The election is over

Yes... you think you are making a funny comment. California has had the most strict rules for it's inhabitants and yet the virus is claimed to be worse here than most other places across this nation.
Nope, not being funny. Just have a good understanding of microbiology.

There is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things. Doing things right through mass population always has a margin for error.

First it is about putting the mask on with sterilized hands and removing it the same way. Then there is wearing it correctly. Then there is this little tool available as a key chain, allowing access to open doors and close them without your hands touching possible contaminated surfaces. The same tool can be used for punching keys at store checkout and at the gas pump. Reputable gas stations have temporary plastic gloves, etc.

Most will fail somewhere, but at least those who don’t will decrease infection rates.

It’s the same old argument, someone had a fatal accident wearing their seat belt. So I’m not going to wear mine.
What is the life span of this virus when somebody infected touches a door handle? 3 days? 3 hours? I guess it depends on a number of factors.
What is the life span of this virus when somebody infected touches a door handle? 3 days? 3 hours? I guess it depends on a number of factors.
No one can answer that, simply because there are too many variables posed by the environment.

The virus is a piece of genetic material, DNA or RNA, contained in a special coating called capsids. It can only replicate by absorption into our body cells.

If it is outside the body, it starts to degrade. It needs moisture to survive. A dry soft surface accelerates degradation, as the surface absorbs the moisture needed to protect the capsid. On a hard surface, if there is high humidity, it will live longer.
I made a statement somewhere on the forum that the word ne-gro was censored. Capt pointed out that I was aware of this as I was one of the people consulted on this vocabulary some time ago. I was focused on the N-word then and didn't even notice the ne-gro word was also on the list. In any event, apologies to Capt for questioning the integrity of this forum when they actually made a valiant effort to get it right.
With scenes such as this, you'd think the out-going president would be calling for calm and telling his supporters to stand down...I hardly think this is will be case-the out-going president would be the one out there egging them on...anything else he has done during his term will be forgotten.

This is kind like a Stanley Cup game where the losers won't shake the hands of the winners...see how that would go....

Capitol placed on lockdown, buildings evacuated amid protests (
Those traitors have breached the senate floor. Where are the homeland security forces? The coward in charge has encouraged this super spreader event. Breaking windows in our capital! In 19 days that traitorous SOB will be gone. After four years of his BS I’m still astonished at how the republicans can accept this azzhole as their leader.
With scenes such as this, you'd think the out-going president would be calling for calm and telling his supporters to stand down...I hardly think this is will be case-the out-going president would be the one out there egging them on...anything else he has done during his term will be forgotten.

This is kind like a Stanley Cup game where the losers won't shake the hands of the winners...see how that would go....

Capitol placed on lockdown, buildings evacuated amid protests (

It's probably because he doesn't believe that he's outgoing.... and it seems that a lot of people are in agreement with him.
It's probably because he doesn't believe that he's outgoing.... and it seems that a lot of people are in agreement with him.
I think it's about time he realizes this fact and tries to leave with a little dignity befitting the office he held.

Anything he did which was good while he was in office will be soon forgotten and the way he is leaving will be remembered.
Those traitors have breached the senate floor. Where are the homeland security forces? The coward in charge has encouraged this super spreader event. Breaking windows in our capital! In 19 days that traitorous SOB will be gone. After four years of his BS I’m still astonished at how the republicans can accept this azzhole as their leader.
#defund the police??

You got to be f*cking kidding me. The same people that applauded when cities were being looted and burned. Now are shocked and ashamed of these people protesting at the capital.
#defund the police??

You got to be f*cking kidding me. The same people that applauded when cities were being looted and burned. Now are shocked and ashamed of these people protesting at the capital.
Apparently the left considers this shooting... "justice".... it is considered appropriate when a patriot is shot dead inside a federal building... which by the way is our collective property... When the Antifa / BLM crowd riots, loots, and kills police and civilians its considered social justice and is acceptable behavior.

Ask any mayor, senator, or governor in a few select number of states when its time to tone it down a notch...

The answer comes when their polling numbers start dropping. Only then will they say, stop it...
I think it's about time he realizes this fact and tries to leave with a little dignity befitting the office he held.

Anything he did which was good while he was in office will be soon forgotten and the way he is leaving will be remembered.
Dignity? You never listened to his speech to the United Nations... This president did more to put the world on notice that we will not be easily exploited by the UN and / or other countries that want foreign aid while abusing their own citizens with little regard for life.

That last bill had 726 billion worth of aid in it that will probably not be tracked for how it is spent.... That is the price Pelosi and her team extracted from the American people for $600 to each tax payer as a stimulus payment.

The president will have plenty to do once he leaves office...

yeah... people forget how quickly the economy was good when the pain of a crashed economy becomes the focal point for their lives as they are now or soon will be given the leftist agenda that will be implemented soon.
I agree, he‘s never had any dignity. He‘ll have even more time to play golf. After all, the day after he encouraged his minions to assault the capital and its protectors which ended the lives of four people, he managed enough time in his busy schedule to give out three freedom medals to...golfers. Time management (is) what it’s all about right? I’m sure he’ll find the time to...
Dignity? You never listened to his speech to the United Nations... This president did more to put the world on notice that we will not be easily exploited by the UN and / or other countries that want foreign aid while abusing their own citizens with little regard for life.

That last bill had 726 billion worth of aid in it that will probably not be tracked for how it is spent.... That is the price Pelosi and her team extracted from the American people for $600 to each tax payer as a stimulus payment.

The president will have plenty to do once he leaves office...

yeah... people forget how quickly the economy was good when the pain of a crashed economy becomes the focal point for their lives as they are now or soon will be given the leftist agenda that will be implemented soon.
Threatening other countries has little to do with dignity...

He lost an election, he is leaving the office he held, he could have went out with a bit of dignity but rather chose to leave in the manner which he currently is.

The experiment of having a non-politician run and then win the election for the presidency was an admirable one...they picked a person who has gobs of business experience but he wasn't the right fit for the job. Too bad as the idea of a non-politician is a good one, I figure it won't be repeated as a result of this failure.
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Threatening other countries has little to do with dignity...

He lost an election, he is leaving the office he held, he could have went out with a bit of dignity but rather chose to leave in the manner which he currently is.

The experiment of having a non-politician run and then win the election for the presidency was an admirable one...they picked a person who has gobs of business experience but he wasn't the right fit for the job. Too bad as the idea of a non-politician is a good one, I figure it won't be repeated as a result of this failure.
What a joke that opinion is.... how about future presidents having MBA degrees instead of do little lawyer do nothing JD degrees? Watch the movie Devils Advocate sometime... while it might be fictional a lot of ugly truths about lawyers are clear to see. The USA is a corporation... if you don't know or believe that then your just another dummy that isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Beyond that... cancel culture will be hitting another gear shortly... reparations will be back on the table as another way to entitle the losers in identity politics which will enable those losers to become bigger losers...

Enjoy your new president.... this is going to be the biggest failure in history for this great nation to endure... First stop... China... Biden asks Chi... here is our heavy industry... what will you pay me to sell it to you.
What a joke that opinion is.... how about future presidents having MBA degrees instead of do little lawyer do nothing JD degrees? Watch the movie Devils Advocate sometime... while it might be fictional a lot of ugly truths about lawyers are clear to see. The USA is a corporation... if you don't know or believe that then your just another dummy that isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Beyond that... cancel culture will be hitting another gear shortly... reparations will be back on the table as another way to entitle the losers in identity politics which will enable those losers to become bigger losers...

Enjoy your new president.... this is going to be the biggest failure in history for this great nation to endure... First stop... China... Biden asks Chi... here is our heavy industry... what will you pay me to sell it to you.
First of are correct, I am just another dummy who isn't as smart as he thinks he is...

...and like it or not Biden is the President of the United States where you live so that would make him your President. He will be leading your country and frankly whether you like this fact or not-nobody but you really cares.
First of are correct, I am just another dummy who isn't as smart as he thinks he is...

...and like it or not Biden is the President of the United States where you live so that would make him your President. He will be leading your country and frankly whether you like this fact or not-nobody but you really cares.
Biden isn't the president... and even if he makes it to the 20th and is sworn in..... its sketchy if he can even repeat back the words when he is given the oath.

Then consider that the election was stolen through all the various and creative ways they could steal it.... its a joke that he won... the support was not there... crowd size is a clue... a clue deniers like to scoff at. On a number of occasions more Trump supporters showed up for Biden rallies than Biden supporters showed up... when has that ever happened in history?

Biden might sit in the Oval Office soon.. but his is not a president in the ways you would normally describe a real president. He is just another swamp creature taking orders from above... or, anybody he wants to go along with. The guy can't lead, he can only follow... and he has trouble doing that.

Nobody but me cares? lol ! Good one... that absurdity made my night.
Biden isn't the president... and even if he makes it to the 20th and is sworn in..... its sketchy if he can even repeat back the words when he is given the oath.

Then consider that the election was stolen through all the various and creative ways they could steal it.... its a joke that he won... the support was not there... crowd size is a clue... a clue deniers like to scoff at. On a number of occasions more Trump supporters showed up for Biden rallies than Biden supporters showed up... when has that ever happened in history?

Biden might sit in the Oval Office soon.. but his is not a president in the ways you would normally describe a real president. He is just another swamp creature taking orders from above... or, anybody he wants to go along with. The guy can't lead, he can only follow... and he has trouble doing that.

Nobody but me cares? lol ! Good one... that absurdity made my night.
The fact YOU are upset der herr Trump lost the election is your own demon to live with, not anyone else's, they have their own demons to deal with.

This subject has gone around the block several times and it always comes back to the same thing....

Trump started yelling the election was stolen and all his minions started chanting the same thing-blindly following and not thinking for themselves.

...and like it not, agree with it or not, Biden will be your country's president and that is a fact not fiction. With any luck people will go with their loyalty to their country over their loyalty to an individual.

Do you really think a US soldier sitting in a burned out building somewhere in the middle of nowhere really cares who's sitting in the big chair? I can tell you from experience they don't, they think of their country, their comrades and the people they are serving.
Trump mentioned the stealing of the election when the election suddenly turned in the middle of the night in key swing states. The mail in voting process gave the opportunity for massive fraud to take place. The COVID crap played a vital role in creating the mail in voting scam. Rules were changed at the state level months in advance to accomodate the theft that was planned on. You have to give the dims credit... they are experts at organizing and cheating when given the resources and money to steal an election. What did Zuckerburg donate personally... was it 350 million? Who knows how much more with Soros, Gates, Bloomberg and the rest of the billionaire club that wants control over the USA... what did they donate?

The US military man sitting in some hell hole half way around the world cares about survival of his fellow soldiers life... because it is the only thing he has any control over. he doesn't have a concern for who sits in the big chair because their is nothing he can do about it... and it won't matter in the future if he doesn't survive the current situation he is in... When he is standing in a voting booth it is an entirely different matter.