The election is over

The US military man sitting in some hell hole half way around the world cares about survival of his fellow soldiers life... because it is the only thing he has any control over. he doesn't have a concern for who sits in the big chair because their is nothing he can do about it...

See the similarity? Even after the election has been cast and a person has been chosen, there isn't thing one that YOU as an individual can do about it either...

I've been that soldier in a hole and didn't care who sent me there. Even when I was serving and voted, if the party I voted for didn't get in, I didn't belly-ache for weeks and buy into all the excuses as to why they didn't get in......I just got on with it.

You can either get on with life or fester in this hole which you seem to be've got a few months with Biden and the rest with Kamala.

Trump is in for a world of hurt.
When you know in advance the fix is already in.... you have nothing to worry about... even if it takes a week after the election to win ( Biden said it could take up to a week to count the mail in votes ) the dims had nothing to worry about. We will keep counting until we win.. right?
There are 2 ways to look at that. Your way, which has been certified wrong, and maybe Trump was looking at his internal polling and knew he was going to lose so he started calling cheater before the election even happened. Either way, time to man up and move on.

When you know in advance the fix is already in.... you have nothing to worry about... even if it takes a week after the election to win ( Biden said it could take up to a week to count the mail in votes ) the dims had nothing to worry about. We will keep counting until we win.. right?
There are 2 ways to look at that. Your way, which has been certified wrong, and maybe Trump was looking at his internal polling and knew he was going to lose so he started calling cheater before the election even happened. Either way, time to man up and move on.
The certification doesn't mean much if the people in charge didn't take the 10 days they said they would take to audit the results. When we have no audit to confirm the results that means we don't know what was certifiable and what wasn't. See how the legal safe guards put in place were not used?

If we are not going to use the provisions provided us in this matter... then we have no way to certify the results.

The 2018 EO clearly sent the message to the other side that the president is aware of the potential for election fraud. I can't make all of this any simpler than that.

You on the other hand look at it and say... nothing to see here... its all been decided... and now we must move on regardless of what may have actually happened... election fraud is nothing new in the world of politics... after all the other lies and corruption of the past 4 years of anti Trump bias... we are watching history... the dark side of history... where losers become winners because they are good at stealing.
Here is what some folks here support when they vote for Joe Biden and all his accomplices.

Well said by Dave Ramsey.

“This morning, I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, lives are never going to be the same.

I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone.

You can't justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind.

We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.

Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.

People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

Universities that advocate equality, discriminate against Asian-Americans in favor of African-Americans.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.

Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.

People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.

After legislating gender, if a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquiries about it.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcomed.

$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.

If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.

And, pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"!

Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus, but it is racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China.

We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but killing innocent babies is right.

Wake up America. The great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is taking on water and sinking fast.”
. after all the other lies and corruption of the past 4 years of anti Trump bias... we are watching history... the dark side of history... where losers become winners because they are good at stealing.
That was 2016. The funny thing is the 2020 elections in the swing states were mainly run by Republicans. So somehow they were in on this conspiracy. You are laughable dude.
That was 2016. The funny thing is the 2020 elections in the swing states were mainly run by Republicans. So somehow they were in on this conspiracy. You are laughable dude.
Lets see if I understand what your are implying about the 2016 election... are you saying president Trump stole that election from Hillary? The only truth in that is the leftist never accepted that he was the president... that was their problem to solve... and they jumped right on it with phony Russian Collusion to begin with.

You would think with Obama tapping Trump Tower phone lines that they could have figured out an advantage that would sustain a win on Election Day. The phone tapping didn't last long enough... somebody leaked to Trump about his phones being tapped.

I don't pay to much attention to the R or D label these days... its becoming meaningless as time passes.
That was 2016. The funny thing is the 2020 elections in the swing states were mainly run by Republicans. So somehow they were in on this conspiracy. You are laughable dude.

Conspiracy? You mean that hundreds if not thousands of people, from all 50 states and DC, from simple delivery people and vote counters all the way to attorneys general and governors, even in republican run states got together somehow to make certain that trump lost the election, trump, who’s known far and wide to be such an honest and stand up guy....the traitor who sicced his dogs onto the United States Capital while his own VP was running the legally mandated electoral vote certification....the guy that didn’t even call the VP to make sure he was safe, the guy who hasn’t called the family of the murdered police officer whose death he’s responsible for, the guy who didn’t even lower the White House flag to half mast after his death, (that) guy? Thousands conspired with (that) guy? Could it be true?
Conspiracy? You mean that hundreds if not thousands of people, from all 50 states and DC, from simple delivery people and vote counters all the way to attorneys general and governors, even in republican run states got together somehow to make certain that trump lost the election, trump, who’s known far and wide to be such an honest and stand up guy....the traitor who sicced his dogs onto the United States Capital while his own VP was running the legally mandated electoral vote certification....the guy that didn’t even call the VP to make sure he was safe, the guy who hasn’t called the family of the murdered police officer whose death he’s responsible for, the guy who didn’t even lower the White House flag to half mast after his death, (that) guy? Thousands conspired with (that) guy? Could it be true?
Few, if any cases were heard due to standing or procedural difficulties.. no 10 day audit that the law allows for was started or completed. Nobody will ever know what the real vote totals were... or are... This was a sloppiest and most mis managed election in history.

As far as you having inside information about all the details concerning the days events... give it a break... you are simply repeating the fake news medias howling incessantly at the president like they have been doing for the last 4 plus years. Just say... "orange man bad"... its all the left does anyway.

I heard on 60 Minutes Pelosi had her laptop stolen from her office.... and somebody inside the military spectrum of our government has it. Hmmm... no wonder she is freaking out... Perhaps it had the blackmail list in it that she uses to whip up the house for votes when its time to pass legislation.


by all this "inbetween some lines readable" hellish stupid kind of civil war mongering (in words in present / in life-despising action tomorrow?) by these extreme T followers i remember the citation from albert einstein :

two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not quite sure about the universe yet.

i deeply hope that these warmongers will be smart again and stop the huge mess they are currently causing / inciting
like the storm on the WH , THE! symbol of modern democracy next to the acropolis in athens.
(...) This was a sloppiest and most mis managed election in history. (...)


who or whose entourage was responsible for that mismanagement you denounce?

with this kind of argument you made yourself completely ridiculous
or, in other words, how @fallenarch already wrote here
You are laughable dude.

(...) Nobody will ever know what the real vote totals were... or are... (...)

the internet told me that there were ~166 million total votes and ~76 milion for mister T

but this information - from the internet ! -
as usual, in the last 4 years,
will, because they seem very uncomfortable, only be called a lie / fake / fraud etc., right?

that, in deed ! , would be ridiculousness and absurdity at its best / worst.
Don't bother with the lame comments... this election ws stolen... if you can't understand that no big deal... plenty of stupid politicians out there are compromised starting right at the very top with Joe... Its a good thing he has protection as good as Hillary does at the FBI and DOJ... otherwise that would be be in jail or worse.

How do I know? What Hillary said after president Trump was elected... she said

"WE are all going to Hang". Why would a sociopath say that?

But... you think the media clown show in America and around the world is true... so... your gullibleness exceeds you...

China has been at war with America for years... you probably think China is the worlds friend.... dumb and dumber everywhere I look here...

By the way... War was declared this morning on China... let me know when you find out about it.

Regarding the inauguration on the 20th

Since Pence will be there, she can reunite him with his fly...
I can just imagine the fly if they made it stay with Pelosi posing like that... Fly: "Come on, Man!"

In the final summation....
Democrats got away with EVERYTHING they tried: The Great Obamacare Buttcram, Iran cash drop, IRS targeting, Hillary's emails / server, Epstein/Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, Fast 'n Furious, Trump campaign spying, Russia/Russia/Russia, IG cover-up, Ferguson riots, Portland takeover, Antifa riots, BLM riots, Durham slow-walk, Hunter cover-up, Primary voter fraud, Run-off fraud, etc., etc. And guess what? The destruction of our country is going to continue because no one has been punished. Why would Democrats stop the illegal, unethical, and immoral behavior they've been getting away with for years?

Chrissie Wray might die from laughing, but nothing else is going to hurt him. The DOJ and FBI have become completely corrupt, and there's no turning back now. You think there's a DOJ or FBI employee anywhere, at any level, that is worth spitting on? Who would that be? Name one!

We are now a banana republic. Congratulations, Republican politicians, you allowed Democrats to ruin our country. You never supported President Trump
Verbal Diarrhea – Symptoms, treatment, causes, and types

  • Verbal diarrhea is a chronic disease that can only be cured with complete cessation.
  • Symptoms include running your mouth with fairytales, speaking to people you just met on deep topics such as politics and continuing to talk without stopping to let a two way conversation occur.
  • Treatment for verbal diarrhea includes complete silence and the complete discontinuation of conveying nonsense. It can be avoided by cessation of narcotics and alcohol.
  • Causes of verbal diarrhea include not fully understanding the topic you are speaking about and making up facts to prove your point and stroke your ego. It can occur when you are highly insecure and uneducated about the facts you speak towards
  • Contact your doctor today if symptoms occur.
You could have sent it the the Fake News Media and the Swamp creatures in DC..
the verbal diarrhea from them has been spewing non stop for years.