I agree.....................The Persian army is alive and well today.For hundreds of years the "Crusade" war was fought between Christians and Muslims....that war has never ceased, it has only shifted it's focus...
But even though these Crusades are long over, the mistrust between Christians and Muslims still exists.
Islamic extremists look at the west as weak mainly because we aren't united as a people, they can manipulate this.....there have been many home grown/lone wolf terror attacks in the west.....and I fear there will be an ever growing trend towards this...
So, again I go back to my original solution to this problem from months ago.
Islam and Practising Islam should be banned in the West, as we it is basically banned in the East.
Some may see this policy as racist, in yet they support those who support this policy in the East.
I don't think this policy is racist at all, it's simply mirroring what we see in the East.................................If it's OK for them to do this to us, it's OK for us to return the favour.