The Grumpy's went down today

Ace I asked because many here are much more experienced than I . If he and you took it wrong I apologize as I'm sure same thing happens to me a worse result would have occurred . Just trying to understand so if it does I'll be better equipped to handle it is all . In no way am I trying to armchair quarterback anything . I'm simply asking a question and no way was it a wisecrack or an inference he shoulda or coulda so please relax . Nothing wrong for me to better try to understand his train of thought is there ?

Blanca, I thought the same thing you did or why Grumpy didnt just hit the kill switch on the throttle side. But then I remembered that wheelie I did that went bad. I could not chop the throttle and was hanging on for dear life untill she went off the road into the grass. I barely saved it but still cost me 2 grand to repair that stupidity.:banghead:
Glad to hear yall came out of it fairly well, curious what made her hang as well, i had one stick on my 750 some years ago and all thought goes out the window your just looking for a way to stay alive, A+++ on the quick thinking and not hitting the pack, i was able to get mine shut down before i needed to think about putting it down.

Thanks for the feedback on the gear, cant wait to see the pics, we all buy gear for the protection we think it will give but rarely get to see what it actually does when its needed.
Don't sweat it Dave. People will always have opinions. Hope you and the wife get well soon. I'm working on getting off for the fall bash, If so I look forward to meeting you and many others there.
wow! Just saw this thread and thankful you both aren't injured worse. We'll be praying for you both and glad your attitude is positive. Bring a comfortable chair to the bash and I'll fill up the cooler. :thumbsup:
This will NOT stop me from riding. It goes without saying that neither of my parents were thrilled that I won't just throw in the towel. I could've gotten a broken wrist while in a car accident too. Does that mean I should never drive again? It will just be a while. Can't wait to get that new jacket I've been eyeing!
Posted via Mobile Device

Way to keep a stiff upper lip, After my wreck (broke my wrist also), I went through many phases, 1st religion, thank God I was alive, then the analytical phase, What could I have done different, then the "It wont happen again phase, I initially said thats it! No more fast bikes. They all passed real quick, now I'm jones'ing for my busa back!
Glad y'all are okay and in good spirits! Diana and I are out here if you need anything.
Dave, Angela- First off I am so sorry to hear this. Like others said we can build you a new bike (FASTER, Better) but we can never rebuild you guys from a total loss. Just hope that none of the injuries prevent future riding after you heal.

Second, It was comforting to hear that You were on the bike with him Angela. (to the people who do not know this fantastic family personally, This really was good news). My first thought when I saw the thread was shear terror. I was afraid that the princess was involved. What a relief to see it was Angela. Then it crossed my mind that this could have been a lot worse.

Third, DO NOT question Dave or what he did. I have riden with this man and he is nothing but proffesional. We started my first ride down by the dragon early in the morning. His daughter was aboard so I felt comfortable riding with him. We arrived at the drop off point for his daughter and then I started to worry because I know how good of a rider he is. I did not know where we were and if I could keep up with him. I told Dave I was a 3rd year FNG on the Busa. Dave took me on a very nice spirited ride. He kept an eye on me and if I started to fal back he would slow down for me. We stopped a time or 2 to get me some pointers.

So to some this up. Dave DOES NOT ride above his abilities or his responsibilities. I will ride with Dave and John any time any where.

Best wishes and prayers to all of you. Call me if you need anything. And I mean ANYTHING. 10 years as an EMT for babysitting you 2 and 4 years as a Marine for baby sitting the princess.:laugh:
Just glad you are still here to mess with.
Dave, DO NOT take a SHOWER it hurts.
Dave, Angela- First off I am so sorry to hear this. Like others said we can build you a new bike (FASTER, Better) but we can never rebuild you guys from a total loss. Just hope that none of the injuries prevent future riding after you heal.

Second, It was comforting to hear that You were on the bike with him Angela. (to the people who do not know this fantastic family personally, This really was good news). My first thought when I saw the thread was shear terror. I was afraid that the princess was involved. What a relief to see it was Angela. Then it crossed my mind that this could have been a lot worse.

Third, DO NOT question Dave or what he did. I have riden with this man and he is nothing but proffesional. We started my first ride down by the dragon early in the morning. His daughter was aboard so I felt comfortable riding with him. We arrived at the drop off point for his daughter and then I started to worry because I know how good of a rider he is. I did not know where we were and if I could keep up with him. I told Dave I was a 3rd year FNG on the Busa. Dave took me on a very nice spirited ride. He kept an eye on me and if I started to fal back he would slow down for me. We stopped a time or 2 to get me some pointers.

So to some this up. Dave DOES NOT ride above his abilities or his responsibilities. I will ride with Dave and John any time any where.

Best wishes and prayers to all of you. Call me if you need anything. And I mean ANYTHING. 10 years as an EMT for babysitting you 2 and 4 years as a Marine for baby sitting the princess.:laugh:
Just glad you are still here to mess with.
Dave, DO NOT take a SHOWER it hurts.

As to the shower, he has all ready found that out! OUCH!
Both the took it on the chin bar and shield

