The leftist Neo marxist supporters will fund the next round of city burning by the BLM and Anifa crowd like they did ib 2020. The no cash bail rules will continue to inspire widespread looting and mayhem of innocent people, American businesses and police once again like they did in 2020.With how things look right now, there is no way that Biden will beat Trump in the next election nor will any other Republican....
The US will be a wild place to be if Trump gets in again......
Can anybody tell us one thing Biden has done that is considered good for America and Americans since he was installed?
What are Biden's accomplishments? Spending trillions we don't have and inviting the world to move to America with no background check of health screening. How about withdrawing from Afghanistan and getting 13 servicemen killed.
The left will never stop doing whatever they can think of to disrupt anybody that opposes them.