The election is over

While that might be what the fine print says... we have heard of jail and / or imprisonment for those that say something considered out of order by Solinski, ( spelling error ) the leader in Ukraine.
His name is Zelenskyy......

I agree and don't necessarily trust the Ukraines and feel NATO jumped on the bandwagon awfully quickly....

It is kind of impossible to think that NATO countries handed over advanced technology into a non-NATO country's hands so this technology is in the hands of the enemies of NATO......many of them will be rendered ineffective as a result...

The money already spent in Ukraine will pale in comparison to the now needed weapon development so NATO can keep ahead of it's enemies as a result.

Neo-Nazi units were operating in the open pre-invasion...our troops were ordered to not provide training for these units but they circumvented this by changing their insignia.
His name is Zelenskyy......

I agree and don't necessarily trust the Ukraines and feel NATO jumped on the bandwagon awfully quickly....

It is kind of impossible to think that NATO countries handed over advanced technology into a non-NATO country's hands so this technology is in the hands of the enemies of NATO......many of them will be rendered ineffective as a result...

The money already spent in Ukraine will pale in comparison to the now needed weapon development so NATO can keep ahead of it's enemies as a result.

Neo-Nazi units were operating in the open pre-invasion...our troops were ordered to not provide training for these units but they circumvented this by changing their insignia.
Hi. Sp what do you think? A nother fine mess that the US has gotting it self into.
If you can't handle the truth then don't watch it. Here is your voter fraud and it's well documented now.

#Here is the evidence.
#Every vote counts.

If this video was worth the digital signature that was put into it, why would it not have been used in other investigations?

Why isn't the Trump team )made up of hundreds of people) not be running with this raised over their heads to get him exonerated and re-instated?

If this video was worth the digital signature that was put into it, why would it not have been used in other investigations?

Why isn't the Trump team )made up of hundreds of people) not be running with this raised over their heads to get him exonerated and re-instated?

Those questions were answered in the video... the excuse is that the people bringing the complaints didn't have "standing" to file so the courts would not hear any cases. They simply threw the cases out before they could be heard.

One of the most glaring anomaly's was the spike in the vote counts in the middle of the night in the states where it mattered the most. These were votes spikes that all favored Biden and were statistically impossible to happen.

You forget how entrenched the Swamp is inside governments at federal and state levels. Not much different than what your leaders do as they follow the marching orders from above.... wherever that "above" is that wants to reset the world with all kinds of draconian legislation that further erodes the rights of the citizens. Just look at how friggin crazy they got with Jordan Peterson...
Those questions were answered in the video... the excuse is that the people bringing the complaints didn't have "standing" to file so the courts would not hear any cases. They simply threw the cases out before they could be heard.

One of the most glaring anomaly's was the spike in the vote counts in the middle of the night in the states where it mattered the most. These were votes spikes that all favored Biden and were statistically impossible to happen.

You forget how entrenched the Swamp is inside governments at federal and state levels. Not much different than what your leaders do as they follow the marching orders from above.... wherever that "above" is that wants to reset the world with all kinds of draconian legislation that further erodes the rights of the citizens. Just look at how friggin crazy they got with Jordan Peterson...
There is a billionaire going on trial for this, do you think for one hot minute that his money couldn't circumvent this?

If there is a video and actual witnesses then this evidence would have been carried on the shoulders of these very high paid lawyers.

Why isn't this being touted as a savior by Trump and his gang? Because it's bunk....investigations were all done which de-bunked the stolen election the guy who lost....go figure.....

You get on your Hayabusa and race a guy on a ZX14R and he can shout to the rooftops that he stole the race and somebody, somewhere will believe you....
Its going to take a lot of money to come out of and beat all these phony charges. The good news is that every time the left attacks Trump his polls numbers are favorable and his campaign coffers get millions to run again. Don't you hate that ?

The judges set to rule in these cases are showing us they also have TDS. The prosecutors have broken a lot of laws and told a lot of lies to get to this point where it stands now. If Trump is re elected and sets his sights of prosecuting those that went after him for every conceivable offense the left perpetrated its going to take at least a half dozen special council prosecutors just to get started on the mess they have been making for years. Russia, 2 impeachments and Stormy all ended up in the left's dumpster fire at the end. Some people can never get enough kool aid.

If you consider how much evidence that supports Biden and his family as the most corrupt presidency in history.... its looking like a open and shut case now. The right has it all.... text records, phone records, bank wire transfers, alias's used on federal government secure servers, business names, shell corporations in the Cayman Islands and much more... at some point you will be wanting a big bag of popcorn.

If it all goes down Sleepy Joe will get a pass with his dementia and be declared incompetent to stand trial which makes sense because he forgets where he has been and where he is going as well as what he was suppose to say. The WH staff with Obama and other like minded traitors are running the country now.... while Kamala stands in the wings ready to take the highest office in the land.... oh boy... won't that be a spectacle to watch. With Giggles in charge we won't need and comic relief from real comics.

I can hardly wait to get the Busa up again... it will go up for sale as soon as its does... then I can put together another one.
I checked and I didn't see any official results in any media sources.

Hopefully whom ever wins will make a concerted effort to make a difference over the next 4 yrs...
It appears the current "elected" president has made a big difference in a little over 3 years in office...

Just think what he could do with another 4 years.
Trump finds himself more important than the 45 previous presidents. No surprise there. 4 and a quarter million more votes for Biden but he can't dare to look. He'd sooner turn our electoral process into a BS reality TV show. Again, no surprise. I've thought all along that he would eventually cause his own demise and now as a grand finale he's burning any bridge he may have had to make a future run.
He's an embarrassment not just to the US but to the whole world.
And the Russia hoax was real... right 05?
It appears the current "elected" president has made a big difference in a little over 3 years in office...

Just think what he could do with another 4 years.
With how things look right now, there is no way that Biden will beat Trump in the next election nor will any other Republican....

The US will be a wild place to be if Trump gets in again......
With how things look right now, there is no way that Biden will beat Trump in the next election nor will any other Republican....

The US will be a wild place to be if Trump gets in again......
Yes... The Lawfare battle will continue... its all the dims have... Americans have spoken... its time for a real leader to be elected.

The only thing wild going on now is the sad excuse of the marxist left to continue their charade of corruption and incompetence.

From what I saw you post earlier it appears you're so called "leaders" also have the "running amuck" behavior ingrained in their brains.
Yes... The Lawfare battle will continue... its all the dims have... Americans have spoken... its time for a real leader to be elected.

The only thing wild going on now is the sad excuse of the marxist left to continue their charade of corruption and incompetence.

From what I saw you post earlier it appears you're so called "leaders" also have the "running amuck" behavior ingrained in their brains.
There's little doubt that we are in serious trouble here in the point of being shunned the world over...

We haven't participated in NATO exercises in a long time nor have we been invited because NATO knows we have nothing to bring to the table...

At one time we led these exercises.....that time has come and gone.....

It's a hard pill to swallow while you watch your country fall apart around you...
No. I respect Mueller's report. The investigators had access to much more information than I. The coming procedures, however, especially about conspiring to change the election results, Trump will pay.

In 2020? Yes they spoke loudly and will again.
Mueller's report was credible? When Robert was questioned about his findings he was about as cognizant as Biden is.

You have to be a fool to think that Biden won while campaigning 98% of the time from his basement. He says he is running again but will hardly show his face while his handlers make sure he doesn't say to much off the cuff when appearing in public. Its sad to watch... the guy is done... his wife campaigns for him regularly because he just can't make it. Nowadays he is on vacation 75 to 80% of the time. The White House has become a home for a worn out old man.