The issues of the world......

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Sally Pezaro, a professor and midwife who works at Coventry University in the United Kingdom has suggested new language guidelines.
Midwives should avoid saying “gynecologist” in order to be more “inclusive,” according to a recent academic paper.
Not because it sounds like “guy,” but because the word comes from the Greek for woman. Instead, say “reproductive health specialist.”
The same scholars also say men can give birth.

Other problematic words include “breastfeeding” and “breastmilk.”
Instead, midwives should say “human milk feeding,” “human milk provision,” and “milk from the feeding parent.”
It is all about moving away from “sexed language,” meaning accurate words that describe the fact that every single person to ever give birth in the history of the world was a woman. For example, the guide says not to use “women,” but instead “service users,” as if they are clients downloading software onto their computers.
The human race is in serious, serious trouble especially in western cultures....
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Sally Pezaro, a professor and midwife who works at Coventry University in the United Kingdom has suggested new language guidelines.
Midwives should avoid saying “gynecologist” in order to be more “inclusive,” according to a recent academic paper.
Not because it sounds like “guy,” but because the word comes from the Greek for woman. Instead, say “reproductive health specialist.”
The same scholars also say men can give birth.

Other problematic words include “breastfeeding” and “breastmilk.”
Instead, midwives should say “human milk feeding,” “human milk provision,” and “milk from the feeding parent.”
It is all about moving away from “sexed language,” meaning accurate words that describe the fact that every single person to ever give birth in the history of the world was a woman. For example, the guide says not to use “women,” but instead “service users,” as if they are clients downloading software onto their computers.
Yeah, I am trying to find a better term for "grease nipple." any ideas?

I also think we need to help Nancy with her last name. Pelosi is an Italian name for "Hairy." (Masculine Plural) It is just wrong!!
Stirring? I believe the spoon broke off in the porridge. Trump has neither a good smile or a “great brain”. Pointing out the alternative in November is the only pitiful ploy, for both sides on the political aisle.
Stirring? I believe the spoon broke off in the porridge. Trump has neither a good smile or a “great brain”. Pointing out the alternative in November is the only pitiful ploy, for both sides on the political aisle.
If you had a nuclear missile heading this way, and the only thing at your disposal was a F35 and two fighter pilots. Trump and Biden. Which one would you pick?
I think it's a bit silly to think of the President as needing any faculties anyway. There is a vid on youtube of Reagan signing some decree and as was his usual way he was having a joke with the reporters filming the event, then a banker who was leaning over his shoulder says "speed it up" and he quickly puts pen to paper. The President doesn't do anything other than what he's told. Sure Trump rants and raves but he basically does what he's told too, told by the Military, by big pharma, by the banking heads that in his case control his empire through his huge debts.

These differences you see between them are nothing but a sideshow. Abortion/anti-abortion, spending on this minor project or that, but the big things just roll right on. Even the massive illegal immigration, whose to say they wouldn't have happened on a Trump watch? He was fully behind the huge profits for big pharma over the vaxx, fully onboard with the wars. Obama won the Nobel peace prize and then happily oversaw the war in the middle east for both his terms. It's all a circus designed to keep the Peon running left and right while they are getting screwed with taxes and ever larger medical expenses and mortgages, anything controlled by the untouchable corporations.

Politics at its core is simply about dividing up the pie, who gets what, and unless your in a position to payoff the politicians your out of the game. You may as well not vote at all. I quite voting in 1986, and that in a nation where voting is compulsory believe it or not. Where there is a will there is always a way.
Obama won the Nobel peace prize and then happily oversaw the war in the middle east for both his terms.
Happily? I couldn’t agree less. I do agree that the effect one has as president is less than most people theorize, but not needing faculties is a long stretch.
The faculties of both front runners in November are questioned with excellent reason.
If you had a nuclear missile heading this way, and the only thing at your disposal was a F35 and two fighter pilots. Trump and Biden. Which one would you pick?
Neither one is qualified to make that decision; their advisors are and I would think, guess actually, that Biden would be more prone to listen. This theoretical situation is worthless as a means of deciding between bad and worse as far as choosing an executive leader between these two washed up examples.
Here we are in a thread where we can discuss the issues of the world as we see them...

Failing traditions of the western world
Failing religions
Cancel Culture
De-masculinity of men
Men dressed as women invading biological women spaces and sports

This thread will work towards us not invading other threads with these thoughts....

As the thread starter, I'm pretty open to all discussions so no need to apologize if we meander off the chosen topic.....

I'll start off......traditions in western culture are slowly being eroded....what was once a society founded on Christianity is slowly being over-come with inclusivity of other religions....Christian holidays such as Christmas are being marginalized to "holiday", Easter seems to have less and less meaning for people...Thanksgiving is being protested by Indigenous folk.

As more and more people are brought into Canada and the US who hate our way of life and have no intention or desire to merge into our society and will maintain their own societies within our countries will lead to future division and isolation.

Here in Canada, Muslim families are calling on having Muslim only schools and communities. My cousin in Calgary tells me a subdivision near hers has been completely bought out by Muslim families and the church was converted to a Mosque. This community will not allow non-Muslim families to move into it and have lobbied to the city council to have broadcasted "call to prayer" during Ramadhan......

It will only be a matter of time before native born radicalized factions gain power by being placed in governmental positions where they can effect the most change.

We saw a bit of a taste of this when our Governor General was a Haitian national......troops and millions upon millions of Canadian taxpayer money was sent to Haiti in support of their national interests.....this Governor General left and the huge support package for Haiti left with her.....and this will happen again and again over time....
Hi. Is this a problem or not? Could be her boy or girl friend? Could you be just friends with her? I an not putting her down at all . If we could connect in any way I could be her friend but never be her boy friend. But than never say never because we never know who we fall in love with. A low of people have trouble with me and my girl friend as she is 40 years younger than I. She is by far the best and sweetest girl that I ever meet.



Hi. Is this a problem or not? Could be her boy or girl friend? Could you be just friends with her? I an not putting her down at all . If we could connect in any way I could be her friend but never be her boy friend. But than never say never because we never know who we fall in love with. A low of people have trouble with me and my girl friend as she is 40 years younger than I. She is by far the best and sweetest girl that I ever meet.

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How long have you and her been together?
When I was out cutting the lawn, I stopped and talked to one of my elderly neighbors......his son who is in his late '50s and rides a BMW S1000RR lost his mind when his insurance company almost doubled his premium.....he lives in our largest city and the insurance company told him that theft and accidents have caused them to raise their premiums........he said his son has had zero accidents, has a clean license and never had a ticket...

His son called around and all the insurance companies are doing the same thing......he put it all up for sale, bike, gear, everything.....

He also said the insurance companies are gunning for "tuner cars" and modified vehicles in that city....
When I was out cutting the lawn, I stopped and talked to one of my elderly neighbors......his son who is in his late '50s and rides a BMW S1000RR lost his mind when his insurance company almost doubled his premium.....he lives in our largest city and the insurance company told him that theft and accidents have caused them to raise their premiums........he said his son has had zero accidents, has a clean license and never had a ticket...

His son called around and all the insurance companies are doing the same thing......he put it all up for sale, bike, gear, everything.....

He also said the insurance companies are gunning for "tuner cars" and modified vehicles in that city....
That's what they do. If they don't like the risk, they don't cancel, the just raise the rates so you leave voluntarily. One moving violation and good luck buddy.

I talked to my State Farm agent about how they manage the natural disasters that are always now multi billions.

They are already out of those markets. They systematically make sure they don't pay out.

Insurance has more $$ than a lot of banks now.