The issues of the world......

I am fortunate to still know and see alot of Men where I live...but this yoinger generation, lmao, it's pathetic.
There is a huge and ever growing number of Adult Age Males...that are a far stretch from the title of Man.
Lots of them do that here...then sit and idle their vehicles for sometimes up to a half hour.

The neighbor beside me had the school bus stop moved 20 meters because she didn't want her kids to have to walk too far to catch their bus....

When she explained it to me a while back, I laughed at that...she was puzzled why I laughed and I told her when I was their age, I walked the length of our driveway to catch my bus....and my drive way was almost a mile long and it didn't matter what the weather was.
I am fortunate to still know and see alot of Men where I live...but this yoinger generation, lmao, it's pathetic.
There is a huge and ever growing number of Adult Age Males...that are a far stretch from the title of Man.
I understand your way of thinking. I’m more of a yin and yang type, where people complement each other without the societal expectations based on gender.
Pretty sure you want to puke lol
In contrast, I drive when my wife is with me.....even in her SUV.....I offer her the opportunity to drive and even walk to the passenger side and she insists that I drive stating she is old school and that's how it's supposed to be......
I wouldn't step in a car driven by a woman, oh they can drive alright, safer than men in many respects, but when the SHTF and a crises is upon them they typically freak-out and start screaming. I've seen too many vids of it and seen a bit of it in real life, they freeze up. Most just don't take driving seriously enough I think that's the problem. What really gets under my skin is all the women and girly-boys out there that refuse to overtake slow cars on dual carriage ways, one lane in either direction. They all just pile up and do 75km/h in a 100 zone.

On the bike it's a simple matter to get around these rabbits but in the car you sometimes have to employ some special skills, like hanging back and then speeding up just before an coming car passes, then darting out to overtake a number of them. It can get hairy but with practice you learn the limits, how to allow enough room to hit the picks and get back behind the traffic if someone does something silly. I couldn't give a $hit what those people think about it, to me it's good driving practice, honing the skill set. Many years ago I was nearing the top of a steep hill, two lanes in each direction. I was in the middle with a car on the outside when over the crest came a car in my lane, heading straight for me. I keep aware of what's around me etc and knew there was only one way out, I instantly swerved over into the oncoming lane, where they should have been, let them pass between me and the other car and then darted back into my lane. I didn't swear from memory, I would have laughed, it's just a crazy game.

I doubt 1:1000 drivers could have pulled it off and the only reason I could is my youth and the simple fact that I drove like that all the time anyway :laugh: I always drive like I'm on a racetrack, it's just my nature, but I don't ride that way, I'm actually quite cautious on two wheels. Nasty accidents will do that for you hey.
I wouldn't step in a car driven by a woman, oh they can drive alright, safer than men in many respects, but when the SHTF and a crises is upon them they typically freak-out and start screaming. I've seen too many vids of it and seen a bit of it in real life, they freeze up. Most just don't take driving seriously enough I think that's the problem. What really gets under my skin is all the women and girly-boys out there that refuse to overtake slow cars on dual carriage ways, one lane in either direction. They all just pile up and do 75km/h in a 100 zone.

On the bike it's a simple matter to get around these rabbits but in the car you sometimes have to employ some special skills, like hanging back and then speeding up just before an coming car passes, then darting out to overtake a number of them. It can get hairy but with practice you learn the limits, how to allow enough room to hit the picks and get back behind the traffic if someone does something silly. I couldn't give a $hit what those people think about it, to me it's good driving practice, honing the skill set. Many years ago I was nearing the top of a steep hill, two lanes in each direction. I was in the middle with a car on the outside when over the crest came a car in my lane, heading straight for me. I keep aware of what's around me etc and knew there was only one way out, I instantly swerved over into the oncoming lane, where they should have been, let them pass between me and the other car and then darted back into my lane. I didn't swear from memory, I would have laughed, it's just a crazy game.

I doubt 1:1000 drivers could have pulled it off and the only reason I could is my youth and the simple fact that I drove like that all the time anyway :laugh: I always drive like I'm on a racetrack, it's just my nature, but I don't ride that way, I'm actually quite cautious on two wheels. Nasty accidents will do that for you hey.
My wife is a very good driver and I'd trust her with my life and I would wager she could outdrive most men.

However, she's old school and believes a man drives.....

That's why she's my wife and has been for 33 years.
My wife is a very good driver and I'd trust her with my life and I would wager she could outdrive most men.
My mother didn't begin driving until she was 45. She was a terribly nervous driver and sitting beside her was often beyond frustrating! One day we were at a T-junction on a major road and she waited till a car passed then saw another, like a mile away up the road. she scope-locked on it and was going to wait till came down and passed by too. I'd had enough! "Mum! Just Go!" Oh, she pulled out and turned across the empty road and continued on. After that I took her on what I called the Offensive Driving course, I made her push her limits a bit, always keeping a hand ready to grab the wheel if she lost the plot. She never did and her driving improved dramatically. After she reached a level concomitant with the average out there I let off. She was a safe driver now, someone who was beginning to know their limitations and that of the car.

I believe that if you push it every now and then, when it's safe to do so, you'll have better responses when you really need them. Once I took the wheel of a GF's new car and driving down the wet road at about 40km/h I said hang on a sec, I just want to find out where the brakes will lock. Having warned her I jammed them down till the car went into a momentary skid then let off (pre-abs) Well she freaked out! What the hell was I doing ??? I tried to explain that it would allow me to know how far I needed to hang back in the wet and how the car would respond if I did need to slam the brakes on. Would one wheel lock up, etc etc. Her little brain just couldn't get it, "You don't go looking for accidents" was her reply from memory.

She had more bingels than anyone I knew and then she decided to take up riding! I tried to dissuade her but no! She'd ridden trail bikes as a kid and you never forget. She was 45yo and proceeded to write-off 3 nice little 250 motorcycles. It's a miracle she didn't get badly injured. I had tried to teach her a few basics but she though they were BS. When you approach a corner lay down on on the tank I said. It will give you a lower center of gravity and instill confidence. "I DON'T WANT TO GO FAST!!"

My mother didn't begin driving until she was 45. She was a terribly nervous driver and sitting beside her was often beyond frustrating! One day we were at a T-junction on a major road and she waited till a car passed then saw another, like a mile away up the road. she scope-locked on it and was going to wait till came down and passed by too. I'd had enough! "Mum! Just Go!" Oh, she pulled out and turned across the empty road and continued on. After that I took her on what I called the Offensive Driving course, I made her push her limits a bit, always keeping a hand ready to grab the wheel if she lost the plot. She never did and her driving improved dramatically. After she reached a level concomitant with the average out there I let off. She was a safe driver now, someone who was beginning to know their limitations and that of the car.

I believe that if you push it every now and then, when it's safe to do so, you'll have better responses when you really need them. Once I took the wheel of a GF's new car and driving down the wet road at about 40km/h I said hang on a sec, I just want to find out where the brakes will lock. Having warned her I jammed them down till the car went into a momentary skid then let off (pre-abs) Well she freaked out! What the hell was I doing ??? I tried to explain that it would allow me to know how far I needed to hang back in the wet and how the car would respond if I did need to slam the brakes on. Would one wheel lock up, etc etc. Her little brain just couldn't get it, "You don't go looking for accidents" was her reply from memory.

She had more bingels than anyone I knew and then she decided to take up riding! I tried to dissuade her but no! She'd ridden trail bikes as a kid and you never forget. She was 45yo and proceeded to write-off 3 nice little 250 motorcycles. It's a miracle she didn't get badly injured. I had tried to teach her a few basics but she though they were BS. When you approach a corner lay down on on the tank I said. It will give you a lower center of gravity and instill confidence. "I DON'T WANT TO GO FAST!!"

My mother always had a muscle car, and she could drive dad was a great driver as well but even he said if he was on a race track against my mother, he wouldn't bet on who would win as she could really drive and she wasn't scared to drive.

My wife is kind of like that, she can drive and isn't scared to her mother on the other hand has no business being behind the wheel.

My wife drives a Ford Edge ST and she likes the power.....a little too much sometimes I think.....
I just did a real quick trip to the local evil store called Walmart.....

While there everyone looked so glum, I was whistling going down an aisle and a very pretty Latino lady who works there said if her ex husband whistled once in a while, he might not have been her ex as he was the most depressing man to be around. I said if she was my lady, she'd have to give me a reason to whistle then she gave me a knowingly sideways smile.....

The sad part is I was referring to the fact that she might be the number one reason he wasn't whistling but it went over her head....

I left it at that.
I was watching the weather channel this morning regarding an intense rain storm that hit our largest city of Toronto yesterday.....

People were moaning and dripping about how there were floods everywhere and roads were washed out, etc, etc...

Years and years ago when I was working in a HQ in Toronto, there was a team of scientists that did a water shed study and they stated man has altered the landscape and disrupted the natural water shed that in the coming years floods will be the norm as water has no place to go anymore.

What was naturally soaking up and diverting large amounts of ground water are all covered in buildings, pavement and concrete.

Then there were the natural flood plains that people were allowed to build in.....these flood plains are hundreds of thousands of years old but modern man knows better than nature....

Stupid is what stupid does I guess....
I went to the evil place called Walmart this morning on a wife induced errand and I noted a couple things while there.

People sure do look unhappy there so I decided to do an experiment where I said good morning to was startling to see how many people either didn't acknowledge me or looked and kept on walking......

Then I saw a worker there with a service dog...I wondered just how much work can her employers expect to get out of her with a dog on a leash in tow everywhere....the customer she was assisting was very evidently put off by the dog and told the lady several times could you please move your dog away as I'm highly allergic to them....and of course there is only so much room for a big dog to go where they were....
I was reading this morning that a city in Quebec is starting to use AI to peer into people's backyards to see if they have any illegal structures, trees or swimming pools without fences or permits....this way they know exactly where to send the inspectors.

Some HOAs have asked to be able to tap into this as well so they can monitor infractions against their policies...

I certainly don't know who would want to live in an HOA controlled area...
I was reading this morning that a city in Quebec is starting to use AI to peer into people's backyards to see if they have any illegal structures, trees or swimming pools without fences or permits....this way they know exactly where to send the inspectors.

Some HOAs have asked to be able to tap into this as well so they can monitor infractions against their policies...

I certainly don't know who would want to live in an HOA controlled area...
I wondered when this would start. Probably already being used elsewhere.
The two neighbors across from me are having a competition to see who can put the most back onto their mortgage, New shed, deck off the side of the house, huge freestanding carport, new fences, new driveway, when the other was just fine. Complete rebuild inside with walls knocked out and a bathroom built with a wall length mirror and two basins, a frigging chandelier! A powder room, huge lounge, polished floors. All new furniture of course. And that's just the little timber 3 bed house. It still has a rusty tin roof dented from a hail storm and is sitting on low wooden stumps, half of them rotted, half replaced with steel. The woman owns it, he just does half the work and chips in out of his Super (private pension) though he's not retired yet.

I won't go into the upgrades on the other house, which are more extensive. To me, a rational guy, it's just astonishing to see all this. They have watched so many episodes of "location location location" and all the other TV shows on home improvement they have become donkeys for the building industry. Just the council fees to build a deck are over $2000! We're talking $300,000+ on the little house, a shitty little dog-box as we call them down here. You could have removed or demolished it and built a two story brick for what they have spent. It's really astounding, mind boggling! I have seen this before many times too, many many times in fact. Always women, they just don't think logically, to them it's a dolls house and they want to priss it up and the banks are happy to see them go into debt as long as the market is rising. The little doll's homes I have watched being transformed are everywhere. A woman once said just that to me, "It's my little doll's house" That's where I got the term from.

And here's the thing, she's 64 and him 67! Average jobs, no savings, just a theoretical retirement fund held in the volatile stock market. Back in the GFC (2008) I watched retired people go back to work because the returns on their pensions fell below the amount needed to live. Half this country is living in a dream. I don't have much to do with those neighbors, I don't want to be in tight when the wheels fall off because I have seen the other side of that too. "It's just to tide us over until he gets a new job, we'll pay you back, we'll put it in writing." "We'll lose the house if we can't make these payments" *tears* *tears* *tears and sobs*

This is the beauty of Bikes and full face helmets. I pull out of the drive and turn up the street and if I see them simply nod. If I was in the car I'd be duty bound to stop and hear all about the latest additions but no one expects a motorcyclist to stop. :laugh:
Down here it's common knowledge that the government is going to abolish cash, and people have begun using it more to try and prevent that but it won't. 3/4 of bank branches have vanished, 3/4 of ATM machines gone. Cheques were abolished just recently so the only way to pay is electronically or cash. Well meaning people (country people, because they think about these issues) have said to me that the people will push back, but with everyone so in debt how can they? All it will take is a massive market crash and everyone fearful of losing their homes and the government and banks can step in and promise a moratorium or some such on their debts if they will agree to it. It would pass easily in a referendum if it even came to that.

Oh and I would expect a banking crisis at the same time, wipe out a lot of the savings and push that back onto the taxpayer with the Federal bank deposit guarantee. Next year perhaps....

The good old French had to use the Olympics to make a social statement about inclusivity so they got a bunch of perverts to reenact the Last Supper. Millions were offended, and rightly so. Their response? Sorry, we didn't mean to offend anybody.

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The good old French had to use the Olympics to make a social statement about inclusivity so they got a bunch of perverts to reenact the Last Supper. Millions were offended, and rightly so. Their response? Sorry, we didn't mean to offend anybody.

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I was JUST about to post this as well....

I stopped watching the Olympics when I saw this......

Completely disgusting and inappropriate in every level.....
Completely disgusting and inappropriate in every level.....
It was only a small part of the ceremony, but a little leaven leavens the whole lump. A great many French were disgusted by it too of course, toxic propaganda into the minds of our children, trying to persuade them that this sort of behavior is normal, acceptable. Well it isn't! Thankfully it's getting a lot of pushback across the globe. Decent people who believe in heterosexual marriage and all the other normal behavior of our culture are finally calling it out.
It was only a small part of the ceremony, but a little leaven leavens the whole lump. A great many French were disgusted by it too of course, toxic propaganda into the minds of our children, trying to persuade them that this sort of behavior is normal, acceptable. Well it isn't! Thankfully it's getting a lot of pushback across the globe. Decent people who believe in heterosexual marriage and all the other normal behavior of our culture are finally calling it out.
You generally describe homosexuals as perverts and indecents, after several blatantly racist comments. Where does it stop with you?
You are as indecent a member of this forum as I’ve seen in 20 years as a member.