The issues of the world......

From my point of personal thoughts and feelings on the subject are being dismissed....

It's as though I have to defend my point of view at each and every turn.........I've said what I said and I stand behind it...if it hurts feelings, that's unfortunate but that's the way it is.

When we heterosexual people are labelled, that's perfectly fine.....the minute we have anything to say on the subject we are automatically wrong and oppressive.
Hi. When I said that I do noy know what I would do. I should have said thst zi may sccept them as they are or have no actions between us at all. I would never do anything to hury them or put them down in anyway in public or to say anything bad about them. I do not think I have put down or called anyone here dum or stupit. If anyone here thinks that I have I am sorry they took it that way.
When we heterosexual people are labelled, that's perfectly fine.....the minute we have anything to say on the subject we are automatically wrong and oppressive.
Heterosexual people as a group labeled? By whom? If a person makes a derogatory remark about gays and is called on it, is that labeling?
From my point of personal thoughts and feelings on the subject are being dismissed....

It's as though I have to defend my point of view at each and every turn.........I've said what I said and I stand behind it...if it hurts feelings, that's unfortunate but that's the way it is.
Turn those two statements around, second one first. You stand behind what you say, feelings be damned. Good way to get thoughts dismissed at times.
Heterosexual people as a group labeled? By whom? If a person makes a derogatory remark about gays and is called on it, is that labeling?

Turn those two statements around, second one first. You stand behind what you say, feelings be damned. Good way to get thoughts dismissed at times.
You and I can play this game of "ping pong" all day long and get absolutely nowhere.

I am who I am, I make no apologies or excuses for that, I am an open book.
You and I can play this game of "ping pong" all day long and get absolutely nowhere.

I am who I am, I make no apologies or excuses for that, I am an open book.
Hi. The problem with the world is white men. Well the Democratics do not know what a wo(man) is. So do they know what a man is? Also if a wo(man) that we do not knowwhat thery are. how can they trans in a man? Or a man trans into a wo(man) that we may not what they are. I just do not know how any of that works. Can we trans in to a different race? Or into an animal or maybe if you feel like you are a boat or plane or?
You and I can play this game of "ping pong" all day long and get absolutely nowhere.

I am who I am, I make no apologies or excuses for that, I am an open book.

Well I agree with you, as do probably 90% of the posters on the forum, they just don't come down here and pass comment. With all the cancel culture that went on people are reticent now to speak their minds, especially in the US where all this BS originated. Homosexuality is illegal in 60 nations, should I embrace it just because the degenerate Western ones do? It begins with legitimizing homosexuality, which leads to the trans movement which will lead to acceptance of "Guess what"?

transgender freak-8.jpg

Well I agree with you, as do probably 90% of the posters on the forum, they just don't come down here and pass comment. With all the cancel culture that went on people are reticent now to speak their minds, especially in the US where all this BS originated. Homosexuality is illegal in 60 nations, should I embrace it just because the degenerate Western ones do? It begins with legitimizing homosexuality, which leads to the trans movement which will lead to acceptance of "Guess what"?

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Just because it's not illegal or the archaic law has been scrubbed, or it's peoples open choice, does not in anyway mean nor infer "degenerate". You don't have to embrace it nor accept it. People have the right to live and be as they choose - offensive name calling isn't cool
You don't have to embrace it nor accept it. People have the right to live and be as they choose - offensive name calling isn't cool
Yeah, like calling someone Fat! America has an obesity problem, it's a major health issue and medically well documented, what's the solution? The fatties form a body positivity movement and universities declare "Body Shaming" is a crime. So children grow up thinking it's fine to over eat on sugary garbage foods. What you're saying is that certain people that were once called degenerates are now normal in your eyes, soon you'll be saying that about pedophiles. It doesn't surprise me reading all this though, even the current President can't keep his hands off little children.
Drop your own standards if you choose - but trying to drag people down to your level isn't cool.
Now you're calling the United States a degenerate nation. Jeeze dude.
HaHaHa, No, not directly like you just did.
The United States is the largest producer of pornography The US has a 60% share of the world's porn, followed by the Netherlands at 26% and the UK at 7%32. According to a joint research by Similarweb and...

But porn's not degenerate in your eyes is it? Not even if your teenage daughter is drawn into it by financial circumstances and ends up getting legally abused by a pack of 6 mature men. No it's all fine, that was her choice, as is the ICE she takes to blot out the pain. As long as she signed the form the government insisted on it's wholesome entertainment.
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Yeah, like calling someone Fat! America has an obesity problem, it's a major health issue and medically well documented, what's the solution? The fatties form a body positivity movement and universities declare "Body Shaming" is a crime. So children grow up thinking it's fine to over eat on sugary garbage foods. What you're saying is that certain people that were once called degenerates are now normal in your eyes, soon you'll be saying that about pedophiles. It doesn't surprise me reading all this though, even the current President can't keep his hands off little children.
Drop your own standards if you choose - but trying to drag people down to your level isn't cool.
So now you're "fat" shaming people. Wow man, where do you get of thinking you're so high and mighty.
And in no way am i referencing nor referring to pedophiles. That's you making that connection, not me.

What's normal in one persons eyes can be totally different to another. I am not dropping my standards as you claim. I am moving forward with the times and acknowledging that. Just because I don't follow your narrow band of thinking doesn't make it right or wrong. It's just your perceived idea of how the world should be, but times have moved on.

"What you're saying is that certain people that were once called degenerates are now normal in your eyes" - YES
Yeah, like calling someone Fat! America has an obesity problem, it's a major health issue and medically well documented, what's the solution? The fatties form a body positivity movement and universities declare "Body Shaming" is a crime. So children grow up thinking it's fine to over eat on sugary garbage foods. What you're saying is that certain people that were once called degenerates are now normal in your eyes, soon you'll be saying that about pedophiles. It doesn't surprise me reading all this though, even the current President can't keep his hands off little children.
Drop your own standards if you choose - but trying to drag people down to your level isn't cool.

You have lost whatever was left of your mind. You’re not even close to knowing what you’re talking about, not even close.
So now you're "fat" shaming people. Wow man, where do you get of thinking you're so high and mighty.

"What you're saying is that certain people that were once called degenerates are now normal in your eyes" - YES
High and mighty? Everyone thought like me 50 years ago, where do you think over eaters anonymous came from, the US of course. A small minority of people have insisted these aberrations are normal and you throw common sense to the wind and agree so as to not hurt their feelings. That's cowardly in my book.
Not cowardly in the least. Cowardly is being scared of how the world is moving on and ignoring it by being stuck in a time… how’d you put it…. Oh, that’s right, 50 years ago.

Not my city.
We are who we choose to be.

In comparison to the lesbian, gay crowd, if you are a dog lover but you avoid cats, that is your choice. No one should judge you for that.
We are also who we are from life experiences and circumstances that have formed our way of thought.

I was raised by the original "Archie Bunker" type of father who had very little time for ethnic groups and special groups of people but I rose above that and accepted people for who they are and didn't judge them....I had several gay people work for me and I treated the same as anyone else.

What I don't accept is the groups who force their ideology upon others such as the alphabet group who insist on placing their lifestyle firmly in public view for all to see to either accept or be labelled. This may have been necessary a few years ago before they had any they have the same rights so it is time for their lifestyle to be taken out of the public eye and back where it the privacy of their own homes the same as everyone else.

The more groups try to be "special" and unique the more division they create in the process, if they blend into society, nobody would know or care that they live this lifestyle, we have a couple in my neighborhood and unless you know them and they tell you, you'd never know they live this lifestyle......that's how it's supposed to be. It's the same as I don't hang military flags outside my home or wear around military paraphernalia....if someone didn't know me, they'd have no clue I was ex-military.
We have something in common, when it comes to fathers.

My view about the whole gay/lesbian situation is very simple.

If a man is sexually attracted to another man, that is the way his brain is wired. There is nothing we can do about that, it won’t change. Does it make him a bad person? Absolutely not.

Personally, the thought of a Tailgunner repulses me. I can’t help it, it is the way my brain is wired. There is nothing we can do about that. Does that make me a bad person? Absolutely not.

While civility means we have to learn to live together as a society, I agree with you. There is no need to publicly advertise or celebrate our sexual preferences. That is simply bad character.