As someone who grew up in poverty, in a small rural town raised by a single mother, started working at 12(on paper anyway), and put myself through college................while still supporting my family and ailing mother today and along the way. I assure you, I don't need your sympathy, guidance, or charity. I'm much harder/sharper than you will ever realize.
Just keep assuming you know me. But every statistic I should be welfare bum, criminal or drug addict living off the yet, I'm out there working full time, paying into a public pension system I know will be long bankrupt by the time I'm there thanks to boomers like you, all while supporting the rest of my family financially and emotionally who fell through the cracks.
Don't worry, what I have in life is mine and fully paid for by me..............................and I love boomers like yourself who assume it was all handed to me.
I'm much older than you assume I am, and I've dealt with more in my 40+ years than you ever will even long after your dead.
So keep up your assumptions, it certainly makes you look like the self-righteous a$$hole many of you democrats and boomers really are inside.
I love exposing your shallow hearts and world for all to see