Its going to take a lot of money to come out of and beat all these phony charges. The good news is that every time the left attacks Trump his polls numbers are favorable and his campaign coffers get millions to run again. Don't you hate that ?
The judges set to rule in these cases are showing us they also have TDS. The prosecutors have broken a lot of laws and told a lot of lies to get to this point where it stands now. If Trump is re elected and sets his sights of prosecuting those that went after him for every conceivable offense the left perpetrated its going to take at least a half dozen special council prosecutors just to get started on the mess they have been making for years. Russia, 2 impeachments and Stormy all ended up in the left's dumpster fire at the end. Some people can never get enough kool aid.
If you consider how much evidence that supports Biden and his family as the most corrupt presidency in history.... its looking like a open and shut case now. The right has it all.... text records, phone records, bank wire transfers, alias's used on federal government secure servers, business names, shell corporations in the Cayman Islands and much more... at some point you will be wanting a big bag of popcorn.
If it all goes down Sleepy Joe will get a pass with his dementia and be declared incompetent to stand trial which makes sense because he forgets where he has been and where he is going as well as what he was suppose to say. The WH staff with Obama and other like minded traitors are running the country now.... while Kamala stands in the wings ready to take the highest office in the land.... oh boy... won't that be a spectacle to watch. With Giggles in charge we won't need and comic relief from real comics.
I can hardly wait to get the Busa up again... it will go up for sale as soon as its does... then I can put together another one.