The issues of the world......

You have lost whatever was left of your mind. You’re not even close to knowing what you’re talking about, not even close.
You're just putting people down because you don't like their views. That's intolerance! The very thing you accuse me of.
You're just putting people down because you don't like their views. That's intolerance! The very thing you accuse me of.
Spoken like someone that hasn’t used racist slurs and comments, which you have.
Pretty rich for you to talk about intolerance.
I was talking to a neighbor this morning who was wearing his hat backwards and complaining that he should have brought his sunglasses...

I told him to turn his hat around and let the brim do it's job.......

He did, smiled and said "you old guys are wise"

I said "I won't say what you young guys are though"

We had a good laugh which is never a bad thing....
I was talking to a neighbor this morning who was wearing his hat backwards and complaining that he should have brought his sunglasses...

I told him to turn his hat around and let the brim do it's job.......

He did, smiled and said "you old guys are wise"

I said "I won't say what you young guys are though"

We had a good laugh which is never a bad thing....

I think I saw him at a ball game….

On the issues of the world thread.

Currently visiting my old country South Africa, approximately 20 hours flying to get here.

I could live here, in certain aspects they are actually ahead of us in the USA. One has to appreciate the fact though that the standard of living in the US is far better.

One thing to note, is that there is no threat whatsoever of terrorism. Reason being that the ANC use to be active in terrorism, but now they rule the country, so there are no more terrorist.

Crime rate is pretty high though.

However, compared to the mass store robberies we see in the US, won’t happen here.

It is not tolerated, below is a typical security officer, placed strategically all over. There is no hesitation to use that automatic weapon. No body cameras, these guys are authorized to use their discretion.

On the issues of the world thread.

Currently visiting my old country South Africa, approximately 20 hours flying to get here.

I could live here, in certain aspects they are actually ahead of us in the USA. One has to appreciate the fact though that the standard of living in the US is far better.

One thing to note, is that there is no threat whatsoever of terrorism. Reason being that the ANC use to be active in terrorism, but now they rule the country, so there are no more terrorist.

Crime rate is pretty high though.

However, compared to the mass store robberies we see in the US, won’t happen here.

It is not tolerated, below is a typical security officer, placed strategically all over. There is no hesitation to use that automatic weapon. No body cameras, these guys are authorized to use their discretion.

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That's a "mall cop" he's no "Paul Blart" that's for sure.....

One would think he'd have better visual identifiers on in case something happened so the responding police could easily pick him out to support him.
That's a "mall cop" he's no "Paul Blart" that's for sure.....

One would think he'd have better visual identifiers on in case something happened so the responding police could easily pick him out to support him.
The police force here are not well trained, corrupt and pretty ineffective.

Traffick and law enforcement two totally different departments.

All wealthier residential areas, sadly are gated, with razor wire around the perimeter and armed security.
The police force here are not well trained, corrupt and pretty ineffective.

Traffick and law enforcement two totally different departments.

All wealthier residential areas, sadly are gated, with razor wire around the perimeter and armed security.
There's a young fellow that works for the lawn care company that does our lawn who was from S.A.

He said he is very happy to be away from time when there he rode his bicycle to the store and when he got off to park it, someone came over, pushed him down and took it.....the cops were called and they acted like it was no big deal.

His aunt lived here so his mom (single lady) decided to move here after someone was trying to break down their front door and when they called the police they were put on hold......and never did see a cop.....they person trying to break in was run off by a neighbor.
There's a young fellow that works for the lawn care company that does our lawn who was from S.A.

He said he is very happy to be away from time when there he rode his bicycle to the store and when he got off to park it, someone came over, pushed him down and took it.....the cops were called and they acted like it was no big deal.

His aunt lived here so his mom (single lady) decided to move here after someone was trying to break down their front door and when they called the police they were put on hold......and never did see a cop.....they person trying to break in was run off by a neighbor.

Once again, our awful western society isn't so bad.
I never needed to go to the places that you've been to understand that...but it's hard to belive that so many don't.
There's a young fellow that works for the lawn care company that does our lawn who was from S.A.

He said he is very happy to be away from time when there he rode his bicycle to the store and when he got off to park it, someone came over, pushed him down and took it.....the cops were called and they acted like it was no big deal.

His aunt lived here so his mom (single lady) decided to move here after someone was trying to break down their front door and when they called the police they were put on hold......and never did see a cop.....they person trying to break in was run off by a neighbor.
I had the same experience years ago. Scared the crap out of him with a little 0.25 pistol, early in the morning, still a bit dark, spewing blue flames out of the tiny barrel. I did not want to hurt him, just scared the crap out of him and he ran away like a scared rabbit.

Next morning my mind playd games with me, I thought he would be there with an AK47, me with my tiny little pistol, and say, “can you remember yesterday’s meeting?” Never heard about it again though.
…”in certain aspects they are actually ahead of us in the USA.”

No one here writes a check. Does not exist. Everything is done electronically.

Credit card transactions everywhere is done with a remote, next to you, so you can see the transaction processing.

Many places don’t accept cash, only plastic.

Most of the nicer restaurants don’t have menus. You scan a bar code with your phone. We get that in the US also, but almost everywhere here.

Hotel Wi-Fi password is your room number. Don’t know how they do it, but if you enter the room number next to yours, it won’t connect.

All speed checks by camera. If they clock you with radar in a moving vehicle, case will not hold in court.

Hotels are extremely luxurious. $65 a night here will give something whic is hard to find in the US. If you do, it will be North of $800 a night.

All Beef is grass fed.

Frozen seafood is not generally accepted, has to be fresh.

A house Maid will cost you $12 for a full day. A yard guy about the same.

The bad part:

You can find the best of first world some place and the worst of third world 10 miles down the road. Corrugated shanties, no running water or electricity.

In the big cities, everyone has high walls with razor wire around their properties and bars on the windows. Towards the Western Cape though, there are areas which are comparable to the US in safety and security.
Was out at the store getting something and while in the check out there was an obvious beta male in front of me being ram-rodded around by his woman. She was clearly in charge and made no qualms of letting everyone within earshot know this....I looked at the guy behind me who was another old grumpy looking guy wearing a tee shirt that read "caution, old guy-stupid questions may result in cursing" I looked at his shirt and smiled and he looked at mine and smiled because I was wearing a "get off my grass" shirt....

Once the train wreck of a couple got done and left I came up to the cashier who was a young lady, all the while the guy behind me and I were jokingly hacking on all kinds of things including how we wouldn't let our wives act like that in public....

The young lady said our generation knew how to act and how to work together unlike her generation and how she was born int he wrong generation....

I said the same thing, I was born in the wrong generation too.....missed out on the golden years of living and am now stuck with all these whiny victims of these younger generations....

The other guy and I went out into the parking lot to our pick up trucks and as we waited for a Tesla to pass, he said he'd rather push his truck than drive one of those toasters.....I agreed, we laughed and off we went....

Getting old has it's perks.
Was out at the store getting something and while in the check out there was an obvious beta male in front of me being ram-rodded around by his woman.
Sometimes a paradyne can be misleading. In my experience sometimes it's just a guy that has screwed up and is enduring the consequences. We've all seen it the other way, with the male inflicting the attitude as well. Either way, I tend to think it shouldn't happen in public.
Sometimes a paradyne can be misleading. In my experience sometimes it's just a guy that has screwed up and is enduring the consequences. We've all seen it the other way, with the male inflicting the attitude as well. Either way, I tend to think it shouldn't happen in public.
Not the first such incident I've seen....the coddling we did to our kids has led to this being common place....

Kids of this generation are coddled more than ever, I shudder to think of them as adults.
There seems to be an entire generation of beta males...I'm surrounded by them in my neighborhood.......and I see lots of them when I'm out....

A couple doors over a lady bought a new F150 and her husband isn't allowed to drive it, he's good enough to wash it but she will go out and check it over when he's done....she gave him her old SUV and said that it's good enough for him.....even when they are in the truck together, she drives.

In contrast, I drive when my wife is with me.....even in her SUV.....I offer her the opportunity to drive and even walk to the passenger side and she insists that I drive stating she is old school and that's how it's supposed to be......and my wife is a professional woman so not meek and weak.....
I've dropped my truck off for service and she comes to pick me up and gets out of her driver's seat and into the passenger seat when she arrives.

I do get a chuckle out of the generational thinking when it comes to women....the younger ones want to wear the pants in the relationship yet still want to be treated like a golden aged lady where we hold doors open for them, give up seats on public transportation, push in their seats, etc....
There seems to be an entire generation of beta males...I'm surrounded by them in my neighborhood.......and I see lots of them when I'm out....

A couple doors over a lady bought a new F150 and her husband isn't allowed to drive it, he's good enough to wash it but she will go out and check it over when he's done....she gave him her old SUV and said that it's good enough for him.....even when they are in the truck together, she drives.

In contrast, I drive when my wife is with me.....even in her SUV.....I offer her the opportunity to drive and even walk to the passenger side and she insists that I drive stating she is old school and that's how it's supposed to be......and my wife is a professional woman so not meek and weak.....
I've dropped my truck off for service and she comes to pick me up and gets out of her driver's seat and into the passenger seat when she arrives.

I do get a chuckle out of the generational thinking when it comes to women....the younger ones want to wear the pants in the relationship yet still want to be treated like a golden aged lady where we hold doors open for them, give up seats on public transportation, push in their seats, etc....
Hi. I have seen kid get into the car with mon and then they drive 20 ft to the curb and sit till the bis comes.