complaints too. I've told them I'd never complain because the art room gets messy as quick as it gets cleaned up. We work together, I put the chairs up and they can run through with a broom if they want.
The plot thickens, the fourth grade teacher quit. Her last day will be the end of this week.

I called the school board president at his cell number (landlady buys livestock from him) and he said he had no knowledge of the note attached to my letter of resignation saying I would be willing to come to an agreement rather than resign. I doubt the school board knew my feelings about the improvement plan either. They rely on the administrators to condense information that is discussed by the school board.

At this point, it looks like my real enemy is the administration. The principal has quit but the superintendent is still there. I'm not sure I want to even talk about staying here. The guy that wanted to get rid of me would still be my boss.

I may never know the real reason they wanted me to leave. I wasn't a bad teacher. Do I get paid too much? They might get an art teacher right out of college for about ten grand less.

I'm clearing my personal belongings out of my room at school in advance just incase something happens.

I have an interview in a town about a hundred miles away on Friday. The High School has almost a thousand students which would be a big change from 60.
I would get out of there as soon as I could. No telling how many enemies you have made and it's not worth it for a system you're not completely on board with anyway. It's not like you are getting paid. I have moved from a number of jobs and here are a couple of my rules:

1. No revenge. I always considered my leaving punishment enough to them, but I'm cocky like that (haha). Just wish everyone good luck as you disembark their Titanic.

2. Never go to a new job just to get away from something. Always go to the next job for the new environment, challenges, and opportunities. Otherwise, the negative karma follows you to the next place.

3. Make a clean break. Sort through the constructive lessons learned and forget the rest. Move on mentally. Set new goals and look for new learning opportunities. When I interview people coming from another job, I take note of how they talk about their former employer and think "will they be talking about us like that in a year?"

4. Never burn bridges. You never know when you'll come this way again. I started my career at a place I left in 1 year. 2 years later I was back there and stayed with that company for 11 years.
The plot thickens, the fourth grade teacher quit. Her last day will be the end of this week.

I called the school board president at his cell number (landlady buys livestock from him) and he said he had no knowledge of the note attached to my letter of resignation saying I would be willing to come to an agreement rather than resign. I doubt the school board knew my feelings about the improvement plan either. They rely on the administrators to condense information that is discussed by the school board.

At this point, it looks like my real enemy is the administration. The principal has quit but the superintendent is still there. I'm not sure I want to even talk about staying here. The guy that wanted to get rid of me would still be my boss.

I may never know the real reason they wanted me to leave. I wasn't a bad teacher. Do I get paid too much? They might get an art teacher right out of college for about ten grand less.

I'm clearing my personal belongings out of my room at school in advance just incase something happens.

I have an interview in a town about a hundred miles away on Friday. The High School has almost a thousand students which would be a big change from 60.
You still have a crash-couch in California if you need it; mind the dog hair.;)
@fallenarch , I have no bad feelings if I leave and I never did. I just wish people were more upfront with me. If the reason is that they want someone cheaper than me, I can see how being honest about that would be awkward and maybe they would just be better off with a new lower paid teacher.

You still have a crash-couch in California if you need it; mind the dog hair.;)
Thanks, Hayawakened! LOL my German Shepherd almost was the death of me I was so allergic to him. I kept him to the end though. LOL 11 years of sneezing and wheezing. I have about 16k saved up and that could last me a year if necessary. If I don't find a new job right away, I'll be ok. I might even live rent free if I bail hay for the property owner. Lots of work on the farm and that sounds like it would be a refreshing change. I kind of think some school will snap me up before summer though.

...YES @fallenarch , no reason to move into the same kind of situation I'm in now. It will be a larger community and high school only or else I'll be looking into some other kind of work. After my first year here, I thought there was a good likelihood I'd be moving on someday. School has been good but this community is not a great place to plan my future.